Alpha Predator

Chapter 90: 90

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


Xiao Die faintly felt that the voice was a bit familiar but she couldn’t remember who it was. Nonetheless, the anger in the emotions was easy to distinguish and people could immediately sense danger. She didn’t plan to open the door, but she walked gently to the door, looking out through the peephole.

The concave and convex arc mirror distorted the shape of the person outside the door. But the sullen look on the person’s face was only related to himself. She is ‘confronted’ with the big boss of the company from across a door.

Qu Moyu had already noticed that there was someone in the door. There was no smell of pheromones so it would most probably be a beta. He stared coldly at the peephole and ordered again: “Open the door.”

Xiao Die looked around in a panic. She couldn’t see the guest bedroom from this position and she couldn’t seek advice from the person who can call the shots in this room – Bai Xiangwan. The entanglement between Qu Moyu and Shen Dai was a combination of a lot of gossip and her own imagination. Bai Xiangwan didn’t let her ask Shen Dai, so she never asked. But in any case, the child was born and the relationship must be unusual.

So, this door must not be opened. Alpha is such a competitive creature. And not to mention, Qu Moyu is their boss. Once he gets inside the house, whether it is scolding or even fighting, the consequences are unimaginable. But that is an S-class alpha outside the door. This kind of ordinary civilian-level security door can’t withstand the destructive power of an S-class alpha… Qu Moyu’s patience is being consumed at a speed invisible to the naked eye. He clenched his fists, restrained his anger, and said coldly, “Please open the door. I’m here to pick up Shen Dai.”

He paused. And the meaning was a straightforward threat, “This is the final. The final one of my first requests. Don’t make me repeat the second time.”

Xiao Die was about to cry. At this time, Bai Xiangwan came out. His face was pale and his eyes were bloodshot. His hair was a little messy. His deep pupils stared at the door without blinking and he said softly, “Open the door.”


“It’s okay. You should be optimistic. Think of Qiuqiu.”

Xiao Die gritted her teeth and opened the door. She was small. So, she could only raise her head to look at Qu Moyu, who was as tall as a wall. She subconsciously shrank herself into a small shadow: “Qu… President Qu.”

Qu Moyu passed her and strode into the room. The fragrance immediately attacked his senses. He was stunned, not expecting that he would encounter a worse situation than Bai Xiangwan standing in front of him.

Shen Dai is in heat?!

When Shen Dai said that he was going to take Qiuqiu home to celebrate his grandmother’s birthday, he knew that Shen Dai was lying. When he arranged for Assistant Cheng to transfer her to another hospital, he had glanced at the old woman’s details and even though he didn’t look carefully, his memory is very good. The birthday of the old woman is clearly in the second half of the year. He didn’t break it to Shen Dai. Instead, he allowed Shen Dai to go back to relax. But when he knew that Shen Dai didn’t go home, but instead took Qiuqiu to Cheng Zimei’s house, he didn’t break it to him either. But he had felt something that made him feel uncomfortable. He had guessed that something was wrong.

Sure enough, last night, the person he sent to watch Shen Dai told him that Bai Xiangwan took a student to Cheng Zimei’s house. On the premise of his explicit warning, Shen Dai still brought Qiuqiu to see Bai Xiangwan privately and even lied to him about it. He was already furious at the time, but he held back. Like a resentful jealous woman, he came to the door to catch them in the act.

But just now, he learned that Bai Xiangwan was here again. Alone.

All kinds of unbearable guesses in his mind repeatedly tore his emotions. He left an important dinner meeting and rushed over. He used all his self-control to curb the surging pheromones and warned himself that no matter what he saw, he should try his best to stay sane.

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However, after stepping into the house, an unexpected situation occurred. Shen Dai was in his estrus period. Shen Dai took Qiuqiu to hide here in order to avoid him when he was in heat?!

Shen Dai was in heat and Bai Xiangwan was present. This sentence echoed in his mind repeatedly, piercing his brain like an electric drill. Fortunately, his ability to think was not lost. The time interval between him and Bai Xiangwan reaching the building was only a few minutes apart. Bai Xiangwan was fully dressed and conscious. There was another person in the house, apparently nothing that he could not bear had happened.

