Alpha Predator

Chapter 99: 99

Title: 锶ēŗ§ęŽ é£Ÿč€… (Alpha Predator)

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Authorļ¼šę°“千äøž (ShuiQianCheng)

Translator: K (@kin0monogatari)

Protagonists ļ¼šę²ˆå²± (Shen Dai -MC), ēžæęœ«äŗˆ (Qu Moyu -ML)


When Qu Moyuā€™s warm lips touched his, the cold aura of ebony wood also invaded his senses. It formed a contrast between the two extremes of rigidity and softness with the fragrance of Epiphyllum. But they are incomparably fitted together, as if made in heaven. The two of them recalled the ā€˜markā€™ they once had. Ebony and Epiphyllum were once intertwined. You have me and I have you and we are inseparable. Every cell in the body seems to have the brand of each other. No matter how you suppress it, all it takes is a little stimulation to awaken the ancient memories. The ā€˜markā€™ affects far more than the physical body. The ā€˜markā€™ on the mind may not be completely eliminated in oneā€™s life ā€“ even if the ā€˜markā€™ is no longer there.

Qu Moyu pinched Shen Daiā€™s chin. From the light kiss of the tender lower lip. It was so fast that Shen Dai couldnā€™t think too much.

Shen Daiā€™s heart beat wildly. He instinctively stepped back, but Qu Moyu held the back of his neck. It was not until he pushed hard that Qu Moyu finally let him go. The intimate fit on the lips was gone, but there was still a palpitating warmth on itĀ 

Qu Moyu touched his lips with the pulp of his finger. As he was thinking about it, his deep eyes stared at Shen Dai without blinking. At the same time, he released the right alpha pheromone, which is a signal of courtship and it was a poison of charm. He saw the panic in Shen Daiā€™s pupils, and couldnā€™t help the wild beating of his heart.

Shen Dai stood up: ā€œItā€™s time to go home.ā€

ā€œWait.ā€ Qu Moyu said softly, ā€œAfter watching its blooming, itā€™s time to watch its curtain fall.ā€

Shen Daiā€™s eyes turned to the short-lived flower. As soon as it reaches its peak, the decline will also begin. In the past, he wanted to watch the whole cycle, but now he can no longer stay here. He and Qu Moyu are alone in such an atmosphere. Due to this flower, thousands of thoughts came up, making him flustered. He shook his head: ā€œIā€™m going home.ā€

Qu Moyu also stood up. He walked around the table and stood beside Shen Dai, naturally helping Shen Dai to pull the slightly longer bangs behind his ears. He said softly: ā€ Alright. Iā€™ll take you home.ā€

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Shen Dai stuffed his belongings into his backpack. He turned his head and walked away. He walked in large strides. It was almost as if he was jogging.

Qu Moyu, with his tall figure and long legs, followed him in only a few steps. He managed to squeeze in before the elevator door closed, holding the pot of Epiphyllum in his hand.

In the confined space, the fragrance of the Epiphyllum is even more refreshing. Qu Moyu imagined it to be Shen Daiā€™s pheromone. His heart was itching unbearably. His omega looked distracted. While he was taking a good sniff of the smell that had fascinated him several times, thereā€™s a swollen feeling in his lower abdomen.

Shen Dai was also very uncomfortable. Qu Moyu intentionally released his pheromones constantly. In the short dozen seconds in the elevator, his body was continuously stimulated like an electric shock. He had already tried to hide as much as possible in the corner. But he couldnā€™t stop Qu Moyu from insisting on standing next to him.

The elevator finally fell to the ground floor and Shen Dai quickly walked out.

ā€œAh Dai, wait. Itā€™s still raining outside.ā€ Qu Moyu remembered that his umbrella had been left in the laboratory as he grabbed Shen Dai, who was about to rush out. ā€œWait for me for a while. Iā€™ll go back and get the umbrella. ā€œ


Qu Moyu put the pot of the Epiphyllum on the ground and went back to get the umbrella.

Shen Dai squatted down and gently touched the soft petals of the flower. He then took out a folding umbrella from his bag, turned around and walked into the rain.

