Siting on the couch Mei didn't know what to do since it was still 10 in the morning and the event was at 8:00 pm.

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deep in her own world Mei's thinking was disturbed when her bff called "hey babe, im going to be in your house an hour before we go to the event soo i will there at 7".

" Ok sunshine" that was the truth Tacha was Mei sunshine, she was there with her when no one was.

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they talked for a while before saying 'bye'.

she though that since it was still early she could take another hour sleep soo that's what mei did. she went back to sleep. she did not realise that it was late that she has been sleeping for a long time until she heard someone knocking at her door was when she realised that it was 7:10pm soo she had avery little time to get ready.

she opened the door for her bff who had a annoyed expression on her face cuz she has been knocking for about 10 minutes.

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45 minutes later they were both ready and looking beautiful.

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tacha did both of their makeup. neither of them was wearing a heave make up, just a little bit of mascara and red mate lip color, their hair was let out and was bouncing on their shoulder.

they both headed out of the apartment, a black limo was already waiting for them.

it only took 35 minutes to get to the place in wish they arrived on time but the king of The business world was earlier thank them.

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their driver wen and opened the limo door for them, outside of the hotel many paparazzi were outside plashing their cameras furiously

( not for a bad thing).when the two beauty came out of the car, everything stoped as of everyone's mind stoped working for a split of second but it only lasted a second bc everyone got their senses back. Mei was a bit nervous at her but she got through it and she stood next to mei who was leading her through the big carpet many people were whispering and asking one another about the beautiful young lady next to Mei bc they have never seen her before

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