The room full of epiphyllum pheromones made the blood of the two alphas swell and they stared at each other. The ground beneath the two of them seemed to be covered with gasoline. They just need a little spark and they will… Xiao Die is a beta but she already felt bad. The sensitive Qiuqiu cried in fear, but the attention of the two alphas was all in this bloodless ‘fight’. They focused on tracking every movement of the enemy, completely ignoring the outside voices.

Qu Moyu’s social status forced his reason. He swallowed the words ‘go away’: “Professor Bai, get out of here.”

The words are not offensive, but the tone is an absolute command and threat. Bai Xiangwan could feel that Qu Moyu’s pheromones were about to explode and pointed at him aggressively. He knew what he was facing. An enraged beast that would pose a major danger to his personal safety. It was an aggression against him. He was the leader of the industry giants that have a major impact on their careers and futures.

But if he really retreated like this, regardless of Shen Dai’s life or death, it was not in line with his principle of being a human being. He said solemnly, “Mr. Qu, I think we should all leave.”

Qu Moyu’s eyes became more and more gloomy: “Do you know what you are talking about?”

“Shen Dai is here because he doesn’t want you to be close to him during his estrus period. Please respect his wishes.”

“Then why are you here?!” Qu Moyu growled.

“I was afraid that something would happen to him, so…”

With Shen Dai hanging on Qu Moyu’s heartstrings, he didn’t want to talk nonsense with Bai Xiangwan for half a second. He strode to the guest bedroom.

Bai Xiangwan stepped forward, trying to stop Qu Moyu. Qu Moyu glared at Bai Xiangwan fiercely, the powerful alpha pheromone formed a huge pressure, forcing Bai Xiangwan to stumble back three steps. His heart seemed like it had stopped beating at that moment. The blood on his face faded cleanly and the power that came out of nowhere could be retracted and released in an instant. But Bai Xiangwan hadn’t recovered from the stature just now. He was trembling.

Qu Moyu had narrowed the range of pheromone oppression to only close contact, but the energy was too strong. Qiuqiu was still affected a little and the crying turned into a hoarse scream.

Qu Moyu’s face was extremely ugly. His eyes fell on Xiao Die and he said dumbly, “Take the child out.”

Xiao Die, who was shrunk in the corner, hurried over when she heard the words. She pushed Qiuqiu’s baby carriage and quickly went out.

Qu Moyu followed the smells of the ephemeral fragrance and opened the door of the guest bedroom. Shen Dai was half-naked, lying softly on the bed. His thin back was like a snow-white picture, with clear bones depicting the charming valleys and mountains. The potential of them arouses infinite reverie for Qu Moyu. The blood of Qu Moyu is rushing as he is filled with the violent fragrance of the flowers. The pheromones are violently scurrying in his body.

On the other hand, Shen Dai’s breath is still stable. It seems that the anxiety when he was in heat has been soothed and there is still a faint smell of another pheromone in the air…

Qu Moyu suddenly had a bad premonition. He took a few steps forward nervously and found that there was a little wet blood on the back of Shen Dai’s neck with a faint smell of white elm pheromone emanating from his body.

The will that was stretched to the limit exploded at this moment and Qu Moyu realised what the pain of his heart being gouged out felt like. He seemed to be the one suppressed by the pheromone, unable to think, move, or breathe. Someone took a sharp knife and cut his heart open, smeared his chest and smeared his world beyond recognition with dripping blood.

He was in crazy pain.

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There were light footsteps behind him and Qu Moyu turned around like a beast with lightning speed. In the blink of an eye, he grabbed Bai Xiangwan’s collar with both hands and twisted the opponent’s neck in the opposite direction.

Bai Xiangwan grabbed Qu Moyu’s wrist violently and his pale face suddenly turned red.

“You dare to ‘mark’ him.” Qu Moyu’s face was grim and he kept baring his fangs, “You dare to ‘mark’ my omega!”

Bai Xiangwan said hoarsely, “That’s… a temporary… ‘mark’.”

