Alpha Predator

Chapter 86: 86

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


After Qu Moyu left, Shen Dai hid in his office with the lunch box. Lunch is of course also carefully prepared. He used to like Chef Qu’s cooking skills. It was light and nutritious and tasted very good, but now he has no appetite. But he is reluctant to waste food. So he reluctantly took a few bites. It was even more uncomfortable for him. He even ran to the toilet and retched for a while.

Shen Dai spent almost the whole afternoon in the office after that.

One reason is that he needs to readjust his physical and mental state. Meanwhile, the other reason is that he is not at ease with Qiuqiu being left at home. So he has to check the surveillance video or with the nanny from time to time.

Since Qiuqiu was born, this was the first time that the two had been separated for so long. The child must have been difficult to adapt to at first. He would be crying and crying. He couldn’t even be comforted by the video. So the nanny put him in Shen Dai’s clothes pile, but the effectiveness is also limited. Shen Dai looked distressed and anxious, but this step of ‘withdrawal’ had to be done sooner or later. He began to consider whether to go to the hospital to extract some glandular fluid for Qiuqiu.

As soon as the off-duty time came, Shen Dai picked up his bag and left. He planned to take the subway first and then take a taxi after leaving the subway station so that he could get home as quickly as possible during the rush hour.

After squeezing into the subway, just as he stood firm, his cell phone rang. It was a call from Qu Moyu. He pressed mute and hung up after the phone rang for a long time, pretending not to hear it.

The subway was crowded with people. He grabbed the pole and wanted to move towards the door. But after taking a few steps, he gave up. The air-conditioning circulated in the compartment, but there were too many people. The smell of various alphas and omegas was mixed together, which naturally would not smell good.

After leaving the subway station, Shen Dai went to the nearest pharmacy to buy a box of stomach medicine and ate it on the spot. The Qu family must have all kinds of regular medicines, but if Aunt Lan and the others knew about it, they would make a fuss about it.

After getting into the taxi, he turned on his mobile phone again and found that Qu Moyu had made five or six calls and asked him where he was. He threw the mobile phone into his backpack.

When he got home, Shen Dai trotted into the room. Qiuqiu whimpered aggrievedly when he saw him. Looking at the red and swollen eyelids, he obviously had cried a lot today.

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Shen Dai was very distressed. He hugged Qiuqiu and kissed him several times. He whispered to Qiuqiu telling him why he was out today, why he was working, and what he was doing. He felt that Qiuqiu could understand him. Not the language. Instead, understand the emotions, and then slowly accept them.

After less than half an hour, Qu Moyu came back. Shen Dai felt nervous when he heard the familiar sound of the engine in the yard.

Soon, footsteps came from outside the door. The knocking on the door also seemed impatient. With three ‘bang bang bang’, Qu Moyu pushed open the door with a forbearance of anger on his face.

Qiu Qiu was silent immediately. His big eyes rolled around and his expression became nervous.

Shen Dai whispered, “Don’t scare the child.”

Qu Moyu gave the nanny a wink and the nanny came over: “Mr. Shen, let me take Qiuqiu to see the fish in the yard.”

Shen Dai didn’t move. The nanny looked at Qu Moyu awkwardly and left the room lightly.

Qu Moyu stood at the door, feeling restless in his heart. His omega was cold and resistant to him. And he didn’t even dare to approach his son at will. How did he end up in such a situation? He said with a sullen face, “I said I would pick you up at night.”

Shen Dai glanced at Qu Moyu and said lightly, “I didn’t hear the phone. I’m in a hurry to come back to see Qiuqiu.”

“…Why do you have to resist when I treat you well?”

Shen Dai only felt that his temples were throbbing and his anger had rushed to his head. But he knew that no matter what he said or did, Qu Moyu couldn’t understand or change anything.

“Is it because I went to see you at noon?” Qu Moyu narrowed his eyes, “I’m worried that you won’t fit in when you go back to work. I want them to pay more attention to you. I’ve never brought an affair into the company. But because it’s you… …”

“Don’t talk like you’re doing it for me.” Shen Dai glared at Qu Moyu, “Don’t forget that you still have a fiancée and the whole company has not forgotten about it either.”

Qu Moyu frowned.

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“Of course. Mr. Qu feels that I should be grateful to the Gods for being your mistress. As an S-class alpha, anything you give me is a gift. My colleagues won’t think highly of me, but they will definitely think of respecting you first.” Shen Dai’s lips were trembling in anger.

Qiuqiu noticed these emotional changes and immediately became nervous.

Qu Moyu felt a few punches in his heart for a while: “I said that I will break off the engagement and the news will be announced in the media soon. I just want everyone to know that you are my omega. Whatever I am doing for you, are you going to interpret them as malicious?!”

Shen Dai took a breath and said sternly, “You want everyone to know that I am your mistress. Then, no one will believe how much I struggled for my studies, how much I struggled to enter the research institute, and achieve the achievements I made. The awards that I got, including all the achievements in the future, will all be attributed to having you as a backer. And you will still be proud to provide such good conditions for your mistress while my personal efforts and struggles will not be worth anything!”

