Alpha Predator

Chapter 29

Shen Qin’s expression was sad and pitiful. It was as if he had been greatly wronged: “I know you don’t want to see me. So I… went to your workplace to wait for you and followed you home.”

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Shen Dai was trembling with anger: “Am I not clear enough on the phone? What exactly are you trying to do?”

“Ah Dai, your father just wanted to see his mother. He didn’t want to do anything.” Shen Qin shook his head while rolling his eyes, “How is your grandma? How long will the operation take?”

“You finally think of your mother now? When you did those things, did you ever think about what your elderly parents would rely on to survive in their later years?!” Shen Dai thought that after so many years, when facing this person again, he can be truly indifferent and decisive. But it turns out that his emotions are still surging. This was supposed to be the person he loved the most, but he became the person he hated the most and didn’t want to see in his life. Those who had never experienced it would not understand what kind of tearing pain it was.

“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to get to this point. He said he could make more money.” Shen Qin said sadly, “Ah Dai, I have explained it many times. I know you can’t forgive me. I just want to see your grandma. I’m so worried about her, and I’m worried about you. You are so busy with work now, you definitely don’t have time to take care of your grandma, I think I can…”

“No, grandma’s surgery will be successful. I will take care of her and find a nanny for her. We really don’t need you anymore in our life. You disappeared in the first place, and since you are gone, you shouldn’t appear again now. “

“I couldn’t face you at the time. I wanted to earn some money back and come back to you.” Shen Qin choked, “Ah Dai, after so many years, can you give Dad a chance? Your grandma is old and sick. She really needs someone to take care of her. How can a nanny be more attentive than a family member?”

“Are you worthy of being family member? You…”

“Your grandma misses me.” Shen Qin said with tears, “I called her before. Although she also blamed me, but I know she misses me very much.”

Shen Dai’s lips trembled and he was speechless. How could he not know that his grandmother told him hesitantly that day that her heart must have been shaken. And no matter how much resentment there was, this person was her only son. Especially when she feared that she was almost reaching the end of her life. How could she not want to say goodbye to your children? Had it not been for Shen Dai’s apparent resistance and disgust, this man would have appeared earlier.

Shen Qin pleaded again: “Ah Dai, can you give your dad a chance to atone for his sins? At least at this time, your grandma must be needing me.”

Shen Dai was really unable to pull him away from the front of the operating room door: “You go back first. And when grandma is discharged from the hospital, she will talk to you if she wants to see you.”

“No matter what, I want to see her today. I’ll wait by the side. When she comes out of the operating room, I’ll take a look and leave, okay?” Shen Qin whispered, “I promise not to disturb her. She just passed the anaesthesia. She won’t notice me.”

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Shen Dai only felt exhausted and powerless. He knew that he couldn’t get rid of him. Blood ties were a bond that would never stop in his life. How could he be able to persuade him to quit with just a few words? Besides, no matter what the purpose of Shen Qin’s return was, he was never the kind of person to easily let go. Shen Dai only cares about his grandmother’s condition now so he has no intention to deal with it.

Seeing that Shen Dai had acquiesced, Shen Qin stood across the corridor and kept a short distance from his son. He hesitated several times and asked cautiously, “Is your job going well?”

Shen Dai lowered his head and turned a deaf ear. After a long silence, Shen Qin also gave up.

After a while, Cheng Ruoze came back with a lunch box and two cups of milk tea in his hand.

“Shen Gong, I forgot to ask you what you want to drink. I bought milk tea and water. Adding some sugar can make you feel better…” Cheng Ruoze’s out-of-the-way light glanced at Shen Qin beside him and he was stunned for a moment.

Shen Dai’s stature and face are seven-point similar to Shen Qin’s, but lacking Shen Dai’s heroic spirit and having more of an omega’s softness, slenderness and fairness. He wore a simple beige cotton and linen suit, lining the plain white walls of the hospital. With the texture of the film, although it can be seen that he is old, he is still a rare beauty.

Cheng Ruoze confirmed their father-son relationship at a glance: “Ah, this is…”

Shen Dai interrupted him: “Assistant Cheng, I can drink milk tea.”

“Oh, okay.” Cheng Ruoze put the bag on the chair and asked Shen Dai through gestures of his eyes. He could sense the tension between the two.

Shen Dai whispered: “Don’t ask. Let’s eat.”

“Okay.” Although Cheng Ruoze didn’t know Shen Dai’s background very well, he had also heard some pieces of information from Qu Moyu or lawyer Chen. The illegitimate child had long had some family problems so he naturally had to shut up as an outsider.

Shen Qin felt embarrassed himself. So he stood a little further away.

The operation took nearly five hours and finally ended successfully. The moment his grandmother was pushed out, Shen Dai knew that the operation was a success when he saw the expression on the nurse’s face. He was so excited that his nose was sore and his eyes were wet.

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Cheng Ruoze was so happy that he applauded again and again, congratulating Shen Dai and thanking the doctor, acting like a family member.

Shen Qin also came over, and the moment he saw his mother, he burst into tears. His grandmother was still in the unconscious period due to the anaesthesia.

Shen Dai’s grandmother was pushed into the monitoring ward and everyone had to wait outside.

