Alpha Predator

Chapter 51: 51

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


​​Shen Dai spent several difficult days at Qu’s house. After rejecting the teacher’s and Cheng Zimei’s requests to visit the sick twice, they all felt that something was up with him.

One day, Professor Liu Xi called Shen Dai. Shen Dai felt guilty when he saw the number on his phone. He didn’t want to lie to the teacher at all, but he didn’t dare to tell the truth either.

“Ah Dai, are you feeling better? Zhou Lan said that you asked him for a new set of data collection today. So you can still work?”

“Well, I’m much better. I can’t go to the research institute these days, so I’m just writing my thesis from home.”

Liu Xi gave a long “Oh” before asking; “What’s the problem with you? Why take such a long leave?”

“It’s just that there are some endocrine problems after the estrus period. I have been dizzy and lack energy. The doctor asked me to rest.”

“What is the specific problem? You can take a photo of the problems from the doctor and give it to me. I will find a friend to help you.”

“It’s complicated…”

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Teacher Liu’s tone became a bit stern: “Ah Dai, what happened to you? Are you lying to me?”

Across the phone, Shen Dai felt ashamed, he whispered: “Teacher, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. But I really can’t go to work now.”

“Does it have something to do with Mr. Qu?”

Shen Dai was silent.

“When I was in South Africa, you told me that Xiao Qu would one day come with you to investigate and asked me to keep it a secret. But you guys didn’t come because of the death of the late Mr. Qu. Not long after I returned to China, I heard some gossip about you, and then you asked for sick leave. I asked the personnel of the institute that you did not submit any case medical certificate at all. It was specially approved by the group.” Liu Xi was explaining some academic theories and clearly put forward his own analysis, “I just casually chatted with Zimei and tricked her. And then I realised that you and Xiao Qu had fallen in love while for other things, she said I should ask you myself.”

Shen Dai felt that the three words “fall in love” were like three loud slaps on the face. They did not “fall in love” at all. The current situation was simply worse than that of a simple bed partner. His admiration was shady. Then their agreed marriage was broken. And now his mark was also broken. Between them, the bridge seems to be the same one after another, getting deeper and deeper, but in fact, as long as Qu Moyu turns around, it means nothing at all. He spoke with difficulty and said in a low voice, “Teacher, I signed a non-disclosure agreement. I didn’t lie to you on purpose.”

“Your estrus period coincides with Mr. Qu’s susceptibility period. And you immediately ask for sick leave. Don’t underestimate the IQ of a normal person. There are a lot of rumours in the company now. So tell the teacher the truth. Are you pregnant?”

“…Not sure yet.”

Liu Xi sighed heavily: “I don’t even know if I should be happy for you or not. But listening to your tone and state. I don’t think it seems to be very good.”

Shen Dai’s nose was sore. He suddenly had the urge to cry. In his mind, the teacher was the person closest to a father in the world. When he was in the most difficult time, it was the teacher who helped him. He was full of sadness and grievances. He wanted to pour out his thoughts to the person he respected the most, but he didn’t have the qualifications. And he didn’t want to cause trouble to others.

His silence further verified some of Liu Xi’s conjectures. Liu Xi said gently: “Ah Dai, I don’t know about your relationship and I don’t want to ask too much. But I want to remind you that the S-class alpha is very, very different from us. In the same way, don’t speculate on normal people’s values ​​and emotional models. I hope you can protect yourself, keep your head clear, and remember what your mindset is based on.”

Shen Dai said hoarsely: “I understand, teacher. Thank you.” Of course he understood. But the gap between knowing and doing is a high wall that human beings find difficult to cross in their entire lives.

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Not long after the call with the teacher, Qu Moyu’s family doctor came and drew a little blood on Shen Dai. Shen Dai cooperated silently. When the doctor was about to leave, he asked, “When will it be found out?”

The doctor glanced at Shen Dai, but did not answer. He just nodded politely, took the medicine box and left.

Shen Dai took out half of the financial news he had seen and continued to read. It was a manuscript about Xingzhou’s recent equity turmoil and industry analysis. The article said that due to the downturn in the rare earth industry in recent years and the huge amount of investment and research funds. Qu Chengchen’s ambition to change the strategic direction of the group has been supported by several shareholders. Wave after wave, within a week when Qu Moyu had to disappear because of the susceptible period, Qu Chengchen launched a very violent attack. Although he failed in the end, it also caused Qu Moyu to suffer heavy losses. There are various speculations and analyses in the battle. One of the important cards in Qu Moyu’s hand is the acquisition of Chuanghai. However, due to Chuanghai’s debt and the pain point that the acquired mine cannot be profitable in the short term, it is now full of variables. Once the merger case fails, Qu Chengchen is likely to get more support votes in the board of directors. So what is waiting for Qu Moyu is to lose the helm.

This is a bloodless and brutal war.

That night, Qu Moyu came back very early. It is the earliest ever for him to come home during this time. And it was the first time he took the initiative to see Shen Dai.

Shen Dai felt that Qu Moyu had been resisting seeing him. One was that his anger had not subsided. And the other was that he was worried that he would be influenced by the advantage of the marked pheromones. Shen Dai felt that Qu Moyu might have thought too much. After learning those cruel words, it seemed that only himself could be affected.

