Alpha Predator

Chapter 126: 126

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


After a period of leave, when Shen Dai returned to the institute, his colleagues seemed to have taken it easy on him. Although Shen Dai has a funeral leave, everyone can guess that his ‘disappearance’ during this period is related to the rumor about Qu Chengchen. But the name ‘Qu Chengchen’ has now become a forbidden language in the company. No one is not allowed to mention it.

Shen Dai has developed a stronger ability to face them and naturally returned to work like nothing had happened. His SCI has been revised many times according to Professor Liu Xi’s opinion and it was finally approved two days ago. He wanted to discuss with Cheng Zimei regarding which journal to submit it to. Cheng Zimei has a friend who works for a well-known academic journal in the industry in Boston and can help him to analyze the preferences of several reviewers.

As soon as he thought of submitting a manuscript, Shen Dai felt both emotional and apprehensive. If this SCI was successfully published, he would have met all the conditions for the application. The rare earth major of HKUST ranks first in China and the requirements for applying for a doctorate are very strict. He gave himself a career plan to receive a doctorate before the age of 30. Although he is not yet 30 years old, it is too far behind in the progress. However, after so many things that have happened in the past two years, he still has Qiuqiu, and he is very fortunate that he can insist on completing the thesis and bring his career back to the right track step by step.

Cheng Zimei took Shen Dai to meet her friend through a video conference. Her SCI was also finishing and the three of them had a lot of information to exchange.

After the meeting, it was just time for lunch break. Cheng Zimei yawned twice repeatedly: “Let’s go to eat. Our cafeteria is high-end now and many colleagues from the headquarters also like to come over to eat here. Let’s go earlier to get all the super delicious ones. It ‘s time to grab all the taro pork meat.”

“Is it really so delicious? I heard you talk about it twice today.”

“Really delicious! The new chef hired by the crown prince out of nowhere is better than the chefs of many popular restaurants around now. It’s delicious.” Cheng Zimei held Shen Dai’s arm and shook it, making an exaggerated flattering expression, “It’s all because of you. You, being rich and noble. Let’s help each other.”

Shen Dai smiled helplessly.

The two of them had just walked to the door of the cafeteria when Shen Dai’s cell phone rang. It was Cheng Ruoze who called.

Shen Dai knew that Cheng Ruoze’s call must be related to Qu Moyu. He hesitated for a while, but still answered: “Hello, Assistant Cheng?”

“Shen Gong, have you eaten? Mr. Qu has something to ask from you. He asked me to come…”

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“I have eaten.” Shen Dai lied quickly.

“Um…” Cheng Ruoze’s voice sounded a little embarrassed.

Cheng Zimei bumped Shen Dai lightly using her elbow and motioned him to look at the door.

Cheng Ruoze was holding his mobile phone and he had obviously just stepped into the door of the research institute. Although they were not that close, they could see each other clearly.

Shen Dai hung up the phone and sighed softly, “Zimei, you can go and eat by yourself.”


“Mr. Qu said that he was very uncomfortable and wanted to see you. So he asked me to come pick you up.” Cheng Ruoze coughed lightly and glanced sideways. 

Shen Dai also glanced in the other direction. “Why is he uncomfortable?”

“I don’t know. He just said he wanted to see you.” Cheng Ruoze added, “In his office.”

Shen Dai watched the numbers on the elevator changing rapidly and remembered the first time he took this elevator to see Qu Moyu. Cheng Ruoze picked him up in his private elevator. He also didn’t know the purpose of the trip. The scene from that time seemed to be reappearing. Thinking of what happened in the middle of it all, Shen Dai could only sighed in his heart.

Cheng Ruoze also thought of the same thing. He smiled and said, “Shen Gong, do you remember? The first time you and Mr. Qu met, I also took you up in this elevator.”

“Yes.” Shen Dai thought as he said silently in his heart that that was not the actual first time they met. But as early as five years ago, when Qu Moyu gave him a temporary mark in the laboratory, Cheng Ruoze had not even graduated yet.

“I was surprised the first time I saw you. You are a senior researcher and you are tall. You really don’t look like an omega at first glance.” Cheng Ruoze smiled, “Your temperament is very unique.” He couldn’t help thinking of that time. After a brief rush, if he didn’t know right away that this omega was going to marry his boss, he would most likely pursue him himself. In fact, he had always had a hunch that this omega would leave something in the heart of his highly disciplined, rational and ruthless boss. But he never thought that this omega would completely turn everything upside down.

“Thank you.” Shen Dai sighed, “It has been two years.”

Looking at the heavy ebony door opening in front of him again, the nervousness and timidity he felt when he met Qu Moyu back then was gone. He suddenly realized that he was not so afraid of Qu Moyu anymore. In fact, an omega’s fear of an alpha, especially towards an S-class alpha, is not an emotion that can be overcome by self-regulation alone. It is like how a person is afraid of mice, when in fact, humans are much stronger than mice. This kind of fear is a psychological suggestion. But an alpha is indeed stronger than an omega. And there is also the influence of pheromone, which is a weapon that can control people’s physiological reactions. So this kind of fear is the double pressure on the body and mind. He can’t resist it.

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But now it’s different. Qu Moyu is using actions to dispel the fear in his heart.

Qu Moyu was lying on his back on the sofa. His long legs were dropping down from the sofa and the muscle lines of his thighs under the tight suit pants were faintly visible. He covered his forehead with one hand, looking uncomfortable.

