Alpha Predator

Chapter 92: 92

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


When Shen Dai woke up in the hospital, it was already the second day he was there. His fever had subsided. But his body was still uncomfortable. He was now completely sober.

He remembered everything that happened before he was unconscious. All the chaos, despair and unbearableness… All the confusion that Qu Moyu brought him, leaving him nowhere to hide.

The white elm pheromone on his body was very elegant. He could smell it very clearly. He didn’t know why Bai Xiangwan was there, let alone why Qu Moyu was also there. The three of them seemed to be tied to an out-of-control car. In the car, the hurricane rushed towards the cliff and thus, who can stop the destruction from coming?

Shen Dai raised his hand subconsciously and touched the back of his neck. There was only a small scab on the wound on the skin. He knew that Qu Moyu didn’t mark him in the end, but he still had lingering fears if he did.

Perhaps many people in the world think that the ‘mark’ of an S-class alpha is an invitation to Vanity Fair. But for him, it was a poisoned apple for which he had paid the painful price of derailing his life into. He will never repeat the same mistakes again.

When he said he was going to remove the glands, he meant it. If he didn’t have the glands, if he wasn’t an omega, wouldn’t he be able to reduce a lot of his suffering? At least, he will no longer experience the period of being slaughtered by others and he will no longer be controlled by Qu Moyu’s pheromones. Even at the cost of his own health, if he can break free from this innate shackle, what’s the problem? It will be worth it.

He thought to himself that when Qiuqiu got to three years old, he would stop relying too much on his pheromones… By that time,… he will…

Wait! Qiuqiu!

He looked around and couldn’t find his mobile phone. He pulled on the call bell.

Soon, the nurse pushed the door and came in. She was followed by Aunt Lan.

“Ah Dai, you’re awake.” Aunt Lan’s smile was reluctant. It was as if she was worried. This is a pure and kind woman who does not hide her emotions.

But Shen Dai didn’t want to ask anything. He didn’t seem to care about anything other than Qiuqiu, including himself. He asked, “Aunt Lan, where is Qiuqiu?” He opened his mouth and his voice was hoarse. His throat is sore.

Aunt Lan poured a glass of water: “Don’t worry. Qiuqiu is at home. The nanny is watching over him.”

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“My handphone?”

“I don’t know. You didn’t have a mobile phone when you got here.” It must be still at Cheng Zimei’s house, Shen Dai thought. Even if he didn’t have his mobile phone, he doesn’t know how to face them now. The sense of shame is already a low-level torture for him. He was feeling more and more deeply guilty for causing them so much trouble.

“Do you want me to ask Xiao Wu?” Aunt Lan asked.

“No need. Can you turn on the nanny cam and let me have a look?”

Aunt Lan opened the software on her phone. And when Shen Dai saw that Qiuqiu was sleeping, he felt relieved. He then sat up from the hospital bed.

“Ah Dai, do you want to go to the toilet?”

“I want to go home.”

“You haven’t recovered yet. The doctor asked you to stay for a few more days.”

“It’s not necessary.”

“Ah Dai, let’s listen to the doctor.” Aunt Lan said. Her face looked like she was in a difficult position.

Shen Dai paused for a while. He then lay back down. How could he not tell that this is definitely not the order from the doctor. It is clearly from Qu Moyu. After all, they are all hired by him. So there is no need to make Aunt Lan embarrassed. He asked, “How many more days?”

Aunt Lan said slowly, “About… four or five days.”

“Until my temporary ‘mark’ disappears completely, isn’t it?” Shen Dai asked in a muffled voice.

Aunt Lan only sighed.

Also, how could Qu Moyu allow him to go out with another alpha’s pheromones on him? Where would the S-class alpha’s dignity be placed?

“Understood. But you have to bring Qiuqiu over.”

“I will tell the young master.”

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“Aunt Lan, can you lend me your cell phone again? I want to make a few calls.”

Shen Dai called Shen Qin first and asked about his grandmother. In the past few days, his grandmother’s health has improved and her spirit is also good. But she can’t be discharged from the hospital for the time being. After saying a few words, Shen Qin started to ask what kind of nutrition he wanted for his grandma’s supplement and what medicines he prescribed.

Shen Dai was powerless to say anything to him: “I have a problem with my mobile phone. I will transfer the money to you in the afternoon. Please take care of my grandma.”

He called Cheng Zimei next.

Cheng Zimei was obviously impatient when she answered the unfamiliar phone call. After hearing Shen Dai’s voice, she said ‘ah’: “Ah Dai? How are you? How are you? Where are you?”

“I’m in the hospital. I’m fine. “Shen Dai said in a deep voice, “I’ve caused you trouble again. I’m really sorry. I…”

“It’s okay. Don’t take it to heart. No one thought that Mr. Qu would…” Cheng Zimei also felt a little embarrassed. “Well, Mr. Qu’s housekeeper has come to take care of the aftermath. That old man is very kind and he has lost a lot of money to me. Is this considered hush money?”

Shen Dai supported his heavy and sore forehead with his palm: ” Is my cell phone in your house?”

“The housekeeper took it away.” Cheng Zimei asked cautiously, “Ah Dai, are you going to marry Mr. Qu?”


“The news that Mr. Qu and Zhou Xiaochu had cancelled their engagement came out today. It has been confirmed. And now, the rumours say that Mr. Qu wants to marry you.”

Shen Dai’s voice suddenly became cold: “No. We can’t.”

Cheng Zimei sighed helplessly: “Ah Dai…” She paused and finally, she swallowed what she wanted to say, “After the estrus period is when you are weak, you should rest well.”

