Chapter 1 From the love of the two to the end of the confession with Himuro-san

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I stopped temporarily in front of the student council office and took a deep breath.

Including the student council activities that developed into the beginning of the event the day before yesterday. As vice president, I, as usual, started with the daily routine.

When this door is opened, the sharp poisonous tongue of our student council president will gush out. To endure it head-on, you must first be mentally prepared.

After all, the student council president, that is, the cold and arrogant genius girl Himuro Suzuha, can be said to be very harsh on me, which is very ordinary except for my studies.

In this state where others would only think of her as a murderer, the reason why I can take it casually is because there is no other reason than the special feelings I have for Himuro-san.

That's right, I want to emphasize again, I like Himuro Suzuha.

Precisely because I often observe her, I come to know... that cold girl sometimes shows a shy face and feminine behavior. And not so much that by then it would make my heart skip a beat, it's better to say that I'm already madly in love with the cute Himuro-san.

Although she rarely appeared at that time, I was always looking forward to seeing Himuro-san's beautiful side again. Although from time to time, she would make overly strong remarks that hit me hard, but this kind of anticipation made people refreshed, and I barely cried and endured until now.

However, I'm afraid her sharp speech today will be louder than usual.

As for why do I have this hunch? Because even though yesterday I made an appointment with Himuro-san to come early, I couldn't refuse my classmate Sajou's request to help her clean up… As a result, I was late for forty minutes… Well, 100% of it was my fault, what .

I thought it would end soon, who knew that it would take more than half an hour...

Well, if I had known this, I should have told Himuro-san that I would be late. This kind of situation is one of the examples Himuro-san often taught me that "you always have fewer roots". Oh yes...

I couldn't help but take a deep breath, opening the door while feeling the sweat on my palms.

"Himuro-san, forgive me for being late!"

First, I have to apologize. I bend down and bend down and put my hands together. At the moment-

"Since you came late, why didn't you tell me first? This is common sense, Tajima-san."

Coming like a gust of wind, it was truly a harsh accusation against me who was late without knowing it would be heard. This way of greeting is very cold.

The scene in front of me was exactly what I imagined. Himuro Suzuha stopped the hand that was originally manipulating the laptop, and pointed at me with slender eyes with reproach.

But who would have thought──

(Good, you're finally here.)

Somehow, it came right in front of me, as if the date that didn't come after the appointed time had finally appeared, that kind of leeway She sighed coquettishly.


That……was it a completely different development from what I imagined? Uh, how's the situation now?

Two voices with completely different natures came almost simultaneously.

The two voices were undoubtedly from Himuro-san.

Of course, here today, as usual, it was just the two of us.

Is it just my ears now? Or was it akin to some kind of auditory hallucination?

However, it is also true that another voice is present in an unusual way.

"Himuro-san is right. I'll pay attention to it next time."

After I finished speaking, I still tilted my head slightly in disbelief, but first sat down on the vice president's seat.

"When you and your classmate Sajou-san wrote the youth chapter, I had already processed three pages of documents and the document materials that had been cleaned up. But I always felt the efficiency was very low, since it's almost time to leave school, I don't know if I can rush it. Hurry. Will it be done before tomorrow's meeting? Of course, this is based on the premise that "You have indeed achieved the result as I requested."."

Himuro-san spoke a firm word.

Coincidentally, the so-called cleaning document refers to the work related to river shore cleaning volunteers that will be carried out next Saturday, with the student council and the head of the health department as the main members.

In other words, since I was late without permission and prevented her from finishing work on schedule, she couldn't forgive me-this explanation should be true… But then again, why did Himuro-san know that I would be cleaning the stairs with Sajou-san? It's obvious Sajou-san is begging me now.

(Woo... I was too worried about whether Tajima-san would go play with Sajou-san in person, so there was no progress at all at work. Tajima-san was so stupid. But haha, since you came here obediently, then I forgive you. It's just that you have to accept the punishment of coming home late from school and chatting with me for an hour.)

The voice in the back is almost like an awkward girlfriend acting like a baby to his late date boyfriend.

I couldn't imagine that that was what Himuro-san said in front of me, but I just misheard or something. However, the authentic sound quality makes it hard to ignore.

I couldn't help but turn back into the room and look around.

"…Say, it's true."

Well, as expected, no one else. It's only Himuro-san and I in this room.

So she really was the emcee who just spoke outrageously?

No no, how could there be such a stupid thing? Why did Himuro-san delay school for an hour to chat with me? After all, it was impossible to get permission to apply for a postponement from the school for this kind of personal reason.

Yes, Himuro-san in my field of vision is still as cold and arrogant and expressionless as ever. This is clear proof that it is more powerful than anything else. After all, that kind of coquettish voice couldn't come from Himuro-san...

"By the way, in order to prevent an accident, I have applied to the school to postpone school an hour in advance. That's right, be careful to sail the ship for ten minutes. thousand years." (I'm so awesome, no handicap! So we quickly finish the work, and then we can enter the chat time. Hehe~~)


'Crack' The chair under my hip shifted, unable to hide my inner shock.

Is this a coincidence? Just now she mentioned "punishment to chat with me for an hour." But now Himuro-san's nonchalant overtime declaration, even though her intentions were completely opposite, the result of staying in school for an hour was basically the same.

"One, one hour... overtime, right... Well, the school postponement application..."

"...What? Seeing you scared like that. Maybe you have something else to do, so you should be home from school on time... You shouldn't say that now." (Still... you hate staying with me too long, don't you...)

I heard doubts and weak voices that would never appear in an ordinary Himuro-san.

Suddenly, Himuro-san appeared in my mind like a Chihuahua, looking at me sadly with big watery eyes. I immediately shook my head silently and quickly dispelled this illusion.

What is that amazing sound? Where does it come from? Was it really Himuro Suzuha sitting in front of me? I think from the most realistic point of view-in short, more information for the assessment is needed.

So quietly, I kept repeating the three words "ordinary thoughts" in my heart, and at the same time I said.

"No, I'm fine. It's just that you suddenly said you were going to be working late, and I was just a little taken aback."

"Is that true? That's good."

Weird…? There's only one voice left...?

Before I found this point, Himuro-san spoke again.

"Since that's the case, let's get started. Regarding the volunteer cleanup project materials you sent in last week, there's an important point. Could you please fix it right away?" (Sorry, Tajima-san, your work is still as perfect as ever. I really appreciate you. likes one of those little places. It's called nitpicking.)

"Last week's plan...? Was it really that bad...? What part?"

Before I explain the current situation, I will talk about the problem of solving the puzzle later.

After making this judgment, I ignored the mystery of the sound for now and continued to discuss with the other party.

"It's about the division of each group in the work area."

"Well, I can't see where the problem is for a while? As far as I can see, each group is distributed fairly. Sorry, I really did something serious. Wrong?"

"Yes, you made a very crucial mistake. This is where—"

She stabbed me with cold, slender eyes. The mistake I made must have been very serious, and I couldn't be wrong.

"Why are you and Sajou-san in the same group?" (Why aren't Tajima-san and I in the same group!)


Hey, what happened just now? Now?

Himuro-san's discomfort is obvious.

In the first place, her tone matched her expression perfectly, as if she was interrogating a criminal.

However, the sound that came out after that slow tap was like that of a clumsy child acting like a baby.

And she was actually complaining because she wasn't in the same group as me…this, this too…shouldn't be possible. Yes, actually, 80% of it is just my imagination.

