Alpha Predator

Chapter 95: 95

Title: 顶级掠食者 (Alpha Predator)

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Author:水千丞 (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists :沈岱 (Shen Dai -MC), 瞿末予 (Qu Moyu -ML)


Shen Dai looked at Qu Moyu calmly: “I know you will definitely be angry. But I can’t pretend that nothing happened. I want to remind Mr. Qu that all the problems between us are not caused by him. It can’t even be caused by him. But saying that it has nothing to do with him is not right as well. Since he helped me and Qiuqiu when I was in my most difficult moment. If you take out your anger at him both in the public or in the private, it will be unreasonable.”

Qu Moyu suddenly felt discouraged. What Bai Xiangwan said to him that day had tormented him for several nights. What was he doing when his omega was struggling with his baby and living alone? He got engaged, he was busy with his career, and he was thinking about how to conquer the city in the glittering Vanity Fair. Although he also wanted Shen Dai, he didn’t know what Shen Dai had gone through. Shen Dai was right. Without Bai Xiangwan’s help, his omega and his child would have had a harder life. He really wanted to find someone to express his anger to relieve the constant flooding of the poison called guilt and remorse.

He hates Bai Xiangwan. It was not only because Bai Xiangwan gave Shen Dai a temporary mark. But it was also because Bai Xiangwan, at some time and to some extent, took his place as Shen Dai’s alpha and Qiuqiu’s father. That is the identity that he couldn’t restore no matter what he pays for now.

He knew that the only person to blame was himself.

Qu Moyu lowered his head and was silent for a long time before he said softly: “You are right. He helped you, so I owe him this favour.”

Shen Dai was a little surprised. When he decided to say these words, he was already prepared to bear Qu Moyu’s anger.

His next words surprised Shen Dai even more. Qu Moyu said: “Don’t worry. I will not do anything to him. Lancheng’s project is led by him. I am reluctant to let it go. The company also needs him. I have no public or private interests in this. No matter what, I don’t want to embarrass you.”

Shen Dai was startled for a moment. He quickly glanced at Qu Moyu with a complicated expression.

“Ah Dai, I’m here today to tell you that I wanted to ‘mark’ you that day not because I was stimulated by Bai Xiangwan. It was also not because of the impulse when I fell into lust.” Qu Moyu stared at Shen Dai. His eyes were deep and heavy. “I want to marry you. I want to ‘mark’ you. I want to make up for all the damage that I have done to you. I want to give you all the promises I can give and I want our family to be together forever.”

Shen Dai’s heel quietly rubbed back a step. His eyes flickered uncomfortably. Qu Moyu’s sudden change made him feel a little at a loss. He couldn’t help thinking about Qu Moyu’s hidden intention for him to change. He knew how difficult the man was. Then, how could he turn to be so gentle?

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But he couldn’t help but think that an S-class alpha is too proud to be treated coldly for long.

Shen Dai quickly calmed down. He lowered his eyes and did not respond.

Qu Moyu didn’t expect a response either. He said, “Can I take a look at Qiuqiu? If I can’t get close to him, I’ll leave.”

“You might wake him up.”

Qu Moyu smiled helplessly: “Okay then. I’ll come to see you another day.”

Shen Dai watched Qu Moyu walk out of the door, still feeling a little dazed. It was as if he didn’t quite believe that Qu Moyu would do nothing at all. So he told himself a few words to be at peace with himself.

He stood stiffly in the living room for a long time. His eyes fell on the box of carrot-pulling toys, thinking that Qiuqiu was indeed starting to practise grabbing lately.


In the next few days, although Qu Moyu did not appear, Shen Dai could feel his presence everywhere. For example, the research institute suddenly was sent with a batch of new green plants. All staffs’ seats were replaced with ergonomic chairs. And consumer coupons for the opposite shopping mall were issued to them one by one. There was also news of the plan to comprehensively improve the decoration and dishes of the research institute. Night shift chefs will also be retained to serve people who worked overtime.

Everyone knew that these actions were all done for Shen Dai.

