Alpha Predator

Chapter 76: 76

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


​​After Attorney Chen left, Shen Dai sat stiffly for a long time facing the A4 papers that were spread out in front of him covering half a table.

He thought about it for a long time, starting from the temporary ‘mark’ that Qu Moyu gave him in the laboratory five years ago, and then thinking about today. How he used to admire that S-class alpha from afar, how to restrain himself but couldn’t help himself from approaching him, and how he got to this point of hating him wholeheartedly now. He was thinking of how Qu Moyu changed from a saviour to a perpetrator. He was walking down the altar with a halo only to later reveal his hideous and terrible true face.

He couldn’t help but think about where he went wrong? Was it in the things he had said or in the things he had done? Had he made all the wrong choices until he fell into the current predicament? It was just like summing up all of his experiences and lessons after countless failed experiments. He repeatedly scrutinised and verified the ‘data’ he collected. But from the bottom of his heart, he does not believe that the failures he has experienced can lead to success. Because there has never been any kind of failure that turned him into ashes in an instant.

He just fell in love with the wrong person. And now, will he suffer from retribution?

He really hoped that his life could be temporarily fixed here to give him enough time to think. Because he found that he had nothing else but a smart mind. It was no wonder Qu Moyu could play with him at will.

The waiter who came to add water was hit with Shen Dai’s empty and dazed eyes. Both of them were startled. The waiter was frightened by Shen Dai’s pale face and gloomy eyes: “Are you alright?”

Shen Dai came back to his senses: “I’m okay.” He quickly put those papers into the document folder. They are indeed shameful things. A proof of his stupidity, incompetence and shame.

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Shen Dai walked out of the cafe and looked at a familiar commercial car across the street. When Attorney Chen left, he told him that a car would be waiting for him. And when he made up his mind, he would be picked up to see Qu Moyu.

This car once took him to the primary school where Qu Moyu used to study at. The two of them ate together at a small noodle restaurant that carried Qu Moyu’s childhood memories and then walked and chatted on the street holding hands. The moment of Qu Moyu opening up his heart to him was the warmest life scene between them. It was more passionate than their touches.

But that was just his wishful thinking.

The reality ripped apart all the dreams he had ever had. It left him with a mess that he had to clean up.

Shen Dai got into the car. The driver was also the driver of the Qu family. After greeting him politely, he started the car. He didn’t say where he was going and Shen Dai also didn’t ask. 

The route that the car took was familiar. The car was headed towards the Qu’s house. When he finally saw the familiar garden gate, Shen Dai’s fist clenched.

Before the car stopped, Shen Dai had already seen Uncle Heng and Aunt Lan standing at the door.

Before the driver could open the door for him, Shen Dai opened the door and got out of the car. He and the two old friends looked at each other. Each pair of eyes was complicated and deep.

Uncle Heng greeted in a low voice, “Mr. Shen.”

Aunt Lan frowned. Her eyes are slightly red.

Shen Dai nodded towards them and walked into the house.

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Hearing the movement, Qu Moyu came down from upstairs. The leather slippers should have not made a sound under slight footstep. But the sound of kicking and stepping was obviously a little rapid. It was not until the moment when he saw Shen Dai himself that he slowed down his pace. He walked seemingly calm down the stairs.

The house doesn’t seem to have changed from when he left it more than a year ago. Qu Moyu is a man with a strong desire to control. Even at home, he has a set of standards. It’s still the same. Shen Dai, who stayed here temporarily because of an agreed marriage, was always reminded by others to keep a distance from Qu Moyu. At that time, he thought that it was a destined fate that he and Qu Moyu were involved again and again. But he didn’t expect that catastrophe often disguises with a beautiful appearance.

Qu Moyu looked at Shen Dai as if he had lost his soul. He felt unbearable in his heart. This may be his last resort, but it was only because he had no other choice. He walked in front of Shen Dai, his eyes dodging unconsciously: “Where’s Qiuqiu?”

Shen Dai’s eyes were filled with murderous intent. He suddenly threw the document folder in his hand at Qu Moyu. And when everyone was astonished, he punched Qu Moyu in the face.

Qu Moyu was beaten and staggered. He took a few steps back. He tilted his head, maintaining the inertial direction after receiving the force, with surprise, anger, and sadness in his eyes.

Uncle Heng and the others were all startled and dumbfounded as they were stunned on the spot.

They have never seen their young master suffer from any physical attack. The S-class alpha is naturally much stronger than ordinary people. And not to mention, this is in his own home.

Qu Moyu’s embarrassed face was flushed red. His jawline was tense and his Adam’s apple rolled up and down slowly. It was as if he was swallowing something that was difficult to chew. As an alpha, he was beaten by his own omega in front of all the servants in his family. He quickly thought back to the past and could not find any other more embarrassing scene in his life. He slowly turned his face and looked at Shen Dai. His eyes were cloudy and deep. They were sparkling with anger. But his pheromones didn’t have big waves. They were suppressed. But what rose was an emotion that seemed to be called ‘grievance’.