But even so, whatever the reason, when the other person was serious and angry, it was just too outrageous to think about that sound far from reality. Maybe I'm like Himuro-san's usual criticism of me, I'm no longer qualified to continue being a human.

In other words, this is because the crush often attacks me with all sorts of venomous remarks, which exhausts me both physically and mentally. The soul defense instinct is urgently activated. Simply put, it is the result of self-protection.

After all, I have to leave school as soon as possible to see a doctor is the best option.

When I thought about it with a surprised expression, Himuro-san asked dumbfounded.

"Oh, what's wrong with you? Can't you hear what I'm saying so close?"

It's coming again. This time I couldn't hear another sound. What is the problem?

"Ah, yes, I was slapped by you. Sorry, I wish you could say it again."

"Oh... I knew that. After all, I already knew that you were a stubborn man, and now there's no point blaming you." (Sorry, Tajima-san. Even though the plan itself is perfect, But there is only one part, which is very troublesome for me if I don't change it...)

Sure enough, I heard that voice again. Its contents did not match the helpless expression on her face, and her tone was still completely inconceivable, full of worry and self-blame.

Seriously... what happened?

"Listen carefully Tajima-san. I repeat, why do you and Sajou-san have to be in the same group?" (Why are Tajima-san and I separated into different groups. Really!)

"First, wait a moment. Himuro-san."

"Oh, didn't you say you didn't hear clearly, right?"

"Of course, how is that possible. I have a question to ask since I have heard your remarks clearly…"

"What is the problem?"

"Himuro-san, the point you just asked me to correct is that Sajou-san and I are in the same group?"

"Yes, right."

"Yes, right? Himuro-san doesn't like me being in a different group to you, right? Ha ha ha."

Maybe for a while, I made a dry laugh while scratching my cheek, and accidentally groped.

Oops! She said the wrong thing because she was too relaxed.

"...How can there be such a thing?" (Hey, was there something wrong? Could it be that I was too jealous and accidentally said that I slipped my tongue?)

"Just say it~~ Well, that's just now, I only made a little joke when the atmosphere was too stiff...Anyway, let me apologize first."

"...Rather than apologizing afterwards, it's better not to do it in the first place. It lightens the mood and makes me feel even worse." (Too, good. It turned out to be a joke. Really, don't scare me. I hate Tajima-san like that—strange, how could I hate you. Ha ha.)

What appeared in my ears along with disgust was a sigh of relief that seemed very relaxed and pleasant.

"Eh… then, let's get back to the point… Would it cause trouble if I was in the same group as Sajou-san?"

Himuro-san thinks that the problem is part of the volunteer riverside cleaning group I created.

The volunteer work planned and promoted with the Head of the Health Department uses the river as a boundary line, the student council is in charge of the side that is close to the school building, and the other side of the bridge is handed over to the school. Incidentally, the large bridge across the river could only divide the area in half.

The scope of the work is so wide, I remember this one-lane beach track that sports clubs often use for warm-ups is two kilometers long. And this time the area of ​​our responsibility is deeper than single lane, so it takes a lot of manpower. Many clubs have been mobilized, and as part of club activities, students are forced to participate. Except for student council members, most of the other staff are volunteers who take the initiative to take part in volunteer activities.

"Yes, the problem is big. I should have always warned you not to abuse your power." (Meaning. I don't have the same group as Tajima-san is indeed a problem that can't be underestimated.)

Even though she said that, the area beside the school building where I'm in charge of the student council has seven or eight people in each group, and I'm also scattering all the student council members as a precaution, even if I personally want to have the same group as Himuro-san, finally restrained myself.

"Abuse of authority… Let me say it first. I just heard Sajou-san's inexplicable request, "It should be fun with Tajima-kun, let's be the same group", and have no other intentions."

I tried to shake off my complaint, but Himuro-san raised the corner of her eye to her complaint, the view that I must be lying.

"Tajima-san, I've seen it for a long time. Compared to the others, you were very kind to Sajou-san. Including the cleaning this time, as well as the clothing inspection with the head of the disciplinary committee last time. You didn't secretly bite her ear with Sajou-san and asked her to take off her earrings right away?" (Thank you, I have to admire your teasing and cursing appearance at the school gates so early in the morning. This is so unpleasant and annoying!)

"That. It's because she's sitting next to me, or it's some kind of kindness between classmates."

"So you definitely don't want to do anything wrong." (I already noticed. That time when you were close to Sajou-san, your eyes were focused on her exposed chest. What's wrong? Really, boys like big breasts?)

She found it!

"Eh, after all, I'm also a boy. It's natural to want to be relied on by women. I can't deny that... I have to."

"Listen, I'm right. You like Sajou-san." (Huh, I don't care about Tajima-san anymore!)

Himuro-san seems satisfied that her conclusion is correct.

Bye, please don't think I have any delusions about female sex, okay? Even though it was an undeniable fact that my eyes moved towards Sajou-san's sweaty chest back then, it was also because her breasts were so rotten, she was a virgin killer… well, I shouldn't have done it again, I defended myself. I am sorry.

"The river shore cleaning area is huge, and there are some places that are even hidden away so they're not easy to find. Since there's no guarantee that you won't use this to make an irreparable mistake, I can't sit and watch this if I have to take responsibility, full responsibility. Don't care about the crisis. This is what is called risk-averse behavior." (No, absolutely not! I won't let Tajima-san and Sajou-san have the opportunity to be alone. Even though the friendship between the two of you is good, you should leave me. I'm against it if I don't get involved!)

Oh oh ...

"So, I would like to join you group as an observer. Then you don't have to worry about any mistakes." (Hehe, the feeling even though it's a bit of a master's bow, but then we can be in the same group. Yes!)

"Oh... hey, am I that unbelievable?"

"Yes of course." (No, Tajima-san, you are the person I trust the most in this academy. That's why I want to be with you and be myself.)

Hey, hey in front of my eyes is Himuro Suzuha.

That one is always calm, strict with everyone and has a strong sense of responsibility, and always firmly applies rationality and inner will with a cold expression on her face, an amazing cold expression at Himuro-san.

But she would be confused by such a trivial matter, it was as moody as a conversation with the person she wanted, she was truly in love, a girl in love, and she felt so untrue no matter how she thought about it. In addition, she is still in the middle of handling student council affairs.

Not to mention the person you like is still me, that's awesome.

So... Ah, yes.

According to rumors, she should have someone else she likes—

"If you understand, change the group assignment and let me join your group." (If you can understand what I mean, that would be a lot of fun. Think about it. It's only natural to spend a long time with someone I like. I can't help it, hehe, I like Tajima-san too much.)

"Okay, okay..."

'The person I like' —I held back the urge to vomit blood. Squeeze my right knee to remind myself.

There is a tingling feeling from the knee, it looks like this is not a dream.

Hah? Himuro-san, she... will really look at me?

No, no, such a thing can't happen, can it? But if it's true, I'm very happy? Ever since I heard rumors that she has a favorite person, I've always thought it was someone else, and it would never be me. But maybe it's just a misunderstanding I thought without permission?

……But ah, the sentence just now shouldn't have been said with such a cold expression, right?

I felt it would be difficult to continue the discussion with her, so I cut off the conversation and proceeded to make corrections.

Seriously, I don't have time to do this right now. In addition to many other tasks, I also act as an accountant. I have to be responsible for the accounting of various association funds. In addition, I am also the secretary to the president, so the requirements for each unit must be prepared first. Next meeting.