Qu Moyu was stunned. He never expected that Shen Dai would think so. For him, publicly identifying an omega in a place like the company was a promise he had never given to anyone.

Qiuqiu trembled and cried. It was the first time he felt that the person he depended on the most was so angry. He didn’t even dare to cry loudly. He could only whimper softly.

Shen Dai came back to his senses and quickly coaxed Qiuqiu apologetically: “Good. Good. Dad shouldn’t be so loud, baby…” His nose was sore and the distress in his heart was indescribable.

Qu Moyu suddenly felt powerless. He had a kind of pain that he could not convey to Shen Dai. It was as if he did nothing right. Even if he really wanted to be nice to Shen Dai, it was wrong for him.

He has never been so eager to please a person or want to be close to a person. Why is this the result? He was angry, aggrieved, annoyed, helpless, and sad. No difficulty he encountered in his life had ever made him feel this way.

He couldn’t let go or hold tightly. He didn’t know what to do with Shen Dai.

Qu Moyu’s shoulders dropped and he said in a hoarse voice, “I didn’t mean for it to be that way.”

Shen Dai knew that Qu Moyu didn’t mean to make people feel that he was being raised by him. But he just didn’t care. His eyes above the clouds could not see the dignity and ideals, achievements and values ​​of an inferior omega. He never regarded an omega to be an equal person. He only thought of giving ‘good’ things only in the way that he thinks of what is ‘good’ to be given.

Shen Dai hugged Qiuqiu and turned his back. His body was shaking lightly.

After a long silence in the room, Qu Moyu said again, “Is it because you are not satisfied with what I do?”

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Shen Dai remained silent. Qu Moyu stared at his back for a while before opening the door and left.

Shen Dai put Qiuqiu back in the crib and sat down. He suddenly felt exhausted both physically and mentally.

His phone vibrated. He picked it up and saw that it was Bai Xiangwan who sent a message: I will take Xiao Die to attend an academic seminar in Beijing.

Followed by another: I just want to see you and Qiuqiu.

Shen Dai stared at the dialog box for a long time, not knowing how to respond. He misses Bai Xiangwan and Xiao Die. He especially missed Xiao Die taking care of them for so long. Qiuqiu also has a deep relationship with Xiao Die. He thought he would go back soon, so he didn’t say goodbye formally. It’s just that he is now stuck in this situation. He doesn’t have the face to see them.

But it is impossible for him to disappear completely. He thought about it for a long time and replied: Great. I’ll see you next week.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door. Aunt Lan came to deliver the meal.

“Ah Dai, the young master said you were coaxing Qiuqiu and asked me to bring you dinner.”

Shen Dai adjusted her mood and smiled, “Thank you, Aunt Lan.”

Aunt Lan put the tray on the table and came over to see Qiuqiu: “I’ll see him for a while. You can eat first. You came to coax the child as soon as you get back from work, you must be hungry.”

Shen Dai wanted to say that he was not hungry at all. Not only was he not hungry, but he had no appetite at all. But if he didn’t eat, it would definitely attract the attention of the nutritionist or Qu Moyu. So he could only force himself to eat something, although he was really repulsed…

And what’s more!!

Shen Dai was scared into a cold sweat by his sudden realisation. Does his reaction mean that his estrus period is coming? !

From the time of his pregnancy to the birth of Qiuqiu, he has not been in estrus for more than a year. Especially since the washing off of the ‘mark’, his glands were damaged. So, he had no desire at all and he did not realise that this phenomenon of losing his appetite is very likely to be an indicator that the estrus period is coming.

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The doctor once said that if he did not enter estrus three months after giving birth, he would need to come to the hospital for treatment. But he didn’t care about it and even thought that it would be a good thing for him if he never had estrus again.

But after Qu Moyu appeared, he kept using pheromones to influence him, awakening his glands.

Shen Dai’s face turned pale. At this time when he would get in his estrus period, he would have nowhere to hide. During the estrus period, he would obey his alpha’s words and Qu Moyu could make him surrender without much effort.

Aunt Lan noticed that Shen Dai looked different and asked worriedly, “Ah Dai, what’s the matter with you?”

“No. There’s nothing.” Shen Dai glanced at the food on the table and his stomach became even more uncomfortable, “Aunt Lan, I’ll eat the meal in a while. I want to put Qiuqiu to sleep first.”

“I’ll coax him so you can eat.”

“Qiuqiu hasn’t seen me for a day. So now just let me coax him.” Shen Dai forced a smile, “You can go and do your work first.”

“Okay. You should eat more. I see that your body has gotten better these days. Food supplements are the best.”

After Aunt Lan left, Shen Dai opened the schedule to look at the dates for the academic seminar which had just been released during the day in the work group. The time when Bai Xiangwan and Xiao Die came to Beijing basically coincided with his estrus period. Now, the only way is to ask Xiao Die to help him to take care of Qiuqiu, hide himself and use the inhibitors, and spend a day or two to get through it.

He must never let Qu Moyu control him during the estrus period. 


Next update: 2022.08.04


*Translator’s note: You guys think QMY will miss that opportunity? Meh… Chapter 90 will be the next ‘parking lot’ scene ya…  -K

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