Alpha Predator

Chapter 55: 55

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


Shen Dai’s mobile phone was taken away. His laptop’s network was also cut off. It was probably to prevent him from committing any irrational behaviour. Shen Dai couldn’t leave this place and he also couldn’t get in touch with the outside world. He could only spend every minute and every second in pain.

Qu Moyu’s words and deeds continued to breed long-lasting hatred in Shen Dai’s repeated reflections. His consciousness alternated between sobriety and confusion. The glands seem to be resisting his reason instinctively, maintaining this physical bond, making him constantly doubt and quibble. How can the person who has saved him from the darkness several times push him further down the abyss?

But no matter how many excuses he made, he couldn’t deceive himself. When he stood on the opposite side of his interests, his alpha would use the most ruthless means to deal with him. He was just a piece of chess that could be discarded.

Shen Dai forced himself to withdraw from his despair and think about his situation and find a way out. Of course he knew that obeying Qu Moyu might be the only option, at least it wouldn’t be worse than now, but he couldn’t give up on his child. He has had countless conversations with himself these days. He tried to use reason, optimism, and all the practical factors such as pros and cons to convince himself to make the most self-interested and least damaging choice. But all of them failed. His inner voice was so firm and stubborn that he could not even tell whether it was his true thoughts or whether it was the effect of the ‘mark’ on his mind. He only knows that he must protect his child.

So the only question now is how to do it.

There are several servants in the Qu family, and there are bodyguards who are eyeing him. He has no way to communicate with the outside world, and he can’t even leave the place.

In the evening, Aunt Lan came to the room to deliver his meals.

Shen Dai sat on the sofa hugging his knees, looking at Aunt Lan blankly. His eyes dimmed.

Aunt Lan glanced at the untouched lunch on the table and sighed, “Ah Dai, eat something.”

Shen Dai nodded and then shook his head. It was as if he didn’t hear anything.

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Aunt Lan advised: “If you are hungry, the baby in your belly will also be hungry.”

“It’s only been three weeks. It doesn’t have the physiological function of ‘starvation’ yet.” Shen Dai said calmly, “anyway, it will be killed soon.”

Aunt Lan looked at him hesitantly. She opened her mouth and seemed to hesitate to say something. She finally sighed heavily.

Shen Dai’s psychological pressure was already overloaded. He knew that no one could help him. It could be seen that Aunt Lan didn’t go out, so he couldn’t help but ask in a low voice, “Aunt Lan, I really want to give birth to it. Is this normal?” He questioned his choice all the time but still ended up making a firm choice every time. This deep contradiction tore his heart repeatedly. His whole person seemed about to collapse at any time.

“It’s normal. It’s your instinct.” Aunt Lan looked at Shen Dai’s dejected appearance and couldn’t help but think of the first time the two met. This handsome and gentle young man with poetry and books in his belly made her feel good. How did it become like this now? She couldn’t bear it so she said, “But, you are still young. This child will drag you down for the rest of your life.”

Shen Dai smiled bitterly and murmured, “I know.” He looked up at Aunt Lan, “Aunt Lan, can you let me escape?” When he said this, he didn’t have any hope. It’s just a tiny struggle in a desperate situation.

Aunt Lan’s eyes turned red: “I’m sorry. I can’t help you.”

Shen Dai nodded and returned to silence. He thought that he could only find a chance when he went to the hospital. His only thought now was to stay away from Qu Moyu and from the people who would hurt him and his child.

Shen Dai didn’t know when he finally fell asleep. He was awakened by a noise. He rubbed his eyes and just sat up from the bed when the door was roughly pushed open by someone.

Shen Dai looked at this aggressive woman in surprise. It was Mrs. Qu. The first two times he saw her, she was extravagant and elegant. She was too beautifully crafted, like a display window that displayed expensive jewellery. Like a model where not even a single strand of hair is allowed to go wrong. But now she suddenly became vivid in front of him.

A group of people followed behind her, including Uncle Heng who was in a dilemma and the bodyguards of Qu Moyu who looked anxious.

Shen Dai’s drowsiness had been thrown away immediately. However, the chaos in front of him made him even more confused.

Mrs. Qu glanced at Shen Dai and said to Aunt Lan beside her, “I give you fifteen minutes. Help him pack his luggage.”

Aunt Lan walked to the closet with familiarity, took out the suitcase inside, and started folding the clothes.

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Uncle Heng said urgently, “Madam…”

“Shut up. Whoever of you dares to stop me will pack up and quit.” Mrs. Qu said bluntly, but from the look on her face, she also looked a little nervous.  

Shen Dai reacted vigorously. He jumped out of bed and began to pack his important belongings.

No matter where, he is willing to go as long as he can get out of here.

Shen Dai didn’t have many things. Many of his items were those prepared when he came. He always knew that he was only staying there temporarily. In fact, except for the computer, he could bring nothing else with him. So he packed up pretty quickly.

Aunt Lan took advantage of the closet door to quietly say to Shen Dai, “Ah Dai, don’t blame the young master. He has to learn everything by himself. No one has taught him to love. Take care of yourself in the future.”