Of course Qu Moyu knew it was a temporary ‘mark’, but he couldn’t allow it: “He is my omega! He is mine!”

This was the moment in his life when he wanted to release pheromones wantonly. He wanted to bite off the intruder’s neck. If Shen Dai was not there, after being overwhelmed by jealousy, there would be no pheromones that could even restrain him.

“Really?” Bai Xiangwan showed a mocking smile. His eyes were fierce and angry, “Is he… your… omega? Your ‘mark’… on him… is…”

Qu Moyu kept tightening his hands. Even after seeing Bai Xiangwan’s eyes bloodshot from being strangled, he didn’t stop. In fact, he is savouring the pleasure of this twisted revenge.

“You… ‘marked’ him, and forced him… to wash it off…” Qu Moyu froze suddenly. Bai Xiangwan seized the moment’s laxity and suddenly released his own pheromones. He pushed Qu Moyu into the corridor ruthlessly to the opposite wall.

Bai Xiangwan leaned against the wall and coughed violently.

The fight between the two woke Shen Dai from his semi-consciousness. He opened his heavy eyelids and looked outside the open door. Two alphas were standing against the wall in the narrow corridor. Two alphas flowing in the air with their pheromones full of tyranny.

His confused brain was temporarily unable to process and analyse the scene in front of him and he only felt scared.

Qu Moyu’s aura was like a flame filled with sand but was suddenly weakened for a bit. Without waiting for him to speak, Bai Xiangwan said sternly: “I temporarily ‘marked’ him to make him less painful. But how about you? You ‘marked’ him in spite of your lust and when you sobered up, you regretted it. You forced him to wash off the ‘mark’. I guess you also forced him to destroy Qiuqiu? Otherwise, why would he hide from you and run off to Lancheng?!”

Qu Moyu opened his mouth. His lips were trembling. But he was speechless.

“Where were you when he was pregnant and gave birth to a child when his life was the most difficult? Where were you when he threw up what he ate and lost eight pounds in a month? And when he stood in line at the hospital alone for three or four hours during his maternity check? And when his feet were swollen to the point of walking hurts? After giving birth, Qiuqiu was in the hospital for half a month and only the nurses took care of him. Every day and night, he took care of the child upside down and couldn’t get a full night’s sleep. Where the hell were you at those times?!” Bai Xiangwan has always been a calm person. But at this time, he just wanted to vent his contempt for the person in front of him, “Now that you have appeared, you are still brazenly trying to rob his child and you dare to say that he is your omega when he has already washed off your ‘mark’. He is not your omega!”

“Shut up!” Qu Moyu shouted violently. In anger, he pulled Bai Xiangwan’s collar again.

Shen Dai shouted weakly, but neither of the two in anger heard him.

Qu Moyu threw Bai Xiangwan out of the front door half-dragging him and slammed it shut hard.

“Qu Moyu!” Bai Xiangwan patted the door, “What are you doing? Don’t hurt him again!”

“I won’t hurt him!” Qu Moyu let out a desperate cry. His voice was getting weaker and weaker, “I… he is my omega. I won’t hurt him…”

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“Open the door! Qu Moyu!”

Qu Moyu returned to the guest bedroom and closed the door. He looked at Shen Dai and the brief silence was like a dense cloud before a heavy rain. The dim light covered Shen Dai’s clean texture with a moist, soft light. His moist eyes looked at Qu Moyu hazily. His nose widened as he smelled his surroundings. His lips slightly opened and closed as he said weakly, “What happened to Brother Bai?”

“Don’t mention him.” Qu Moyu pressed one knee on the mattress. He tore off his tie and shirt and looked down at the beautiful scenery in front of him. His desires were rising and fermenting. But Bai Xiangwan’s words were still echoing in his ears. The tingling of his heart tormented him for a moment. His omega is suffering and all the faults point out to him.

Under the double appeasement of the inhibitor and the temporary ‘marker’, Shen Dai’s estrus has subsided a lot under the premise that if he no longer receives any stimulation. But Qu Moyu is a new stimulation. How could he resist such a powerful alpha pheromone at this time?

