Alpha Predator

Chapter 66: 66

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


After getting off the plane, Qu Moyu didn’t go back to his home. Lao Wu picked him up at the airport and sent him to this family house where the things he needed to get through the susceptible period were in the trunk.

In the past year, Qu Moyu seldom went home. No matter how busy he was, he would go back to eat one or two meals with his parents every month, but since Mrs. Qu sent Shen Dai away, he had been avoiding his mother.

After getting out of the car, from the moment he saw the old housekeeper in the house, he felt that the atmosphere was not right. He glanced at the housekeeper with inquiring eyes, and the housekeeper looked a little helpless.

Entering the room, Qu Moyu saw Zhou Xiaochu was sitting on the sofa in the living room chatting with his parents. He immediately furrowed his eyebrows.

“Brother Yu.” Zhou Xiaochu stood up and looked at Qu Moyu with a smile, “You just got off the plane. Me too. Are you tired?”

“You are not on a holiday recently. Why are you back?” Qu Moyu nodded to his parents, then looked at Zhou Xiaochu calmly.

Zhou Xiaochu is studying art abroad. He hasn’t graduated yet. Spring break was over for him long ago. At this time, he should be at school, not at his home.

Zhou Xiaochu said generously: “Didn’t you about to reach the susceptible period? I came back to accompany you.”

Qu Shen picked up the teacup and took a sip, looking at his son expressionlessly. Meanwhile, Mrs. Qu silently stroked the hand-embroidery on the hem of her clothes. The close-knit and ingenious design looks elegant and better the closer you look.

“It’s not the time yet.” Qu Moyu said, “Xiaochu, you’re still studying. So you shouldn’t ask for leave casually. You take a night’s rest and I’ll send you back tomorrow.”

Zhou Xiaochu said without changing his face: “Brother Yu, I’m your fiancée. It’s what I should do to accompany you through the susceptible period. This is more important than studying.” He gently took Qu Moyu’s hand and said softly, “We are going to be together for a lifetime. Can’t you trust me?”

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Qu Moyu stared at his fiancée with unspeakable irritability pouring into his heart. He knew that Zhou Xiaochu had done nothing wrong. He had always been gentle and decent. They are top matched. And he is a very satisfied and impeccable wife candidate.

But he just… he is getting more and more resistant.

He patiently said softly, “Xiaochu, my susceptibility period hasn’t come yet. And we haven’t gotten married yet. A hasty decision is irresponsible of you. And I won’t be able to explain it to your parents.”

Qu Shen said: “Xiaochu, you two have just arrived home and are tired. Let’s arrange for you to go to the guest room to rest.”

Although Zhou Xiaochu was disappointed, he didn’t reveal any emotions. So he went down the steps: “Okay, then I’ll trouble you, uncle.”

The housekeeper carried Zhou Xiaochu’s luggage and sent him to the guest room.

After the outsider left, the three members of the Qu family stared at each other with wide eyes.

Qu Shen coughed softly: “Sit down.”

Qu Moyu sat down with his eyes down. In fact, he didn’t want to say a word, and he didn’t want to face any questions from his parents.

“Is everything going well in Lancheng?”

Hearing Lancheng, Mrs. Qu’s heart trembled slightly.

“Everything was smooth. The construction has started and the prospects are promising.”

Qu Shen nodded: “This project has been implemented and the company is basically stable. This financing from Zhou Jiaqiahe is very important and has helped us a lot.”

Qu Moyu realised what Qu Shen was going to say.”Xiaochu is a good kid, he is worthy of you in every way, and he is smart and sensible.” Qu Shen looked at Qu Moyu, “When he graduates, you two get married. You can also give him the ‘mark’. Take this into account.”

Qu Moyu narrowed his eyes slightly and said solemnly, “I won’t ‘mark’ anyone.”

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“You have already ‘marked’ someone before.” Qu Shen sarcastically said.

“That was schemed by Qu Chengchen.” Thinking of this, Qu Moyu was full of resentment.

“That’s because you were not careful enough to let an omega who was just in a contract relationship with you intervene too much in your life. Otherwise, would Qu Chengchen have a chance to plot against you?”

Qu Moyu’s face became more and more gloomy.

“Qu Chengchen brought this matter to the Zhou family. I asked the old man to calm down. Wouldn’t it not make sense if you didn’t ‘mark’ Xiaochu? Now you can use the excuse of not getting married. Once you are married, just settle down.”

Qu Moyu’s tone became stiff: “Father, this is the only thing I can’t agree to. I don’t want to be controlled by anyone.”


“Okay.” Mrs. Qu interrupted their conversation. “Mo Yu just got off the plane. After so many days of work, he must be tired. Let him rest first. If there is anything else, we can talk about it tomorrow.”

Qu Shen said with a sullen face: “How many more days are there until the susceptible period? If you are not sure, go directly to the safe house.”

“Yes.” Qu Moyu stood up, “I’ll go back to my room first.”

The reason why he returned to the family house with his luggage was because his safe house was here and the medication plan customised by his personal doctor had delayed the susceptible period by almost half a month for him to enter the susceptible period. He plans to go back to his room to take a shower and get ready.

After Qu Moyu took a shower, the housekeeper had already delivered the luggage to his room and his mother was waiting in the room.