Uncle Heng was the first to react. He waved his hand to tell everyone to evacuate. In just a few seconds, there were only two people left in the huge living room.

Qu Moyu touched his hot cheeks. His voice was low and oppressive: “The last time I was beaten was when I was twelve years old.” At that time, he didn’t have the ability to control his pheromones as an adult alpha. Getting into fights with his classmates almost became a nuisance. It was a big disaster. Since then, he has not done anything to anyone. It was not to protect himself, but to protect others. When he spoke, his eyes never left looking at Shen Dai’s face. That face was full of hatred, pain, and despair. Just looking at it was enough to make him hurt. “Are you happy? If it’s not enough, you can hit more.”

Shen Dai stared at him with his scarlet eyes and said through gritted teeth, “Qu Moyu, you are a beast!”

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Qu Moyu was slightly startled. Shen Dai never scolded him even when he was most emotional. He thought that it was because he didn’t dare. Him saying he ‘hates him’ and ‘go away’ was already the strongest resistance an omega could express against an S-class alpha. At that time, Shen Dai refrained from refusing, resisted in a roundabout way, and was careful not to provoke him. Although he couldn’t understand Shen Dai’s physical obedience to his will, he was used to it. As being at the top of the food chain, he was used to other people trembling at his feet all his life.

Shen Dai was completely irritated because he touched his bottomline – his child.

Isn’t that exactly what he wanted? To catch someone, you have to catch the key points. But facing Shen Dai’s censure and hatred directly made him feel so uncomfortable that he almost couldn’t breathe.

Shen Dai’s handsome face was hideous and distorted at the moment, waving his fists and roaring: “How shameless you are. You actually want to take away my child! You didn’t want him in the beginning. I worked so hard to give birth to him. You! What qualifications do you have to call yourself his father? What have you ever done for him?! I will never give you custody of Qiuqiu!”

Qu Moyu lowered his eyes dejectedly. His heart was gripped fiercely. Any difficulties he had faced in his life seemed to be inferior to the powerlessness he felt that the omega in front of him gave him. He took a deep breath and turned towards Shen Dai. He took a step closer.

Qu Moyu’s original intention was to appease him. But Shen Dai was like a frightened rabbit. He had already blown up his entire body, vowing to protect his descendants to the death, but he couldn’t resist the fear of beasts deep in his genes. So he took a step back.

He was afraid. But he still forced himself to look directly at Qu Moyu.

However, Qu Moyu avoided those eyes several times with a guilty conscience. He pretended to be calm and said, “What I want is not Qiuqiu. I want you.”

Shen Dai stared at Qu Moyu. His lips trembled slightly.

“I’ve tried to discuss with you, apologised to you, analysed the pros and cons for you, and gave you all kinds of promises. But you refused me.” Qu Moyu’s face was covered with a mask, blocking all the turbulent emotions, “I can only resort to this.”

Shen Dai was so angry with the robber’s logic that he was speechless.

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“Ah Dai, I have to get what I want. If you were more compromising, we wouldn’t have to go this far.”

Shen Dai roared: “I’m a human! I have my own will. I don’t want to be with you. Why do you have to force me?!”

“We think differently.” Qu Moyu listened to every word Shen Dai had said clearly. It turned into a knife and plunged into his heart. The blood flowed like a stream. He stared at Shen Dai, but his tone was surprisingly gentle, “You can choose to bring Qiuqiu back to me. Or I will get Qiuqiu’s custody and allow you to take care of him. The result will be the same.”

He gave Shen Dai his utmost patience and compromise. But he still couldn’t get what he wanted. The only option left to him was to threaten him. He could never let Shen Dai leave him. Since he wanted this person so desperately, he should tie him right by his side. Conquest always makes people feel at ease. He will no longer worry about his heart or think about it day and night. He will no longer be pinched by an omega and unable to extricate himself, wandering in pain like a beast during the susceptible period. That kind of dying-like longing and the despair of not getting what he wants. He can never experience it a second time in his life.

As for the means and process of getting it, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is to achieve the goal. Anything he wants in this life follows the same principle.

Shen Dai’s heart hurts as if it was crushed. His eyes are hot and there’s a warm liquid flowing down his face.

Qu Moyu frowned and looked at Shen Dai’s tears. He stretched out his hand to wipe them for Shen Dai, but his omega ducked, avoiding him like a plague. His hands are left hanging in the air like his empty heart. He put down his hand, clenched it secretly, and said ruthlessly: “Where is Qiuqiu? You go and pick him up now. He is no longer allowed to use Bai Xiangwan’s pheromones from now on. You are my omega. He is my son. As long as you are obedient, I promise to be good to you.”

Shen Dai closed his eyes. Not because he wanted to trap himself in the darkness. But it was because the darkness had surrounded him.​​​​


Next update: 2022.07.14


Translator’s Note: the latest RAW chapter (Chapter 130) is soooo long…. -K

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