Unfortunately, it looks like I'll have to wait until tomorrow morning to see the doctor again. Even if the secretary and accountant who should be at the student council were not present for some reason, it would be too difficult to ask me to bring them. I've always felt that this is a black-hearted student council.

Moreover, an extraordinary phenomenon like that occurs every time Himuro-san opens, that is, the full hour of school time delays hasn't stopped-ah ha ha.

Therefore, when I finally finished school and looked at my house, I showed an expression of peace of mind that I had finally arrived at an oasis after wandering in the desert for hours, I could finally enjoy the serenity.


※ ※ ※ ※ ※


Hey hey hey, what happened to that voice?

As soon as I got home, I took three steps and rushed to the second floor in two steps. I landed on the bed and thought about what happened after school without changing my uniform.

The girl I like, Himuro Suzuha actually likes me too, and she also makes a lot of explosive comments that are hard to suppress.

Whenever Himuro Suzuha spoke to me for everyday conversation, the voice that followed behind her was completely correct.

However, Himuro-san herself, who continues to live a normal life, doesn't seem to know this. If I could easily agree that the voice was coming from someone else, I wouldn't be so upset right now.

Really, my head is really confused.

If you think from the most realistic point of view, this is the most likely symptom of a certain disease.

"Sure enough, before going to school tomorrow it's better to go to the hospital first. You should go to the psychiatry department for a disease like this, right? But how can I explain my condition to the doctor…"

In order to calm myself down, I muttered to myself while thinking.

"Doctor, I'm having auditory hallucinations… Is this all right? Huh, where's the nearest psychiatry department?"

"Um… Psychiatry department? As far as I know, the closest city hospital is indeed."

"Ah, do I still have to go to the city hospital? But the city hospital was notorious for having to wait two hours without an appointment. What do I have to do?"

"Hmm, that's all. But why go to the city hospital? How about the report?"

"Then you need to ask? Because I'm having auditory hallucinations."

"Hear hallucinations? Ah~~ You really made a mistake. Looks like me coming to visit you was the right choice."

"Ah? Wrong? What visited me—?"

Did I just talk to someone? Speak?

When I finally realized this fact, I swallowed hard, and timidly turned my eyes to the source of the sound, it turned out to be right in front of the TV screen.


I let out a confused voice that was almost dumbfounded.

For some reason, there was a woman who looked like a student at first glance. She removed half of his body from the TV screen, like a famous scene in a ghost movie—

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"Oh, before I start explaining, let me introduce you. I'm talking about your lover. Ah, if you could serve me some tea, I'd be happier."

The woman who came into my room from the TV screen with a clear expression was a model qualified to be a model. With beauty and a proud and sexy figure, the first impression is older than me. If judged from appearance alone, it will definitely give students feelings. The clothes are casual and close to today's youth fashion. The hair that is dyed brown is on the lower edge of the back of the head.

"Okay, we finally meet for the first time."

Turning her body to the TV, she knelt down and sat down by herself after finding a pillow to play a video game on. With a gentle smile on her face, she said,

"First, let me introduce myself. My name is Nanna. This is the god in charge of love in Enko Shrine, so please call me goddess Nanna."

She continued, grinning and grinning:

"But even though I'm a god, looks are still as old as you. How many. If you want to relax, you can call me Nanna or Miss Nanna. Just like chatting with classmates, I don't care if I don't need an honorary title. get used to this when I do business."

"Oh. Oh…"

No matter what, I nodded first. Uh, the so-called Enko Shrine... should mean "over there", right?

"Well, looking at your eyes, could it be that you doubt my god's identity? Well, this also makes sense. Don't worry, I can understand your feelings. Suddenly when someone says this to you, you might just I think other people's heads are weird."

"No, no, I don't have that—"

"So what can I do to make you believe? Ah, how about floating in the air?"

"No, no. No need. ... Well, no need. That... Nanna, you and we are in different worlds. Just by seeing you emerge from the TV screen, I can roughly understand it."

To be honest, I'm still half way through. -trusted. However, think about that tricky problem later.

It wasn't too late to make a final decision after Nanna finished speaking.

In the first place, the strange thing about Himuro-san made me give up completely, so I answered in a half-giving tone while thinking.

"Speaking of Enko Shrine...This is a compensatory dating shrine very close to our school, right? Indeed, so am I. I heard that there is a place where you can request marriage, and it's quite famous in the nearby area──"

"Ah~~ Aito deliberately called Enko Shrine a paid dating temple, right? Please fix it seriously. My shrine isn't called a compensation date. It's the light of fate!" (Note: The Japanese word for "light of fate"/[縁光] is spelled the same as "compensated date"/[援交])

"Okay, okay. Sorry..."

Nanna suddenly went crazy. Oops, looks like I stepped on the landmine.

"Listen carefully. My shrine, I sincerely pray for fate to shine, so that it will be named as the great name of Enko Shrine. It has absolutely nothing to do with impure compensation dating. As a result, people have heard about it recently. Enko Shrine, everyone considers it a compensatory date with the same pronunciation. You must remember that in the future, you must pronounce the word "光" in Enko Shrine clearly and never pronounce it as another word. Please do this. Keep your ambition in your heart."

"I, I understand. I will remember it strongly."

Nanna emphasized with her eyebrows and eyes, but I was overwhelmed by the momentum and lowered my head.

It would be unpleasant to be called a vulgar name for one's own name, which seems the same even as a god.

My own name is often changed to Otakujima or Iroshima, so I feel the same way—wait? I'm not too angry about it. Even so, it seems unpleasant for others to call me arrogant.

"Eh, so I mean a compensated dateahem, I mean Nanna, the god of Enko Shrine, why did you come to my house on purpose...Right, come here with the usual me?"

"Good question. Different question from earlier. Too far, let's get back to business now. So, Nanna, I have a question to ask Tajima Aito."

"Please teach me…?"

I tilted my head and asked. Nanna answered "Yes" and nodded.

In the next second, she said with a smile on her face:


"How? You can learn what a girl in love thinks in her heart. As a result, the truth about the fact that both parties are in love is exposed. What do you think?"



I was shocked, and felt my head go blank.

For a moment, I couldn't understand what the self-proclaimed goddess was saying.

"I hate it~~ Please don't act stupid anymore. Aito-san has good grades and must have a really good brain, right? You must know what I'm talking about, right? The truth of Himuro Suzuha is that she has fallen in love with you."

No. No, no, I froze because I couldn't understand it. This is definitely my first time meeting this person. Why does she think so highly of me?

Wait a minute, what happened to Nanna just now?

"As you know, don't look at Suzuha-san. In fact, she is very shy. In this way, Aito-san can only take the initiative to confess. Well, it's not too late to try to see her now."

Her eyes sparkling, the shining Nanna stands up and leans towards me.

Could these two things be related? The extraordinary phenomenon that occurred in the student council office, and the god of marriage who suddenly appeared!

"First, wait a minute--!"

My mind finally started to follow reality, and I hastily stopped Nanna from approaching with both hands, and quickly took a deep breath first.

"The topic jumped too fast, I'm a little confused. In short, let's treat Nanna as a god enshrined in Enko Shrine for now."

"What is not temporary, Nanna, I am a famous god of piety"

Anyways, I ignored Nanna's claim.

"Then, from the conversation just now, the biggest reason for the strange phenomenon I encountered when facing Himuro-san today was because Nanna came to me."