Mrs. Qu looked at her son and then at the three suitcases: “The safe house is ready. I’ll help you pack these things in a while.”

“No need. Let the housekeepers do it.” Qu Moyu poured himself a glass of whisky, sat on the sofa in front of the bed and quietly looked at the newly-bloomed peach branches outside the window.

The half-dry hair fell on his forehead, blocking his eyes and blocking most of his thoughts. Mrs. Qu always felt a sense of distance between herself and her son. At this time, this feeling was even worse. He seemed so far away and couldn’t be touched.

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Mrs. Qu hesitated.

“Mother, are you trying to persuade me about Xiaochu or do you want to inquire about Shen Dai?” Qu Moyu slowly turned his head, his eyes were even more unpredictable in the dim light.

Mrs. Qu’s breath stagnated and whispered, “You have seen him.”

She felt that when Qu Moyu went to Lancheng this time, it was mostly because he had found out the whereabouts of Shen Dai. In fact, as long as Qu Moyu thought about it, it was not very difficult for him to find him. In the information age, it is almost impossible for a person to completely erase his trace.

In the year that Shen Dai left, Qu Moyu acted as if everything was business as usual. His dissatisfaction with her was not beyond words. It was just an excuse to be busy and seldom went home again. But she still felt that it might just be a feeling between mother and son. – She felt that her son was sinking.

From the few words of the people around her, she knew that Mr. Qu at the company became more irritated than before and the young master at home became more distant than before.

Qu Moyu shook the wine glass, the ice cubes hit the wall of the glass making clinking sound. It was like a heartbeat flowing in the river of time. He remembered the two meetings he had with Shen Dai in Lancheng. They were too bad, too chaotic, and too ugly. He couldn’t even find too many words to describe it so he just said: “I saw him.”

“His… Um, is he doing well?” Mrs. Qu wanted to tell from Qu Moyu’s expression whether he knew about the existence of the child or not.

Qu Moyu’s thoughts were clear in Qu Moyu’s eyes: “He’s not well.” An omega who has no money, no power and no relatives, how can he be well to have a child and raise a child alone in another place? At a glance, he felt that his omega should not live in such a small house with a tired face and live a life of embarrassment. He wanted to give Shen Dai a good life. He always wanted to. But Shen Dai didn’t want it. Why doesn’t he want it?

Mrs. Qu’s complexion quickly darkened. Her lips trembled slightly, as if she had a lot to say.

“He gave birth to an alpha boy. You want to ask this, right?”

Mrs. Qu suddenly raised her head and stared at Qu Moyu in a daze. Her eyes slowly turned red. In fact, she was always worried about whether the child was born or not. After experiencing such torture, the child may not be able to be saved, but Shen Dai really gave birth to the child. And really did what ordinary people couldn’t do. She couldn’t do it either.

“He washed off the ‘mark’. How did he save the child?” Qu Moyu couldn’t figure this out. The only possibility was some medical technology that he didn’t understand yet, “You helped him.”

Mrs. Qu’s heart was suffocated. She knew too much what price Shen Dai had paid to keep the child, but she promised Shen Dai that she would not tell anyone. She would always remember what Shen Dai said to herself before the operation. Those very words embedded in her.

Shen Dai had smiled and said, “No matter how this kid makes me angry in the future or doesn’t grow up as I expected, I won’t use this incident to blame him for a sense of guilt. Because it’s my own choice. Let this matter be a secret between us, please don’t tell anyone.“

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Mrs. Qu took a deep breath: “That child. Is he okay? Is he healthy?”

“He cried a lot. When he cried, it was so loud.” Qu Moyu laughed suddenly, but the smile disappeared quickly. He didn’t seem to have seen the child seriously and now he regrets it. He should take a good look at it. Looking at his and Shen Dai’s child, “He should be healthy.”

“……What is his name?”

“Shen Yue.”

“Shen Yue. Shen Yue. It sounds so nice.” Mrs. Qu repeated the name. “What about the pheromone level?” She had an idea. An idea that was too ideal, but if, in case, Shen Dai was lucky by giving birth to an S-level alpha, can all the contradictions be resolved? And will there be a happy ending?

Qu Moyu shook his head: “I don’t know.”

He has no intention of knowing Shen Yue’s pheromone level at all. It is very unlikely that a B-level omega can give birth to an S-level alpha. And Shen Dai didn’t say anything. Anyone who has an S-level alpha will definitely announce it to the world. So he never thought about this issue from beginning to end, because he defaulted that Shen Yue was at most A-level.

Mrs. Qu also thought the same way, so she didn’t ask any further. She sighed: “No matter what, Shen Dai didn’t cause you any trouble when the child was born. If he needs money…”

“He doesn’t need it.” Qu Moyu’s fingers holding the wine glass tightened, and his knuckles turned blue and white. He stared at his mother and said coldly, “Are you satisfied with the result?”

Mrs. Qu slowly lowered her head. And after a long time, she said in a hoarse voice, “In mom’s life… There are many, many things that I regret. But I don’t regret this one.” She stood up gracefully and walked away.

Qu Moyu was silent in the darkness as he slumped in the chair motionlessly. It was as if he would blend in with the darkness at any time. After an unknown amount of time, he smashed the wine glass in his hand to the ground.


Next update: 2022.06.30


*Translator’s note: Why are all the parents in this story full of shits???? -K

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