Shen Dai calmed down, thanked the doctor and nurse, and carefully recorded all the doctor’s requirements for him.

Shen Qin looked through the window for a while, then wiped away his tears and left.

Shen Dai leaned against the back of the chair with all his strength, feeling that the day was too long, so long that something was poking his heart every minute, he looked at Cheng Ruoze gratefully: “Assistant Cheng, really… Thank you. You have been waiting with me in the hospital for a day. You should go home and rest.”

“I’m fine. What about you? Go back and rest. You can’t enter this ICU ward either.”

“Well, the doctor said to observe for three days, and if it’s all right, she will be transferred to the general ward. I want to stay for a while before leaving.” Shen Dai wiped his face, “You can go back first.”

“Do you really not need me to accompany you?”

“No. I’ll be gone after a while. I’ve troubled you for a long time already.”

Cheng Ruoze left a few words of comfort and left the hospital first.

Shen Dai sat and rested for a while. He then got up and leaned over the door, looking at his grandmother lying on the hospital bed through the small window. She was the sustenance of his sense of belonging and his only home.

The phone vibrated twice, Shen Dai took it out and saw that it was a message from Qu Moyu: Xiao Cheng said the operation was a success. Congratulations.

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Shen Dai’s eyes were hot, he wanted to reply, but his fingers were so busy that he always made typos. So he simply sent a voice message saying: “Well, it was very successful. Just a few more days of observation then she can be transferred to the general ward. Mo Yu, thank you.”

Qu Moyu helped him and rescued him time and time again, which is why he still fell for him hopelessly even after discovering so much arrogance and ruthlessness in Qu Moyu’s character.

Soon, Qu Moyu also replied with a voice message: “Are you still in the hospital?”

“I’m still here. I can’t get into the ward, but I want to accompany her for a while.”

“I’m nearby. I’ll go take a look.”

Shen Dai nervously pressed it down before he even finished listening to the last speech. His thumb hovered over the white speech bar, only to hear his heart pounding. He touched it lightly. The deep and pleasant voice of Qu Moyu came again.

He said he wanted to come and see.

Even if it is only because of him being nearby, or he is on the way towards wherever his destination is, or even out on a whim, he is coming to visit Shen Dai’s sick family members. This is a sign of concern, isn’t it?

Shen Dai listened to the speech repeatedly, until he mastered the rhythm and tone of each word, making it endlessly loop in his mind. Only then he could be sure that he heard it right. It is not a dream after a long and tiring day.

In less than a quarter of an hour, Qu Moyu arrived.

Shen Dai stared at Qu Moyu for two seconds, then walked up a few steps and threw himself into his arms. For the first time in her life, Shen Dai wanted to rely on a person so much when he was not in heat and completely sober.

A trace of surprise flashed in Qu Moyu’s eyes, but it was quickly replaced by tenderness. He put one arm around Shen Dai’s waist and stroked the soft hair with the other: “Were you afraid? It’s all right now.”

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“Well, it’s alright now. The doctor said that the effect of the operation was better than expected.” Shen Dai choked up as he spoke, “Grandma will get better soon.”

“That’s great.” Qu Moyu looked at Shen Dai’s reddened eyes, and couldn’t help lowering his head to kiss his thin, warm eyelids, “Then don’t cry.”

“I didn’t cry.” Shen Dai stopped the loss of control of his tears, looked at Qu Moyu solemnly and said, “Thank you for arranging such a good doctor and hospital for me.”

“It should be.” Qu Moyu hooked Shen Dai’s chin with his fingers as if he was teasing a puppy, “You are my person now. If you have any problems, I will solve it for you.”

Shen Dai’s pupils shone brightly, as if the light of Qu Moyu’s halo reflected in his eyes, filling his eyes with this person, and at the same time, the desperate and unattainable despair flooded into his heart again. He finally understood why so many omegas had to fight for the top alpha one after another. He thought he liked Qu Moyu because of the laboratory accident. He thought he himself was different from most omegas and was never willing to be a dependent. In fact, he couldn’t defy his instincts at all, even if he and Qu Moyu had no relationship before, as long as they got close, he would still be tempted, and he longed to have a powerful alpha that only belonged to him.

Perhaps it was this day that his hanging heart was constantly simulating between life and death, which gave him a more transparent understanding of life in the shortest possible time. He can choose to avoid it, suppress it, endure it, pretend that he doesn’t care about it, or pretend that he has done a complete psychological construction over it. But he can’t bear the thought that in the end, they will have no future together.

If he knew that he couldn’t bear it, then he should not bear it. If he can’t complete a scientific exploration after spending his whole life, will he stop moving forward? If he didn’t do anything, no future between them will be the only result.

But if he takes action, there may be other possibilities.

He wants Qu Moyu to become his alpha. And to achieve this goal, he needs to take action.


Next update: 2022.04.27


*Translator’s note: Shen Qin deserves to be slapped with my sandals. I understand what Shen Dai felt. I also have a trash family member like this. It will leave us feeling completely conflicted. Poor our baby Sundae… -K

*P/S: Don’t forget the nicknames given to them among Weibo’s fans,  圣代 (sheng dai)= Sundae, 墨鱼 (moyu)= cuttlefish/squid. I will use the same nickname as well lol

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