"Yes, that is so."

"All right then. Let's start slowly from here. Well, thanks a lot for helping me with this..."

My eyes slowly wandered from the tension.

Oh, my head is hot. Is this what is called chaos, or a state of joy?

Seeing my restless appearance, Nanna sighed after carefully observing her, and said, "I see," she returned to her original position and sat down on her knees.

"Then according to Aito-san's request, I will explain my motive for coming here in detail."

It seemed like the two sides could finally discuss it calmly.

"In other words, Suzuha-san likes Aito-san. And Aito-san you also like Suzuha-san. Simply put, you are happy with each other. Congratulations."

"Eh, you came to such a conclusion. I think all I know is what happened like this, and an explanation of that strange phenomenon. Besides, why does my problem have anything to do with god-sama Nanna at Enko Shrine? I also want to find out."

"Ah~~ this. The reason for ordering is very simple, because Suzuha-san came to ask me."

"Hey, what?

I'm also friends with God-sama? I stared in amazement, and Nanna smiled to cover up the embarrassment.

"I'm not making it clear now. To be more precise, it was Suzuha-san who came to Enko shrine to pray for the gods. Of course, Suzuha-san didn't know that Nanna existed."

"So, so what did Himuro-san ask for? Regarding love. Difficult, could it be asking for a relationship with me or something...?"

"Um... It's a bit of a hassle to explain this part-no, I'm afraid it's hard to convey. The content in your words... Anyway, that's fine. As the saying goes, it's better to see the actual film in person."

Nanna, who had originally crossed her arms, suddenly seemed to have a good idea, her expression suddenly brightened.

"Hah? Videos…?"

Ignoring me, who tilted my head and wondered, Nanna gently stepped aside and pointed at the TV.

"Then please watch the TV."

After speaking, Nanna flicked her right hand and the TV screen flashed the next moment.

If you have to make a fuss about everything she does, there's no end to it, so I've decided to put aside any subsequent questions and complaints that arise, and for now, I'll take a careful look at TV and talk about it.

What appeared on the screen was a view of a certain shrine at sunset.

Such a sight may appear in any temple. The reason why I can see that the film is Enko Shrine, must be because I actually walked past it.

Shame to say, I have done something similar myself, that is, I went to pray there to pray to catch up with Himuro Suzuha.

I can't blame myself for this. The Japanese are people who like to catch up with fashion. Enko Shrine is very effective, and quite famous in the academy. For people who always fail in love, it is very difficult to avoid trying to pray to God and worship Buddha.

When I think about my dark history, I suddenly feel a little embarrassed. But at this time, a young girl appeared in the remote interior of the temple with the sun setting on the TV screen.

The braid was braided on the top of the head, and the black-haired beauty was impressive.

You can't go wrong, she is Himuro Suzuha.

Himuro-san walked to the front of the money box with her usual gloomy expression, and slowly took out her wallet from her school bag.

Then he put the five biggest banknotes in Japan into the tournament cash box.


My eyes widened involuntarily. Hey, just now... If I didn't misunderstand or have delusions or hallucinations... Himuro-san actually donated 50,000 Yen to the cash box?

I don't know if anyone will watch this video in the future, still showing her usual cold expression and slowly closing her slender eyes, putting her hands together, saluting.

After that, Himuro-san walked to the wooden lottery box located on the right side, put money in and drew the lottery, and then the figure disappeared from the interior of the shrine.

The Video seems to end here, and the TV screen suddenly turns off without warning, returning to its original dark appearance.


I was shocked for a while but couldn't move.

Nanna didn't care at all about my reaction, and turned her cheerful face away again.

"What do you think, Aito-san? Ah, you can play it again if you want?"

"No, no. By the way, Nanna… who just now… Uh…”

"Yes. That Suzuha-san actually came to my shrine to make a wish."

Nanna raised her index finger and looked refreshed.

"For the sake of caution, I'd like to ask… that just wasn't a hoax? Especially the donation amount."

"Yes. The money that Suzuha-san contributed undoubtedly invested 50,000 yen in banknotes, a total of 50,000 yen."

"Hey, why did she donate 50,000 yen? Most people just toss 5 yen coins to make a wish, right?"

"Who knows? It's useless if you ask me. Maybe it's a fight with love. Let her "flower heart in full bloom"──this is my guess." (Note: Japanese "heart flower in full bloom" is a homonym of fifty thousand yen)

This kind of homophony is too naive. Himuro-san, don't make it difficult.

"In short, it is true that Himuro-san has spent 50,000 won praying to me. As a god in charge of love, how could she not help her realize such great affection for Himuro-san? And it must not be too late. Well, doesn't Aito-san feel that way? I guess you feel the same way too."

Nanna clenched her fists, showing her inner enthusiasm.

Being able to put oneself in such a position for the sake of believers, Enko Shrine's level of efficacy was well deserved. I will also have to respect this temple in the future.

"Then the point is what Himuro-san actually prayed to the shrine..."

Wait a minute, think about it, asking what they're praying for seems like an invasion of privacy?

Oops, maybe I accidentally did something really rude to Himuro-san.

"Well, since you asked. She asked me to "may my affection go to my favorite Tajima-san"."


"Well, what's wrong?"

"It's fine... just that my heart is filled with guilt, I might not have the face to meet Himuro-san tomorrow..."

"That would be troublesome. Himuro-san would probably be lonely and sad at that time. The god she prayed for made her alienate her from the person she wanted, and things got into serious trouble."

"Yes, yes..."

I tried to suppress my embarrassment from being excited, but my face turned red.

To put it simply, Himuro-san has been mine for a long time… er, I really like her… but Himuro-san, who is very shy in love, always finds it difficult to convey her true feelings to me.

On the other hand, Himuro-san has to use a bad attitude and talk a lot of venom to cover her shyness- no no I can't understand it, is that too much? How could the existence of a Tsundere appear in the real world alive?

After all, why can I hear such a strange voice from Himuro-san?

However, if you followed Nanna's explanation just now, those were Himuro-san's true words.

If the venomous and calm Himuro-san knew about this, she would definitely deny it vehemently. But the more she is, the cuter I think.

"Hey, Nanna-san?"

"Well, what is it, Aito-san?"

"Himuro-san, she treats me… er, really… I see now. But then again, how come I can suddenly hear Himuro-san's real voice?"

"Oh, then I need to ask~~ Of course it was the result of Suzuha-san's own prayer."

"Ah? Is it true that Himuro-san prayed to Enko Shrine… Uh, conveying those feelings of love to me?"

Just asking me to say this kind of sentence was enough to make my cheeks heat up, and my voice stopped instantly.

After all, to me, such words were enough to turn the whole world upside down. It's hard to talk about it like this.

"It means the exact same thing, right?"

"But why did you give me this ability to violate a believer's privacy? Indeed, you can learn the truth about Himuro-san, and when I understood that the rumored person was me, I almost died from being overjoyed..."

Under Himuro-san's guilt, I emphasized that.

"Oh~~ Isn't this good in terms of results? Of course I had no intention of using this trick in the first place."

Nanna's cheerful face originally showed a wry smile.

"When I receive a believer's prayer, I must first start by observing the client and the object, namely the situation around Aito-san. For example, is there a rival in love, how many points of contact are there between two parties, etc., this is what I have to do. Investigate carefully."

Oh...So Kami-sama's work also starts from such a small place? How to put it, it feels like a detective.