When the canteen started to be renovated, Qu Moyu personally came over to take a look. Since the CEO of the group came to review, it seemed like a major construction project was going to be carried out. In fact, it was just a simple renovation. It was just changing a batch of tables, chairs and tableware, and it would be completed in a week or two. But when he came, people had to come down to accompany him.

When Qu Moyu saw Shen Dai in the crowd, his eyes seemed to be glued in place. He stared at him for about five to six seconds. Shen Dai was wearing a white lab coat, as how he was first seen the first time they met. This plain long gown with no tailoring would cause some people to look bloated when they wear it. And some other people will look straight like a pole when they wear it. But only Shen Dai, with clear bones, moderate thin and thick flesh and calm gait outline gave a touch of graceful, light, and very vivid white of the lab coat. The inner ‘filling’ is infinitely fascinating. Qu Moyu had tasted that body and he was far from having enough of it.

Liu Xi stepped forward and thanked the leaders for their concern about the renovation of the cafeteria. He then asked the leaders for any further instructions.

Qu Moyu said: “Professor Liu, the administration is now discussing the new menu with the chef. This time the budget is very good and the food supplements have also increased. If you have any requirements, you can directly mention it.”

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Liu Xi smiled: “Okay. There are a lot of people working overtime in the research institute. I didn’t expect that Mr. Qu would be able to open a night-shift canteen for us. I’m really grateful.”

“Yes. The research institute is one of the core components of the group and it also brings together high-end talents we hired from within the country and abroad. When you are concentrating on your work, the group will naturally provide you with a good working environment as much as possible.” Qu Moyu said while looking at Shen Dai, “If you have any opinions on the renovation of the canteen, you can communicate with the administrative department.” 

The crowd said unanimously, “Thank you, Mr. Qu.”

Shen Dai received Qu Moyu’s meaningful gaze. He stood in the crowd and didn’t want to stand out. But at the same time, he could feel that more people were paying attention to his actions, so he had to turn around. He looked at Cheng Zimei and pretended to discuss something with her.

Cheng Zimei raised her eyebrows and said in a low voice, “I owe this to you.”

Shen Dai lowered his head expressionlessly. He has now adapted to the new working environment. To be precise, the new ecological environment of the public opinion. The negative evaluation and face-to-face attitude of others – no matter which it is – he has adapted to them. He has to adapt. Otherwise, he will be unable to work. Perhaps in Qu Moyu’s view, such an expression is more subtle than blatantly delivering lunch to him in person but for him, no matter what Qu Moyu does, it will not change his environment too much. So he got used to it and it didn’t matter.

As long as he tamely accepts all arrangements, he would like to see how long will Qu Moyu’s patience last for him to play these tricks that seem to look like he is chasing after him. He would quietly watch and wait in this anxious, chaotic, and fluffy life. At least, it will give him a relatively peaceful space with Qiuqiu. When Qu Moyu finally got tired of this chasing and remembered that what he really needed was always an S-class omega with a superior background to give birth to a perfect S-class heir, his predicament could be solved. By then, he and Qiuqiu could be free.

At this time, a voice came from the crowd: “What standard will this canteen be refurbished to? Five stars?”

This voice sounded a bit sneering and mocking. The voice sounded good, but the tone made people feel uncomfortable. No one dared to go back with irony, because the person who asked that was Qu Chengchen.

Shen Dai’s shoulders stiffened and he didn’t turn his head to look. He hated Qu Chengchen deeply. If it wasn’t for Qu Chengchen’s plan to frame him, he might have been troubled by not receiving Qu Moyu’s love. But that kind of trouble was just a lovelorn problem that can be seen everywhere in life. It was far better than watching the person he once admired and looked up to walk down the altar and push him off into the abyss with his own hands.

A string of voices of people acknowledging ‘President Qu’ resounded in the crowd.

Qu Chengchen came over, deliberately stopped at the side of Shen Dai’s shoulder and said with a low smile, “Shen Gong, it’s been a while. Are you feeling better now?”