Shen Dai still had some extravagant thoughts in his heart where he hoped to clear up the misunderstanding with Qu Moyu. After all, they were fine before all this happened. He took the recording of him and Shen Qin to Qu Moyu’s study. However, the moment he saw Lawyer Chen sitting on the sofa, his heart was completely chilled. There was a terrible foreboding.

Qu Moyu’s attitude was no longer cruel and angry. The only expression on his face was that he had no expression. There was only the throbbing pupil full of light which conveyed extreme indifference.

Shen Dai looked at Qu Moyu, and then at Lawyer Chen. In the short walk from the second floor to the third floor, he thought about what to say countless times, how to defend himself, and how to make Qu Mo believe that he is really innocent. But now he can’t say a word. This is because he knows that he was summoned to this room to stand for a trial.

“Sit down.” Qu Moyu said.

Shen Dai didn’t sit. He forced himself to look directly at Qu Moyu and asked a question that made his heart tremble: “Is the blood test result out?”

Qu Moyu’s eyebrows twitched. He subconsciously didn’t want to answer this question. But it was something he had to answer. He glanced at Shen Dai’s abdomen and nodded.

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At that moment, Shen Dai only felt that his eyes were dazzled. He revolved in the infinite world and spun frantically. He was thrown into the sky and then smashed to the ground. He relied on the pain of depravity to regain his sanity. Although he was well prepared, even though he knew that this was a high probability event, when he confirmed that he really had a child, his life was shaken violently.

He couldn’t describe the mood at the moment. The saddest thing is that he has a child with the person he loves. But in the future he looks forward to, there is no joy in welcoming the new life. There was only a cloud of chaos.

Shen Dai fixedly looked at Qu Moyu. There was pain, pleading, and a faint hope in his eyes. He was waiting for his own judgement, but he hoped that the executioner would be kind.

Qu Moyu felt an unfamiliar pain with his internal organs falling straight down. He secretly adjusted his breathing and refused to meet Shen Dai’s eyes.

Lawyer Chen is very good at observing words and expressions. After all, he earns money to solve problems for the boss. He coughed lightly and said in a formulaic tone: “Mr. Shen, I drafted the prenuptial agreement between you and Mr. Qu. I believe we all remember that in the contract, there are very clear terms in it, you can never give birth to Mr. Qu’s descendants. If you do, you have breached the contract.”

Breach of contract.

Shen Dai searched all over his memory, but he couldn’t seem to find the words that were colder than this – when they were used to describe a sprouting little life in his belly. Shen Dai slowly clenched his fists and stared at Qu Moyu with tears in his eyes: “Is this just my responsibility?”

Qu Moyu narrowed his eyes.

“We do not discuss the attribution of responsibility. Because it is not within the scope of the contract. This is only the established facts.” Lawyer Chen said.

Shen Dai’s body trembled uncontrollably, struggling to the death: “I have a recording with Shen Qin, I didn’t plot against you. I can also confront Qu Chengchen, I…”

“It doesn’t matter.” Qu Moyu’s eyes were full of frost, “It doesn’t matter if you did it or not. But then you have to do exactly as I told you to do.”

It doesn’t matter? His innocence doesn’t matter? His personality doesn’t matter? His dignity doesn’t matter?!

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Lawyer Chen took out a frighteningly thick stack of documents from his briefcase: “Today, I hope Mr. Shen can cooperate with me to complete the signing of the divorce agreement and the property division agreement. As long as you cooperate, Mr. Qu will not hold you accountable for your breach of contract.”

Shen Dai’s tears fell down his cheeks. His heart seemed to have been stabbed again and again. He bowed slightly and he was almost unable to stand in pain.

Qu Moyu’s hand clenched the armrest of the chair secretly. He felt his pheromones rushing around in his body. He had to control this force with all his mind. Controlling his pheromone was an alpha’s lifelong practice, but when he saw Shen Dai’s tears, he almost lost control. He wanted Lawyer Chen to shut up. He wanted his omega to stop crying. He wanted everything to return to the way it was before. But at the same time, a calm voice in his brain told him why he was unbearable and uncomfortable. And also why he was reluctant to give up. It was all the works of the ‘mark’. As long as there is no ‘mark’, there is no reason for him to be affected by a mere omega.

“After signing these agreements, I will arrange for you to go tomorrow to…” At this moment, lawyer Chen’s humanity narrowly surpassed his professionalism and he couldn’t say the cruellest words, “…to deal with the breach of contract and to clean the ‘mark’ at the same time.”

Shen Dai looked at Qu Moyu from beginning to end. He wanted to see with his own eyes how his alpha would deal with him. And to see if the person he loved, the one who had rescued him from danger and gave him the light of hope several times, was this his true face? This person has the heart to push him into hell.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t see the slightest emotion on Qu Moyu’s face. The person who once treated him tenderly and lovingly had the exact same face as the person in front of him.

Qu Moyu was flustered by Shen Dai’s desperate eyes, but the more he felt Shen Dai’s influence on him, the more he wanted to resist. Being coerced by omega’s marks or emotions made him abhorred. No one could control him. No one can coerce him. No one!

Qu Moyu forced himself to stare into Shen Dai’s eyes. The powerful alpha pheromone armed his emotions, making him firm and decisive, he said solemnly: “Sign it. Do as I say. I will give you financial compensation.”

Shen Dai strongly supported his swaying body. He walked over and picked up the pen without hesitation. 


Next update: 2022.06.03


*Translator’s note: T.T… I hate QMY. I need time to adjust my emotions. So I’ll skip a day of updates. Sorry. -K

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