"As for the results of the investigation, although the two sides are in a young pure love state where others will be jealous of the outburst, they are too shy, and even I am a bystander who sees it feeling helpless from the bottom of my heart. And to hide my embarrassment. Treating the other side another with an overly rude attitude, making people who were clearly happy with each other think that she didn't stand a chance at all, and even letting the opportunity slip away due to the afterword. The misunderstanding, which led to the current outcome... In short, I understand. The fact is that these two people are too useless."

She came to a conclusion with a faint smile on her face.

"Yes, right…?"

The goddess's mouth is also quite vicious.

"Is there a good way to make a believer's prayer come true quickly?"

Nanna crossed her arms and put on a firm expression, but she immediately showed a satisfied expression again.

"At this moment, my inspiration emerged. Since it is so hard to say how much I like other people, I can only send the truth directly to others from my mind."

This self-assessment of mine is really genius, I see it. Nanna was a little satisfied.

No, no, your idea is weird, okay? It would take too long to jump too far!

"Hey, does the Goddess pay much attention to speed and efficiency in fulfilling believers' prayers? Although it feels a bit strange to let me complain, wouldn't it be more appropriate to follow Himuro-san's comfortable steps?"

"I don't have time to talk about free time like this right now. That's all. Watch your head, someone's staring at her."

Nanna pointed to the sky excitedly and interrupted my words.

It seemed that the switch on his body had been triggered.

"Huh, top head?"

"Yes, the upper chief is right. Frankly, it is a god who has a higher status than Nanna. However, Suzuha-san is also wrong in this regard. Who taught her to suddenly enter an unmarketable 50,000-yen into competition, into the cash offering box."

"Sure enough, giving 50,000-yen is really not normal. If it's a relatively large money box, I sometimes see ten thousand yen notes inside. That, I think is rare and strange."

"Well, that means, what Aito-san said is quite true. Therefore, it is a pity that Suzuha-san's treatment methods are so strict. I was immediately asked to encourage her and said that we must give our full support to make it work. Yes."

After speaking, Nanna dropped her shoulders.

Regret? For Himuro-san, this kind of development couldn't be luckier...

"Nanna, I, I'm very busy on weekdays. Even for gods, there are only twenty-four hours a day, just like humans. My initial schedule is very busy. Those old gods and gods don't have to do it alone. Of course, they can be said to be cool-well, I won't mention it. After all, there are a lot of people who need Nanna's help, even if they give it all at once. I'm 50,000-yen, and it's impossible for me to allocate more time to Suzuha-san alone."

Nanna's mouth curved downwards, revealing a very dissatisfied expression.

What she meant was… it had nothing to do with the amount of money donated, as long as people who came to worship could find happiness, and she was also busy 24 hours a day for this.

Being on par with all beings, she was truly a great goddess.

Well, if she were to blame those higher gods nonchalantly, just ignore it for now.

"By the way, Aito-san, the deadline is next Thursday, and this should be done by next Thursday. Listen carefully, before that day, Aito-san must do everything possible with Suzuha-san to connect and succeed!"

Nanna raised her index finger hard. kneeling position and brought her face closer.

Huh, what does she mean? What will happen after next Thursday?

It's hard to say that because I got this rotten ability, the price dies after the time limit. There shouldn't be this kind of old story development, haha...

Please don't scare me, okay?

"Eh, that... if it can't be reached within the time limit?"

"If you fail - no, no, you have to succeed, otherwise I'll be in serious trouble. That's right, after all, next Thursday is—"

At this point, Nanna first took a deep breath...


"Next Thursday, it will be the day of the launch of a new masterpiece from the Machine War and Workshop series!"

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She suddenly clenched her fists and said while turning up the volume.


For a few seconds, I didn't understand what the goddess was talking about.

No, rather, I don't want to understand.

Actually, I know very well.

What did the two keywords Nanna just said mean?

Yes, except in the world of the gods, the two words are just things with the same pronunciation but completely different meanings, otherwise they are game software names.

"That...Nanna...The new work in the Machine War and Workshop series you mentioned earlier, may I ask a hypothetical question...? Doesn't that refer to the game that will be released next week?"

"Hah? You guessed right, did Aito-san also play these two series? I have investigated everything about your world before. By the way, which one will Aito-san buy first?”

"Well, of course, I am Game Machine— wait! If I'm not mistaken... I guess from the series of conversations earlier... Uh, it can be explained that Nanna really wanted to end her job because she was afraid of delaying the game... how is that possible? I must have misunderstood—"

"Yes, you guessed right again."

Hmm! Look at her innocent smile.

As a result, she firmly confirmed my speculation. Hurry up and return the respect I give you now and my declaration of caution, etc.!

So Nanna is a nerd? Is she really a god?

"Since Aito-san loves games so much, I should be able to appreciate them. It's bad that they coincide with the release date of my favorite series. There's also such a thing as "you have to choose one to play." It was pointless, but unnecessary pressure. Inevitable!"

"That...well, I have to say I really feel it."

The moment I felt the same way, Nanna's face suddenly brightened.

"I mean, I mean, I knew Aito-san would understand me. I don't have time to work next week. There are other people in the world who must depend on me to be saved."

"Wait a minute. You are now the ones who depended on you to save, let me guess—are they in the game world?"

"Hah? Of course." (TLN: crazy goddess, reminds me of Aqua from Konosuba)

Why do you need to ask such nonsense? She looked at me with open eyes.

No, no, you shouldn't be surprised this time, right? For some reason, I started to have a bad feeling.

"Okay okay, since Nanna wants to play a game, hopefully the work that Himuro-san has in mind can be finished as soon as possible... Well, since I'm also a player, that's generally understandable, although I don't really agree... Then what's that got to do with facts? That I can hear the truth from Himuro-san?"

"Who taught you two to continue like this, you won't be together forever."

At this time, Nanna again showed a serious expression and said firmly.

This god is really good.

"But it can be solved this way... That's not what he really wanted for Himuro-san herself..."

That's not what she wanted, it's a shame. If it happened to me otherwise, I wouldn't be able to endure it.

"Isn't that a wish that Suzuha-san herself made?"

"Hey...? What do you mean?"

"Listen carefully. Please ask me when Suzuha-san visits the shrine, 'I hope my affection can be conveyed to the one I like.', so I let Suzuha-san express her inner intentions as she wants. Suzuha-san's sincere love can heard directly by Aito-san."

Nanna spoke with her hands on her hips. A triumphant look.

Unfortunately, this god is... the so-called serious trash.

"Ah, yes, let me add one more point. The ability you have now can only pick up on the truth hidden behind her words, but you won't directly tell you what other people are thinking or thinking for no reason. Also. In other words, when the other party isn't talking, you can't hear anything."

...I feel a little wrong, so I should be relieved.

"It includes simple conversations such as questions that can be answered directly with a "yes" or "no", daily responses, greetings, etc. There are many situations where human emotions are the same. In this case, it is impossible. Hearing the hidden truth. Of course, I don't need to say much, and the other party is directly telling the truth. This ability allows you to hear the true thoughts hidden behind the words, so that the other party can express what she thinks clearly. There is no need to make two sounds at once."

So it's no wonder I don't hear two voices all the time.

"Besides, Aito-san won't experience this phenomenon when talking to anyone other than Suzuha-san. Because the only person Suzuha-san wants to reveal is her favorite Aito-san. Ah, you really care about this, don't you? ? Will this happen? When Suzuha-san is talking to another boy?"