Shen Dai quietly put his hand into the big pocket of his lab coat and clenched it tightly.

Qu Moyu’s eyes sank. He walked over, glanced at Shen Dai, and then turned to Qu Chengchen: “Why are you here? Aren’t you on a business trip?”

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“I came back yesterday.” Qu Chengchen looked at Qu Moyu. The two of them are of the same height and their eyes met like gunpowder as always. “As soon as I came back, I heard that my eldest brother is going to drastically improve the various benefits of the research institute. This budget is quite a lot.”

“The results of the research institute this year are very good. Isn’t that what it should be?”

“Yeah. That’s what I meant.” Qu Chengchen smiled, “This is a great move. The output of the research institute has always been one of our company’s core competitiveness, and I hope everyone can feel it too. To receive the company’s care and attention from you.”

Everyone quickly echoed him.

“Shen Gong?” Qu Chengchen lowered his head. His body naturally leaned towards Shen Dai, “You have been on leave for more than a year. Do you feel any discomfort after you come back? Please tell me. Your opinion is very, very, important to all of us.”

Qu Moyu narrowed his eyes slightly. There’s a warning in his eyes. Since Qu Chengchen was defeated in their competition, the confrontation between the two has not eased because Qu Moyu managed to stabilise the rudder of Xingzhou. He is constantly crowding Qu Chengchen’s share. wanting to completely drive his second uncle out of the company’s decision-making level. So naturally, Qu Chengchen will not sit still. Now that Qu Chengchen knew that Shen Dai was very important to him, he might have bad thoughts again.

Shen Dai said coldly, “Let’s just follow the leader’s arrangement.”

Qu Moyu squinted at Qu Chengchen: “Chengchen, the Ministry of Chemical Industry has a lot of decisions waiting for you to deal with. Professor Liu, Shen Gong, let’s go to the office to talk.”

Qu Chengchen smiled and said nothing.

The three left the cafeteria and walked back to the office. In Shen Dai’s office, Liu Xi left with a funny excuse.

Sitting on the sofa, Qu Moyu looked at this familiar scene and remembered that he deliberately let Zhou Lan discover his relationship with Shen Dai back then. He protested his rival in love to a little boy who had not graduated yet. Looking back now, he was really naive and cheap. Unfortunately, at that time, he didn’t realise that all his abnormal behaviours were due to his attraction towards Shen Dai. He had never been possessive before.

Shen Dai stood leaning against the desk, waiting for Qu Moyu to speak.

“How is Qiuqiu these days?” 

“He’s good.”

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“I know that you go back occasionally to look at him at noon. But sometimes, you can’t go back if your work is delayed, so you still have to eat at the company. Of course, the renovation of the cafeteria is not all for you. But it is also to improve employee’s welfare.”

Shen Dai nodded: “Okay.”

“One more thing.” Qu Moyu said, “I know your grandmother is hospitalised again and the situation is not good this time.”

Shen Dai was surprised: “You… How did you know?”

“Assistant Cheng will usually contact your grandmother’s attending doctor every once in a while to find out about her condition.” Qu Moyu said, “I have already arranged an intensive care unit for her. You can also choose whether to transfer her to a private hospital. The conditions are better, but the treatment of serious diseases is definitely not as good as the top three hospitals.”

Shen Dai whispered: “No need. Let her just stay in the current hospital.”

“Okay. If you have anything else to ask for, you can talk to Assistant Cheng.” Qu Moyu paused. His voice softened, “Of course, it is best to just tell me. I’ll handle everything for you.” He paused and continued, “I’ll do anything for you, as long as you ask for it.”

Shen Dai pursed his lips. Even when he lowered his head, he could feel Qu Moyu’s burning gaze. So he kept his head down.


Next update: 2022.08.17


*Translator’s note: This virus named Qu Chengchen will cause trouble soon. I don’t know whether to hate him or not. In fact, I would have liked it if Qu Chengchen was the 2nd male lead instead of Bai Xiangwan. But oh wells… meh. -K

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