Realising what Qu Moyu was going to do, Shen Dai shivered and shrank back: “No. Qu Moyu… No…”

Qu Moyu leaned down, pinched Shen Dai’s chin and kissed him. The kiss was intense and lingering, wishing he could take away all of Shen Dai’s rejections. At the same time, he neatly tore off the excessive fabric on Shen Dai’s body.

“No… Qu Moyu…”

“Shh…” Qu Moyu softly comforted Shen Dai while kissing him. “Don’t be afraid, Ah Dai. Don’t be afraid. You are my omega. I will accompany you through the estrus period and I will take care of you at any time in the future. I’ll be with you through it all.”

His senses are so keen. His breath is full of the fragrance of the ephemeral flowers tainted by the scent of white elm. Jealousy corrodes every nerve of him and his heart is broken. He was in pain and despair. His heart was crushed and he had to ride the wind to fly to the karma named Shen Dai.

There was no other way. He didn’t believe that feelings could torture people to this point. Until Shen Dai appeared in his life, he didn’t know how to measure love, or even how to love. He only knew that he must never lose Shen Dai.

The only way to save this is to take back his omega. He wants to ‘mark’ Shen Dai. The real, permanent ‘mark’. An unswerving one on his Shen Dai.

Qu Moyu lay on his side beside Shen Dai and he took the man into his arms. He held Shen Dai’s erect genitals with one hand and stroked it. His other hand went directly to his buttocks. The asshole kept opening and closing, secreting smooth intestinal juice, dripping with ‘invitation’.

“Qu Moyu! Go away and don’t touch me!”

Shen Dai was stripped to the bare bones and his sweaty body was smooth and moist. The more he struggled in Qu Moyu’s arms, the more tempting he became. But he didn’t realise this. He just wanted to escape! Qu Moyu inserted his fingers into the wet and soft flesh hole, dug out a large piece of intestinal juice and smeared all of it on Shen Dai’s face. He then kissed Shen Dai’s ear and cheek and said in a rough voice, “You want me to go away? You know how much you want me to fuck you. Your body is much more honest.”

Shen Dai said hoarsely: “No. Don’t…”

Qu Moyu put his long arm through one of Shen Dai’s legs, raised it high, and poked the fleshy hole with his thick and painfully long meat blade, looking for the correct entrance.

Shen Dai was trembling all over. The reason he had just gained and the rekindled desire were fighting endlessly again. Every cell in his body was eager to be penetrated, inserted, and viciously violated. And he wanted the brutal and strong alpha to enter his body. To enter his secret place – whether it’s genitals or the pheromones. He wants to keep having sex. He wants to hug Qu Moyu and never let him go.

But he can’t. He can’t! He can no longer have more entanglements with Qu Moyu!

Shen Dai firmly grasped the trace of his lucid sanity and struggled weakly: “Don’t… I don’t want…Aah-“

Accompanied by Shen Dai’s scream, Qu Moyu inserted his genitals in. The warm and moist flesh had already been prepared for this long-awaited fusion. Qu Moyu also endured to the limit. He stabbed deeply to the end, straight to the heart of the acupuncture point and hit the soft genital cavity.

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Pain, soreness, numbness, excitement… all the pleasure rushed into the brain in an instant. All the limbs and bones trembled as if they were overwhelmed.

Qu Moyu was also very relieved by the tightly wrapped meat wall. He took a deep breath. How could a hungry person taste delicious food gracefully? He let Shen Dai’s lower body open for himself and then started to slam wildly.

The excessively violent movements made the bed under both of them shake and Qu Moyu thought that the position of lying on his side was not deep enough and not strong enough. So he took out his wet dick, turned him over to face him and pressed himself on Shen Dai thinly. He then grabbed Shen Dai’s fair and slender legs and hooked them on his shoulders, raised his waist with a pillow underneath it, and pushed his dick in again from the front. Shen Dai grabbed the crumpled sheets with both hands and was ‘nailed’ in place by Qu Moyu’s genitals with nowhere to hide, enduring waves of ferocious manipulations.