Nanna grinned narrowly. Well, I need to ask…… ​​Of course I care about this.

"In short, Aito-san has decided that Suzuha-san also likes you, so let you take the initiative to confess, and you two should start dating as soon as possible. By then, Nanna, I will be able to let go of my burden."

"Okay, okay. That……"

"So, in order to meet the approaching release date, Nanna will raise the funds needed to enjoy the convenience of game time. Goodbye, I'll be right back here to show my face next time."

Wait still silent I answered, and Nanna disappeared quickly on the TV screen.

The room was silent again, but I still couldn't shake the freezing state.

There is a saying that facts are often stranger than novels, but there has to be a limit to this weirdness.

In short, I put aside the gods and the ability to hear the truth for now.

So it turns out that Himuro-san and I fell in love

.........Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible things are very bad! It's almost like my entire body's muscles are drenched in the soft essence of the clothes, and my expression doesn't fit ear to ear.

Tomorrow, which face should I use to face Himuro-san? There is only fear and anxiety in my heart.

However, what I heard today was indeed Himuro Suzuha's truth, and what she really wanted to say.

…Well, of course, it's still hard for me to accept this reality easily.


※ ※ ※ ※ ※


Before the time for student council activities, there was no chance of contact with Himuro-san. Therefore, despite so many things that happened yesterday, today was a very ordinary daily life before the lunch break.

After watching classmates having lunch together to do club self-training, the next step was to face some alone time with themselves. Since I didn't have anything special to do, I played social mobile games in my chair for a while to pass the time. It's my lunch break as usual.

Besides, I don't care about other people, and the loud laughter of hot girls is annoying as usual.

"What's that? It was just blatant."

A sexy girl who collects chairs from many chairs and counts them doesn't seem to be equipped with emotions like decency or etiquette. Every lunch break, they were defiant, and they put on a natural expression like this to keep making noise in the class… It was obvious that everyone except the one in charge was in another class.

Maybe you want to say that if you really feel bad, can you move somewhere else? But this is my seat, in other words my territory. Despite the tedious persistence, the fact of giving up and giving up territory made people unhappy.

"That's it - I find it very strange. If you asked me if it wasn't all right, my answer would be no."

However, when I mentioned the queen of Class B in 2 years, namely Sajou Miyabi, she wasn't sitting on a chair, instead, I was sitting at my desk… really, there's no way to use it.

Honestly, it really bothered me. But I just pretended not to see it in my friend's favor.

Although Sajou-san wasn't the type to sit around without asking, it was only the first time. After that, she naturally replaced the chair with the corner of my desk and applied this pattern throughout. I don't remember that I checked the "Don't ask me again next time you sit here" option.

The appearance of Sajou-san who was hiding her mouth and laughing, thanks to her beautiful appearance that day, coupled with the changed uniform and short skirt, looked outstanding among the girls around her, and her beauty was so beautiful that one had to admit it. The hairstyle used half-length blonde hair that was slightly curly and tied in a lower position, giving off the impression of a high school student who was super positive no matter how she looked.

The reason why the group of women led by Sajou-san decided to set up base camp next to my seat, was because their leader Sajou-san herself sat next to me, and for no other reason.

The audience will only think that this is a tragic picture. The reason why I myself behaved in it mindlessly was that my relationship with Sajou-san had enhanced the friendship of sitting next door. I would chat with her during the end of class, or help review homework during the midterms. I fear that I have the best relationship with her among the boys in the class.

"Yes, yes. Anyway, Miyabi, hear me out about one thing. I, I started dating Kyosuke-kun not too long ago."

"Lies, true or false? But why didn't you tell me about it right away?"

"Ahaha, I'm sorry, because there are too many people who want to discuss with Miyabi, although I want to report to you as soon as possible, I am not waiting for the right time."

"So that's what happened. Well, I'm sure Yuki will be able to get off smoothly with each other, so without reporting beforehand is fine. ah, is that because of that? There's, a compensated dating shrine. Last time on our way home, we bought a talisman at the Enko Shrine, and it was completely fulfilled."

Eh, Enko Shrine appears! Even Sajou-san was convinced that Nanna was indeed a great god.

"Maybe. Enko Shrine is very famous."

It's not very famous anymore. Not only were there gods actually stationed, but they even consulted me directly.

In addition, because it is so effective, it should be pronounced as the correct name "Enko".

"I see~~ Then I'll go back and make friends when I get home."

At least add the word Shrine. If you only talk about Enko, the people around you will definitely think it means something else... I always feel that there is a whisper in another corner of the classroom, I'm afraid it's too late.

"But if you have a problem, you can come and share it with me anytime."

"Ah, thank you, Miyabi."

"But ah~~ Why doesn't such a nice person like Miyabi have a boyfriend yet?'

"That's right. Every time you confess, you refuse. Those guys are so handsome, what a shame."

"Ah~~ You're asking me? I described myself as a little weird, but my appearance looks very mature, so it seems like a boy of the same age and I didn't even call out to me."

To the comrades who asked excitedly, Sajou-san said "Uh" with words, as if in thought.

"Boys are by nature innocent and innocent creatures, just like fools. Faced with boys of the same age, I always felt like I was dealing with children. After all, I'm also a girl, and I've always hoped that the boys would grow up."

"Oh~~ really unexpected. But Miyabi's feelings, I think I can understand."

"Right, right. After all, even if I force myself to get along with each other, I can predict that I'll break up soon. It's hard to name a break up. So instead of saying that I have no intentions of making a boyfriend, I'd like to know where I can find a good man who is qualified to hang out with me?”

Sajou-san showed a melancholic expression. While twisting her hair to play.

I hate compromise points, just like Sajou-san's style is strong.

Is there such a person? Enough to attract the attention of the boys in Sajou-san.

"──See you soon Miyabi, we'll have gym class later, so it's almost time to go."

"Okay. Then see you after school."

When only about ten minutes remained for the lunch break, Sajou-san's group separated.


After Sajou-san waved her hand to watch her friends leave the classroom, Sajou-san jumped off my desk and patted the back of her skirt before sitting back down in her chair where no one was.

Then "──I said home island~~"

Sajou-san's lazy voice came to me.

"I think Otakushima-kun plays mobile games all day, don't you want to have a girlfriend like the other boys in class?"

Sajou-san asked me to pass the time like this, and it almost became a habit.

Incidentally, Otakushima was a nickname given to me by Sajou-san. The origin of this nickname is very simple, because I always play games, and look like an otaku—should be.

Since I had no dissatisfaction, I accepted the nickname Sajou-san gave me naturally.

"Well, why are you suddenly asking that?"

I didn't take my eyes off the horizontal phone screen, and only asked Sajou-san with my voice.

"You're not pretending. After all, you must be eavesdropping now? The conversation between us."

I pretended not to understand, and was immediately praised by Sajou-san.

Well, they were indeed chatting in front of me right now, it might not be easy to pretend not to be listening at all.

"...I can't deny it."

"Otakushima-kun is the most honest in this regard. Are you boring? Or should I say that you are really disgusting?"

"Anyway, no matter how I respond, you'll be disgusted by you. Really. What exactly is the correct answer?"

I stopped playing the mobile game and shrugged after putting my phone in my pants pocket.

"Hmph, looks like you are good~~ you know me well."