“Okay. Can you tell me Brother Bai’s phone number?”

Looking at the message sent by Cheng Zimei, Shen Dai couldn’t muster the courage to call him. So he finally only returned the phone to Aunt Lan: “Aunt Lan, my phone is with Uncle Heng. Can Uncle Heng bring it to me?”

“Oh, okay.”

Aunt Lan was sending a message when there was a knock on the door of the ward. Madam Qu came in.

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Madam Qu nodded to Aunt Lan, her eyes suggesting that she and the nurse should go out first.

After the two of them left, Madam Qu sat beside the hospital bed with sad eyes: “Ah Dai, are you feeling better?”

Shen Dai said in a low voice, “I’m much better.”

“I’m here to pick you up to leave the hospital. Do you remember the house where you met Qiuqiu once? You and Qiuqiu should move there first.” Madam Qu added, “Moyu also agreed.”

Shen Dai stared blankly at Madam Qu, as if he couldn’t believe it.

Madam Qu took out a mobile phone from her bag: “Ah Heng gave it to me. This is yours.”

Shen Dai slowly took the phone and asked hesitantly, “For real?”

“For real. The two child-rearing nanny will also take care of Qiuqiu.” Madam Qu lowered her head and looked sad, “It’s not convenient for Moyu to see you now. I have told Ah Heng to pack up and move over the daily necessities for you and Qiuqiu’s.”

Shen Dai was silent for a long time before asking, “What does he want?” He was on guard against any actions of Qu Moyu. Even if Madam Qu came forward now, if Qu Moyu did not agree, he would still not be able to get rid of Qu Moyu.

Madam Qu thought for a while: “He’s in a mess right now. Please give him some time.”

What came to Madam Qu’s mind was the conversation she had with her son not long ago. She didn’t tell Shen Dai that Qu Moyu was also in this hospital. He is in the next door ward.

Last night, Qu Moyu was consuming too much energy in the decompression chamber. Yu Fengcheng judged that his condition was not good and sent him to the hospital.

Alphas have the ability to use pheromones to dominate others, but their domination of pheromones also comes at a price. Qu Moyu beat the twelve-centimetre-thick alloy like Swiss cheese, which shows how terrible the pheromones that he had released.

This was Qu Moyu’s worst health condition in his life. When Madam Qu arrived at the hospital, he had already been infused with three bottles of liquid.

Madam Qu saw that Qu Moyu was wearing a hospital gown with his messy hair. his stubble had just appeared on his pale face. She dared not recognize that this was her son who had always been high-spirited.

“What’s wrong with you?” Madam Qu was distressed and anxious, “Ah Heng said that Shen Dai is here too?”

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Qu Moyu didn’t have the face to tell his mother what happened, although she probably knew everything: “Next door.” He leaned against the wall, imagining that there was Shen Dai on the other side of the wall so this might be the closest distance they could keep for now. He didn’t even have the courage to take a few steps to take a look at him. He was afraid. He was afraid of smelling Bai Xiangwan’s pheromones on Shen Dai.

Madam Qu couldn’t help scolding: “How old are you? Why do you let yourself become like this?”

Qu Moyu was silent for a while. He then said, “He won’t let me ‘mark’ him.”

“You forced him to wash off the ‘mark’, you know…” Madam Qu gritted her teeth, “Of course, he won’t now.” She couldn’t imagine how much pain it would take to perform an operation without anaesthesia. How can he be willing to be ‘marked’ again after he had experienced it?

“I want to marry him. I want to ‘mark’ him and give him everything he wants. But he…” Qu Moyu’s lips trembled and his heart felt a pain, “He doesn’t want anything from me.”

Madam Qu sighed: “Moyu, do you really like him?”

Qu Moyu laughed at himself: “Otherwise, why would I do this?”

“But what you did to him didn’t show any of it.”

“I… I’m not good enough for him. I broke off the engagement, I took him and Qiuqiu home, and I am even willing to give him my ‘mark’.” Qu Moyu closed his eyes and said tiredly, “He still doesn’t want it. What does he want? He doesn’t want anything… Mom, I have nothing to give him.” Even the ‘mark’ couldn’t impress Shen Dai. What else could he give?

Madam Qu looked at her son. Her eyes were full of deep sadness. She slowly held Qu Moyu’s hand and choked: “It’s your mother’s fault. I let your father educate you in his way. I was too weak that I couldn’t keep your sister. I couldn’t take care of you. I didn’t even teach you how to love someone.”

After giving birth to Qu Moyu, she suffered from severe postpartum depression. Qu Moyu needed his mother the most by then. When he was young, she couldn’t take care of him. And when she had gotten better, she didn’t know how to get along with an S-class alpha son who had been instilled in the mentality since he was conscious that he is ‘superior’. She was once afraid of her own son. In his body, she kept seeing the miniature of her husband.

It’s not that she didn’t realise her son’s emotional needs for her but she escaped from him uncontrollably. Time and time again, after she spent years of piecing together her broken self from the ruins of her soul, by that time, her son was no longer willing to get close to her. Even she herself once thought that she could not educate an S-class alpha. But she forgot that it was her own child and that he was just another human being.

She held Qu Moyu’s hand tightly: “Moyu, the most precious thing is not your ‘mark’. But it is your heart.”


Next update: 2022.08.12


*Translator’s note: QMY being educated be like…. -_- Meh… But still, how you educate your child will reflect later on in his/her adulthood. Being parents is hard work… -K

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