The company is very close to where he lives now. It is only a ten-minute walk away. It is late at night. The streets are empty and there are vehicles passing by occasionally. This city, which has always been noisy, is so quiet at this time that only the sound of wind and rain is left.

But Shen Dai could clearly hear his own heartbeat. He wanted to go home earlier. He couldnā€™t tell whether his rapid heartbeat was because he was walking too fast or because of Qu Moyu.

The blooming Epiphyllum, the quiet rainy night, the gentle eyes and the kiss that seemed to be such a natural thingā€¦ They all flashed in his mind constantly. For Qu Moyu to run to the laboratory in the heavy rain just to enjoy the Epiphyllum blooming with him, this is not like what he would do at all. But in any case, he should not stay. What he misses more is not the flowers or the times when he appreciated them with his grandmother and late grandfather. It was the feeling of being with Qu Moyu. He should not let Qu Moyu get close to him just because of that momentary touch.

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There was a sudden loud horn behind him. Shen Dai didnā€™t have to look back to know that it was Qu Moyu.

The black phantom Rolls Royce is parked in front of him. Qu Moyu got out of the car in the rain, blocking Shen Daiā€™s way. He said loudly, ā€œItā€™s so late and itā€™s still raining. Why are you running around?ā€

On such a rainy night, there was almost no one on the street. The street lights were dim, which simply provided a natural shelter for murder and crime. It was too dangerous for an omega to walk on the street alone like this.

Shen Dai raised his head and looked at Qu Moyu: ā€œIā€™ll get home soon.ā€

ā€œThereā€™s still another street to go. Get in the car.ā€ For him to just speak these two sentences, Qu Moyu was already drenched. He watched Shen Dai dodging from looking into his eyes. His heart was so excited because of the kiss he had just stolen but now it had turned cold again. The rain seemed to pour directly into his heart. He lowered his head, ā€œOr I will walk back with you.ā€

Shen Dai sighed secretly. He had no choice but to get in the car.

Qu Moyu sat in the driverā€™s seat. He wiped his face with a napkin and brushed up his wet hair that was stuck above his forehead. He peeked at Shen Dai from the rearview mirror and silently stepped on the accelerator.

The car quickly drove to the underground parking lot of the apartment. Shen Dai was about to get out of the car when Qu Moyu said, ā€œIā€™m soaking wet. Itā€™s so cold. Can you let me take a shower and change my clothes?ā€

ā€œā€¦ ā€œ

ā€œI have my clothes at that house. I lived here in high school. If I go back this wet, I will catch a cold.ā€

Shen Dai said, ā€œMr. Qu, this is your house anyway.ā€

ā€œBut now that you live here, of course I have to ask for your permission.ā€ Qu Moyu turned his head and looked at Shen Dai eagerly, ā€œCan I?ā€

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Shen Dai dropped a sentence: ā€œCan I say no?ā€ He opened the door and got out of the car. He went straight into the elevator of the building.

Before the elevator door closed, Qu Moyu followed him in again: ā€œThen I wonā€™t go in. You just give me a towel. I have to dry myself.ā€

Shen Dai silently pressed the number of the floor.

The two walked to the door of the house and Qu Moyu took Shen Daiā€™s wrist with a pitiful gesture: ā€œIā€™ll wait for you here. Just give me a towel, okay? You donā€™t want me to catch a cold, right? Iā€™ll have a meeting related to your laboratory tomorrow.ā€

Shen Dai turned to look at Qu Moyu: ā€œYou donā€™t have to do this.ā€

ā€œWhat do you mean?ā€

ā€œMr. Qu, just be yourself. Donā€™t pretend to be someone youā€™re not. Thereā€™s no need for that.ā€ Shen Dai paused, ā€œYou want me to be obedient, Iā€™m obedient now. What else do you want?ā€ Compared to the person in front of him, who made him unable to predict what heā€™ll do next, the condescending S-class alpha is the real Qu Moyu. He finally saw that side of Qu Moyu clearly. He didnā€™t want to try to guess what the purpose of his current actions were. Qu Moyu is the best at being frank and ruthless. It is better than to be this pretentious ā€˜goodā€™ guy.