I lifted my face and saw Sajou-san's eyes that seemed to be admired. No, there's nothing to praise about what I just said.

"So, what do you think? After all that, you can't be uninterested in girls, right? Animated characters and the like don't count."

"Before answering yes or no, why can't I remember myself? They talked a lot with Sajou-san about this topic?"

"So what's the answer? Even if it's Otakushima-kun, there are people to like, right?"

Sajou-san smirked and tried to confuse my rhetorical question. That "Even if it" feels like it contains a hint of hatred, maybe I'm being too sensitive, right?

"Well, if I said it, would you be a little afraid of me?"

"Not at all~~ After all, we're all high school students, so it's normal to have someone we like."

said Sajou-san frankly… completely unexpected.

"Yes, indeed... that's true."

"Have even heard that there is someone Himuro-san likes. Otakushima-kun said that the fuss was even less. It should probably be said that the impact was much less than the first."

I feel like mine. The topic wasn't topical enough, and Sajou-san looked really bored.

It's really a coincidence that I'm being compared to Himuro-san, but I still feel a chill down my spine.

Unexpectedly, right now, the topic of Himuro-san would be involved.

"At first glance, she seems completely uninterested in male and female issues, but I heard that someone confessed to her and was rejected by her with "I have someone else I like"."

"...The rumors I heard are the same."

I heard the god in charge of love say that the person she likes is "me"… If I answer like this, Sajou-san will definitely go pale, run fast?

"It's really surprising that she has someone she likes. But on the other hand, if anything, why she doesn't confess to the other party is also amazing. If it's me, I'll start with it."

Sajou-san seems to feel proud to bring it up.

Such a cool top student, this is the first impression anyone will have of Himuro-san.

As the student council president of this Kimishima Academy, she and the others recognized her as a tough and lonely figure, and with a stunning style, she bore the fear and longing around her. This outstandingly talented woman was Himuro Suzuha.

Because of that, Himuro-san taking no action seems to be very different from her style, and Sajou-san feels great.

However, what I heard yesterday… looks like this is the real Himuro-san - yes, after a day of thinking about it, I still think it's impossible.

To be honest, how should today's student council activities last...

"On the other hand, maybe I'm a foreigner. I'm already a high school student, but I can't find anyone I like at all."

Sajou-san laughed bitterly, his expression now was completely different from the cheerful look she had when she was chatting with her friends, and she always felt faintly lonely… I don't know how to put it, it's not like her style.

"Just kidding—this kind of boring topic will be put aside for now."

"Hey, which one is boring? This is your personal business."

"No problem, no problem. Compared to that, there was something else I had to do. Solve a lot of real problems that are out of control."

Sajou-san hummed a confident laugh with her nose, and returned to her usual appearance.

"A real problem to solve?"

"Yeah~~ Isn't the final exam coming in three weeks? I said Otakushima-kun, can you help me review this time? You taught me study last semester and let me feel I've made a lot of progress, and even the school I left has come back to life. How?"

So, there were only three more weeks before the final exams.

"It's fine with me. But by the way, if you wanted to thank me, what would you use to pay me? For example, asking me to eat ramen or something."

"Paying... ah, let me think about it. How about a reward like a one day ticket for acting like a baby?"

"Such a gift is to take advantage of Sajou-san. It's of no use to me? No matter how you look at it, it's just Sajou-san taking the opportunity to fulfill his wish. Normally, I should act like a baby, right?"

"Ahhaha, kidding. Please~~ Wait for me to think about the report. Anyway, please promise to help me first, and I'll definitely be back."

"Okay, I'll look forward to it."

With her bent down desperately to plead, I really couldn't say "NO", so I nodded with a wry smile.


※ ※ ※ ※ ※


So, what should I do now...?

For example, like standing in front of a cliff, but telling you that there is a transparent floor underneath, you can move forward quietly, even if the person speaking is really a god, only to subvert a deep-rooted concept in your heart you will be entangled in fear and confusion, unable to lift your feet easily and keep going.

This is my state of mind right now.

Sure enough, once I stood in front of Himuro Suzuha alone, I couldn't get out of that dubious shame.

"──Then, since there are no other specific comments or questions, the meeting ends here. Are you listening? Tajima-san."

Himuro-san who was sitting at the side threw amazing voices at me, reflecting my thoughts. Forced to bring it back to reality.

There was a female classmate in a ponytail in front of her, sitting across from the table, and she still had a few sheets of printed paper in her hands.

Oh yes.

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Right now, I'm exchanging views with Himuro-san and the head of the health unit about volunteer cleaning. The meeting place is in the reception area in the middle of the student council office.

Indeed the meeting went smoothly, some selected details were arranged by the head of the health department and reported to us within two days, so the meeting could end smoothly when there were no other special problems.

By the way, the ponytail girl sitting in front of me is Saeki-san who serves as the head of the health unit, she is in second grade just like Himuro-san and I. Her class was Class A for 2 years, in the same class as Himuro-san.

To add a few more points, Saeki-san, who has a nice ponytail, has a lively personality and is very interested in divination and gossip, especially topics related to love. This is what I heard from Himuro-san earlier.

After telling me that there was no doubt, apart from the sharp glares that I thought were suspicious on Himuro-san for now, the meeting ended. Saeki-san smiled and said, "Let's cheer, everyone." Then she rocked her ponytail and walked out of the office. I too smiled and waved to look at her.

Thanks to Saeki-san's good-natured and easy-going character, the few meetings that had been held for this ended smoothly without any conflict.

"Are you really concentrating on understanding the contents of the meeting just now? If you just want to be handsome in front of the beautiful Saeki-san, I advise you to stop immediately. I know how many you are, and it will be revealed in no time." (Sure enough, boys still prefer girls with cheerful personalities? Tajima-san is always smiling now. If he was just with me, he must be boring... right...)

Here she is! Even if the date goes in today, I still have to face this phenomenon and continue to persevere.

After only a few seconds of the two of us leaving the room, Himuro-san sighed.

I couldn't help but want to scream, "That's not the problem!" I immediately braked to stop this urge.

Himuro Suzuha's inner voice.

Continuing from yesterday's situation, this phenomenon still occurs whenever Himuro-san talks to me.

Is this conjecture product of conscience really from Himuro-san's real heart?

Getting definitive proof is the goal I set today.

Even if Nanna, who claims to be a god, explains to me this super extraordinary phenomenon, the parties still have a poker face forever. If someone else is irrelevant, saying that she's using a high-performance speaker and intentionally adding lines that don't match her own expression, I'm afraid I'll believe her. Beginning to end visions and scolding. Under these circumstances, if someone said "Don't look at Himuro-san like that, she actually really likes you", who would believe it? At least I can't believe it.

Even so, I still can't think of any way to investigate its authenticity. As a result, the schedule for the meeting with the Head of the Health Department, Saeki-san, was even earlier.+

In the reception area in the center of the office, a meeting of cleaning volunteers in the form of student councilors and the head of the health unit was held which was divided into two sides by a table. As usual, I cooperate with the kind-hearted Saeki-san from time to time to mix up talk and laughter when it comes to business matters. However, during the meeting, there was an unspeakable emotion that bothered me.

That is a group of Himuro-san who are calm and active in carrying out their duties, who will actually vote wholeheartedly in the middle of the discussion.

(When did the two have such a good friendship? If it weren't for my illusions, they would seem to be happier than the last time they met.)