The surging desire infects his every nerve. He makes an uncontrollable lewd scream as he struggles between the pain and pleasure. He shakes his head and tails but he still sinks infinitely.

The bodies of alpha and omega are blending in water and milk. The pheromones are also entangled invisibly. The smell in the whole house is so strong that it is about to turn into tangible things, tightly wrapping the two who wanted to rise and fall.

Qu Moyu swayed his powerful waist frantically. He went in and out of the ecstasy hole again and again. It forced him to keep exploring, looting, and filling in all the gaps that he could reach.

Whenever he collided with Shen Dai’s genital cavity, it was exchanged for Shen Dai’s terrified and emotional screams, as well as the contraction of the limit of the flesh hole. The pleasure brought at that moment was like a tsunami rising from the ground. It was so refreshing that his soul felt like it was going to come out of his body. He thrusted forward fiercely, wishing he could put all of his testicles in as well. Shen Dai’s head almost touched the soft end on the head of the bed but he was dragged back by his waist to endure a new round of fucking.

He possessed Shen Dai completely. He licked and bit Shen Dai’s lips, sucked Shen Dai’s skin, stroked and rubbed every inch of Shen Dai’s body. He wished he could swallow this omega into his stomach and slowly taste all the goodness he could give him.

The slaps and sounds of water from the gouge in the back hole were lewd and rambunctious. The intestinal juices were even pounded into tiny foams, staining Shen Dai’s thighs wet.

Shen Dai was fucked to the point of becoming paralyzed and he seemed to have no autonomy from the waist down. He became a container for pure adultery and pleasure. Crazy stimulation continued to hit his body. There were flames and orgasms everywhere. Pleasure eroded his sanity and he begged for mercy in disorder. But then he screamed again and again.

This crusade seemed to be endless. Shen Dai was unconscious for a time and was reawakened by the extreme stimulation to this lustful field where dreams and reality alternated. Qu Moyu flipped Shen Dai’s body over, making him kneel on the bed. His eyes first fell on Shen Dai’s red, swollen, spit-out, unclosed flesh pussy, and his sacrificial buttocks. The open reproductive channel is an absolute surrender to the alpha. His eyes moved up and were fixed on the back of Shen Dai’s neck, where there were interlaced scars and mottled bloodstains, which was also something that he must deal with.

He slowly pushed the bloody, terrifyingly thick big dick back into Shen Dai’s flesh hole and fucked it for more than a hundred times. The entrance of the genital cavity began to push inward. At the same time, he leaned down, revealing sharp canine teeth, aiming at Shen Dai’s glands.

A sharp pain hit. Shen Dai’s eyes widened suddenly. He felt as if his lower body was about to be pierced. He was no stranger to this kind of tearing pain. He knew that Qu Moyu wanted to form a knot in his genital cavity! All the painful memories flooded back into his mind. The pain Shen Dai felt was not only in the genital cavity, but also in the glands, in the heart, in the nerves, and among the painful memories of a series of consequences in his life. Such as being married to their sexual relationships, being ‘marked’, and getting pregnant. They were all completely triggered and even awakened him in the chaos of him being in heat.

Shen Dai gathered all his strength and struggled: “Don’t! Let me go!”

“Don’t be afraid. Ah Dai, let me ‘mark’ you.” Qu Moyu’s canines hovered above the back of Shen Dai’s neck. He said solemnly and affectionately as if he was about to deliver all his life, “I will give you my ‘mark’. You will become the only omega in my life.”

“Don’t—” Shen Dai screamed in horror. He turned his head and looked at Qu Moyu’s eyes full of fear and determination. He said with tears in his eyes as he gritted his teeth, “If you dare to ‘mark’ me again, I will remove my glands!”


Next update: 2022.08.10


*Translator’s note: QMY much needed this lesson:

Bai Xiangwan: Now that you have appeared, you are still brazenly trying to rob his child and you dare to say that he is your omega when he has already washed off your ‘mark’. He is not your omega!

Me: Thank you, Senior Brother Bai. Exactly what we all wanna say to him. Take that! -K

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