Perhaps for him, Qu Moyu, who wanted to enjoy the short-lived flowers with him in the heavy rain, was more terrifying than Qu Moyu who suppressed him with his pheromones.

Qu Moyu took a deep breath. The coldness of his clothes that were wet against his skin finally penetrated into his bones. He said sadly: ā€œYou ask me what I want. What do you want me to say? I could have ā€˜markedā€™ you that day and let you obey me no matter what. Or even if I donā€™t ā€˜markā€™ you, I can still find ways to make you be ā€˜obedientā€™ to me. Why do I still try to please you? Donā€™t you really understand? I like you. All I want is the things that I didnā€™t believe in before. I didnā€™t take your feelings seriously back then. Now I know I was wrong. I regret it. I have done a lot of things that hurt you. I want to make up for it all. I want a chance. I want you to forgive me. I want you to like me.ā€ Qu Moyuā€™s voice trembled slightly, ā€œIā€™ve said all this. Is it not clear enough?ā€

Shen Dai grabbed the shoulder strap of the backpack with one hand and held it tightly. His fingers were sore. He was confused in his mind. He stared at the ground in a daze. His eyes were full of questions.

Is this what Qu Moyu really had said? Is this S-class alpha really bowing his head to him over and over again? Is thisā€¦ true? He wondered.

Qu Moyu held Shen Daiā€™s shoulder with one of his hands and the door with his other hand, trapping the person in between his arms. He said softly, ā€œAh Dai, look at me.ā€

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Shen Dai didnā€™t look at him. He didnā€™t dare to look at him. If he really sees love in Qu Moyuā€™s eyes that he canā€™t tell the difference between what is true and false, how should he control himself? He is relying on his hatred for Qu Moyu to crush and tear up all of his illusions over and over again. Only then can the once strong feelings be sealed in this body that had been ā€˜markedā€™ by Qu Moyu. He didnā€™t allow himself to still have feelings for Qu Moyu. Otherwise, it would be a betrayal to himself and to Qiuqiu. Otherwise, he deserved all the crimes that he had suffered.

ā€œAh Dai, Iā€™m sorry. I apologise to you for all the mistakes that Iā€™ve made.ā€ Qu Moyu slowly pressed his forehead against Shen Daiā€™s. His voice was so soft that it almost sounded like he was pleading, ā€œAll the grievances and hardships that you have sufferedā€¦ Iā€™m willing to make amends for them. Give me a chance.ā€ He closed his eyes. His heart was full of pain. Shen Daiā€™s silent resistance, his seemingly obedient disobedience, and the fact that he did everything possible to distance himself from him, had made his heart torn into a million times.

Thatā€™s right. He is a utilitarian businessman who just wants to get the maximum benefit at the minimum cost. So he raises his bets layer by layer and constantly adjusts his strategy. When he couldnā€™t impress Shen Dai, he felt desperate for a time so he could only take out his heart as an offering. But if Shen Dai didnā€™t even want his heart, what should he do?

Shen Dai suddenly pushed him away with a strong force. His eyes were scarlet and fierce: ā€œYou are a person without feelings. You admitted it yourself.ā€ He did not accept Qu Moyuā€™s ā€˜loveā€™ no matter if it was true or not. He would rather believe that Qu Moyu has hidden agendas and never believe that the hellish torment he had endured is based on this ā€˜loveā€™.

He opened the door and entered the house, blocking Qu Moyu from entering the door like a flood of beasts.

Qu Moyu looked at the closed door and stood there like a statue for a long time. His body was so cold that he seemed to have fallen into an ice abyss.


Next update: 2022.08.23


*Translatorā€™s note: Iā€™m sorry for the delay. I would usually post at 12 a.m. but on the weekend, I had to take care of my nephew and niece. I didnā€™t have time to even touch my laptop grrā€¦ By the way, SQC had posted the first extra chapter to this story on her weibo. Yay! You guys can go ahead and read the raw chapter there. -K

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