Shen Dai was sore in his heart. He choked and said, “Aunt Lan, thank you.” He knew that it was Aunt Lan who notified Mrs. Qu. Aunt Lan was originally brought over by Mrs. Qu from her parents’ house. She had no reason to help him. At the risk of being reprimanded by Qu Mo, she still helped, and the only reason for this was her sheer kindness.

Shen Dai took the luggage and got into Mrs. Qu’s car. It was not until the car drove out of the gate of Qu’s house that Shen Dai’s tight airway quietly opened. He took a deep breath even though his heart was still nervous.

Mrs. Qu glanced at Shen Dai: “You have to thank Ah Lan. She is prepared to be released.”

Shen Dai said hoarsely, “I am very grateful to Aunt Lan and I am also grateful to you.”

“Do you know why I took you away?”

“…He told me that before him, you were forced to abort a beta daughter.”

Mrs. Qu was a little surprised: “He told you this?”


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Mrs. Qu was silent for a moment: “Perhaps you do have weight in his heart.”

Shen Dai didn’t know how to comprehend this sentence. But still he couldn’t accuse the son in front of his mother.

“I have always regretted that I was too weak at the time. If I had given birth to her desperately at that time, I would not have felt guilty for the rest of my life. And I would not have…” Mrs. Qu’s face was expressionless. It seemed to be filled with the grief from the past. The years have solidified and the old scars have become mottled by the wind and frost, “Would not have been able to love my son properly.”

Shen Dai said solemnly: “I understand what you said to me before. I don’t belong to the same world as him, and I can’t fit into such a world.”

“So what’s your plan?”

“I want to find a place to settle down. After giving birth to the child, I will immediately wash off the mark.” Shen Dai thought of something and immediately explained, “Don’t worry, I will never use this child to blackmail the Qu family. I have saved some money. And I’m able to support myself.” He certainly won’t be able to keep his job in Xingzhou, but with his resume, he will definitely be able to find a well-paid job in the industry. Despite this, he will lose some of his past accumulation, and more importantly, he will be sorry for the teacher’s cultivation of him. But there is no other way at the moment.

“I believe in you. And this is not my concern.” Mrs. Qu glanced at Shen Dai, her eyes softened. “I did this just to make up for the regret in my heart. Not to mention, this child is my grandson or granddaughter.”

Shen Dai said gratefully, “Thank you.”

“However, there is one thing I want to remind you. So that you have a mental preparation in advance. You should have some relevant common sense. Omega needs alpha pheromone in the process of giving birth to a child and the lack of alpha pheromone can easily cause the foetus to be underdeveloped. It might end up with congenital diseases and even become disabled in severe cases.”

“I know this. But isn’t there a substitute alpha pheromone that can help?”

“Yes, but you are carrying an S-level alpha child. Now, whether it is a genetically modified universal pheromone or a synthetic pheromone, it may not be able to replace the role of a strong pheromone as an S-level alpha in the process of breeding offspring. Specifically, you need to consult a doctor.” Mrs. Qu frowned slightly, “This is actually the problem that needs to be solved the most right now. If modern medicine can’t solve it, nothing can help you.”

Shen Dai was stunned for a long time. He didn’t expect that when he had already decided to give birth to this child, there would be such a fatal problem in front of him. If there was no pheromone that could replace Qu Moyu’s pheromone during his pregnancy, he would simply can’t keep this child. All his persistence will be meaningless.

“I’ve made an appointment with a doctor for you. We’ll go see him now.” Mrs. Qu sighed, “You have to be mentally prepared.”

 Shen Dai’s mind was blank and he didn’t come back to his senses until Mrs. Qu’s phone rang.

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Mrs. Qu glanced at the screen, hung her finger for a moment, and slid to the call key: “Hello.”

In the carriage, Qu Moyu’s suppressed anger can be heard slightly to Shen Dai’s ears. He could only hear fragments of words, but he could also piece together the general meaning.

“Don’t tell me these words, it’s useless.”

“The company’s business is your business.”

“Vengeance? Not really. I think I’m accumulating virtue for the Qu family.”

Mrs. Qu’s tone was always steady. She hung up the phone and saw Shen Dai looking at her in panic. She shook her head gently: “I thought he didn’t have time to deal with this today.”


“It’s his engagement banquet tonight.” Mrs. Qu looked at her watch, “I have to rush over there later.”

Shen Dai’s breathing was stagnant. The pale blood on his face faded instantly. His heart was aching. He had to get used to coexisting with such pain, because he knew very well that maternal instinct made him temporarily close the valve of his feelings. He waited until he had the energy to think back to Qu Moyu. All kinds of things have happened in between them. Those desperate wounds will keep dragging him to the dark abyss. In every sleepless night, every morning when he wakes up with obsession, every moment when the memories suddenly counterattack… He does not know how long it will take for him to piece together his torn self. 


Next update: 2022.06.15


*Translator’s note: Ugh. I just can’t wait to quickly translate all these heartbreaking chapters. I’m so pissed off at QMY that I don’t even know how to vent. -K

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