“Mr. Qu.” Cheng Ruoze called softly.

Qu Moyu turned and saw Shen Dai. So he stretched out his hand to him and whispered, “Ah Dai.”

“What’s wrong with you?” Shen Dai walked over.

“I had a meeting in the morning. I was so angry that I had a headache and no strength at all.” Qu Moyu’s face turned pale. He grabbed Shen Dai’s hand and squinted at Cheng Ruoze, “You go out.”

Cheng Ruoze slipped out wisely.

“What happened?” Shen Dai saw that Qu Moyu was indeed lethargic and thought that he couldn’t be pretending.

“There are a lot of messes. They are mainly because of Qu Chengchen.” Qu Moyu sighed, “After my glands were injured, I often felt weak and I lost weight. The doctor said that all my current discomforts are due to lack of pheromones.”

“Then why don’t you go back and rest?”

“I can’t. I have a lot of things to do in the afternoon.” Qu Moyu blinked and looked at Shen Dai, “Ah Dai, can you help me?” 

“… How can I help you?”

“You sit down first.” Qu Moyu pointed to the wool carpet at his feet.

Shen Dai sat down.

“Come closer.”

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“Come closer.”

Shen Dai moved towards his direction.

Qu Moyu put his fingers through Shen Dai’s fingers. He then interlocked them. He turned his head to look at Shen Dai, his eyes and tone were gentle: “Ah Dai, the doctor said that only you can stimulate my glands. Help me recover. Otherwise, my body will get worse and worse. I’ve almost never felt tired before.”

Shen Dai pursed his lips: “How do you want me to ‘stimulate’ it?” He thought that if he was going to hear excessive demands from him, he was going to get up and leave. It’s not that he doesn’t want to help Qu Moyu. He did hope that Qu Moyu could recover. But he always has some doubts whether Qu Moyu is trying to trick him.

“Just release a little pheromone to me.” Qu Moyu stared at Shen Dai intently. His eyes full of affection and anticipation, “I miss your scent so much.”

Qu Moyu, a person with a superb appearance, using such a look at him, it was difficult for anyone to remain calm. Shen Dai felt a tremor at the tip of his heart. The hands that were interlocked were shaking suddenly. He felt numb like an electric shock. This is not an excessive request at all. He just wants him to release a little pheromone…

Shen Dai nodded: “Okay.”

Qu Moyu immediately showed joy on his face. He took Shen Dai’s hand and turned the person towards him again. He was pulling him to his side. Shen Dai’s shoulders were already pressed against the sofa and he entered the distance where he could be hugged and kissed at any moment.

Shen Dai released a soothing pheromone to Qu Moyu and he said softly, “You can close your eyes and relax yourself.”

“But I want to look at you.” Qu Moyu showed a very sweet smile, ” Seeing you by my side is when I am most relaxed.”

Shen Dai suddenly felt his face heat up.

Qu Moyu quietly stretched out his other hand and quickly tore off Shen Dai’s pheromone sticker.

Shen Dai was stunned for a moment.

Before Shen Dai could protest, Qu Moyu had already turned on his side. He put one arm around Shen Dai’s shoulder and buried his face in the crevice of his neck. The tip of his nose is touched against the gland that exuded a seductive, short-lived fragrance. He took a breath of his scent and the look of drunkenness immediately appeared in his eyes.

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Shen Dai gritted his teeth, knowing that Qu Moyu would definitely take advantage. But there was nothing he could do.

“You smell so good. My baby smells so good.” Qu Moyu whispered softly, “Such a good smelling pheromone should be mixed with mine so that others can’t smell it.”

“Are you okay?” Shen Dai could feel like he was being tricked again.

“No. I’m not okay. How can I be okay without you?” Qu Moyu said with a bit of grievance in his voice. He seemed to be out of strength suddenly and slipped off the sofa to the ground. He fell on Shen Dai and pressed him on the carpet.

Shen Dai couldn’t push the body that was so heavy and was deliberately pressing on him: “Qu Moyu, don’t take advantage!”

“But I need your pheromones.” His nose was wandering around Shen Dai’s neck, seemingly sniffing. But in fact, he secretly kissed a few places several times, “I need you.”


Qu Moyu kissed Shen Dai’s lips.

At first, he was sucking his lower lip and biting lightly. But then he was pressing the warm and moist lip flesh and crushing it heavily. He finally used the tip of his tongue to break through his teeth, driving straight in to hook the small tongue. Qu Moyu tasted the taste of these two pieces of soft meat, ravaging it back and forth between his lips and teeth. He swept his mouth to exchange each other’s breath. It was the roughest movements that collided between the softest organs. It was also full of private invasion of the body. The fusion of their equally hot breath became intensified and emotional. This aggressive kiss seems to be another form of sex. Qu Moyu initially thought that he just wanted to steal a kiss. Just a kiss. But he was about to drag both of them into the tide of debauchery.

These are two hearts that have gone through many hardships but are still throbbing for each other. These are two bodies that once had a ‘marked’ connection. The more their desires for each other are suppressed, the stronger they become.


Next update: 2022.09.29


*Translator’s note: Meanwhile,… my own research paper is not accepted by any academic journal yet. Please wish me luck, guys. I need all the luck I can get. If I can’t publish in Q1 or Q2 journals, I can’t graduate my doctorate as well. Sigh… -K

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