(Sure enough. It's because the other party is Saeki-san who has a good impression in his heart, Tajima-san can smile naturally. Oh, I'm so jealous.)

(Has Tajima-san ever shown a smile like that? No, I don't think so. After all, when he talks to me, a mostly bitter expression is on his face.)

And so on, from beginning to end, I have explored the relationship and intimacy between me and Saeki-san. Otherwise, it is filled with personal emotions such as sighs and complaints.

I have never been so proud as today. "Perhaps I have the talent to become an actor?" However, I tried my best to play, but Tajima Aito's appearance was normal.

Besides, the main reason why I often put on a bitter face in front of Himuro-san is because she always attacks me with her poisonous tongue!

Incidentally, Nanna said earlier that "You can't hear someone else's inner voice when you talk to anyone other than her." That seems to be true.

At least when I talk to Saeki-san, Himuro-san's voice never appears.

And because of that, I didn't focus on business matters during the meeting, but was sucked in by Himuro-san's phenomenon. Fortunately, even so, I was still able to grasp the main point, and I should be able to pass the test.

God said that Himuro-san, who is usually very strict with me, disguised her like that to hide her embarrassment.

How to distinguish the authenticity of this incident? Now that the work is done, it's an excellent opportunity to think.

"For some reason, I've always felt that you've been staring at Saeki-san. Before she complains to me about this, I must stop you as soon as possible." (I hope Tajima-san just stares at me. If there's an advantage that Saeki-san has that I don't have, please let me know so I can review it.)

It seems that in Himuro-san's inner voice, the topic just now wasn't finished.

Well, although the truth was somewhat consistent with what he said on the surface…but the expression on her face wasn't too worrying, it was more like playing with me-it contained an air of mischief and sadism.

"Is that true? I don't think there's anything strange about my behavior just now. After all, Saeki-san herself doesn't show any uncomfortable reactions, much less complain to me."

"Hehe, Tajima-san is so naive. Listen carefully. Hah? The kind of smile that Saeki-san just now was really business-like. Unfortunately, she means nothing to you. Oh, could it be that you were surprised when you heard that?" (Don't worry, if you choose me, it will be fine. Um, I think your choice will be mine.)

Himuro-san's elegant smile has a somewhat narrow expression.

Who would believe your inner voice if you only showed me this appearance? The so-called hearing isn't as good as seeing, if there was a way to make Himuro-san actually carry out the behavior of secretly leaking out his inner voice, that would be fine.

Wait a moment? In that case, her honest statement just now seemed a bit mysterious.


Although it's a bit scary, I'll take advantage of the current direction of the dialogue to confirm whether Himuro-san's voice is correct or not.

"Ah~~ Seems like there's no reason to hide from Himuro-san. Even though I'm acting cautiously."

"…Sounds like what I expected." (Hah…?)

There is a hint of hesitation in Himuro-san's words.

"If you can listen to me and don't run, I will be very grateful. As Himuro-san said just now, I saw Saeki-san with colored glasses."

"...Really? Giving up on a bad struggle and honestly confessing, isn't that a wise enough choice for you? For Tajima-san's bravery, the verdict can wait for you to say everything before you announce it." (Lies, I can't believe it! Seeing Saeki-san with tinted glasses, should that mean? Is it really that desperate? No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, there is no hope. Until he finishes listening to it. Before, you can't abandon hope. Calm down… yes, stay calm. I have to pretend to be indifferent.)

Actually, I'm not worried about it, her expression is still cold and there are some good things to watch. Do you need me to take a mirror for you to take photos?

"Eh... to be honest--"

I purposely took the opportunity to notice the change in expression on Himuro-san.

However, Himuro-san just stared at me silently, without even moving her eyebrows. Unfortunately, this trick failed.

Hah? No, wait. Her right hand on the hem of her skirt pulled the cloth harder. That's right, it's almost like gritting your teeth and suppressing certain emotions.

I was stunned by her little act, and at the same time I continued to use the tactic of pelting me with stones.

"In my heart, what I think about the most right now is the girl with the ponytail."

"............ Hah?"

She was taken aback. And it seems that superficial thoughts and inner thoughts are the same.

I suddenly felt nauseous. But now, I can't shrink my hand!

"Ponytail. Cute ponytail like a ponytail. The curve of the neck under the ponytail is amazing too. This hairstyle was a lethal blow for me, honestly a perfect hairstyle. For me, I'm obsessed with it. The main reason for the ponytail is that the heroine of a certain game that was played not long ago only tied the ponytail, and the character or appearance was my goddess. Since then, as long as I see the ponytail character, my eyes will be very natural. Interested. It has nothing to do with the two-dimensional or three-dimensional realm."

Ah really, why am I saying this stupid thing in front of the girl I like?

No, my current composure is just a useless waste. Ignore your composure! The truth of the world is that you have to give up what you want, and I have to make a decision—well!

"So instead of saying that I'm attracted to Saeki-san, it's better to say that I like her ponytail to get closer to the truth. Even though I'm a little embarrassed for the guy, her ponytail will jump according to her mood, and it's exactly the same as a ponytail. Besides, the best part is that when she looks at the information a little, the hair and skin in this posture are facing each other, almost driving a man crazy-yes, it is an instinctive urge to see the curve of a girl's back neck, I don't care what you do, You can't suppress it. It's very understated to say this in a place like this where business matters are discussed. It seems I fit the nickname Otakushima as Himuro-san is used to be."

I ended the last sentence by self-deprecating.

Wow! Having said this, I really regret it.

Although I think that since I have to do it, I should do my best, but the one just mentioned is too disgusting, right? Is Himuro-san's truth actually a big hoax-if it is discovered by me, what should I do? I didn't even have a chance to argue, and I was really in a Game Over state.

"...Is that true?"

As a result, Himuro-san seemed to slow down for a while to match the mood, and finally said with a casual expression:

"You do have a disgusting style." (Good! It's not like Saeki-san herself, and I feel more relieved after listening to it~~)

She immediately spat out insulting words…but what was hidden in my heart was a sigh of relief.

"Really, think of other people a bit too? I heard you say that it wasn't good for me in a boastful tone. I've never felt like I was wasting my life like that back then." (Really, Tajima-san hates, don't scare people carelessly. Next time you talk about such a horrible topic, I'll hit you and punch you.)

"So, sorry..."

Hey, her tone was clearly helpless, but her heart seemed to be dead from excitement.

"Well, for the sake of your honesty, I will lock all of those confessions in my memory for you. You should be very grateful to me. Also, even though you should understand it, in the future you shouldn't do anything like that. This kind of public and private behavior again." (That's it, Tajima-san likes girls with ponytails. Okay, I got some really good information.)

"Okay, okay. Sorry, you helped me a lot.”

"Well, if you want me to tell the truth, I thought Tajima-san's words just now were disgusting. Even though it's not my personal opinion, it's tiring to convey unexplained content. Well, I'm just talking about how I have the face to talk to Saeki-san, about the curve on the back of her neck." (Nonsense, of course I won't repeat it! If Saeki-san has that meaning, I'm deliberately emphasizing myself. The advantage in this is troublesome. The worst plan is to forbid her from entering or leaving the student council room. She's not allowed to take even one step any step.)

Hey! The truth was completely different from the surface.

The highest level of the student council itself completely separates public and private

...In short, I have sown the seeds of induction.

Himuro-san's heart: "I wish Tajima-san would just stare at me. If there's an advantage that Saeki-san has that I don't have, please let me know so I can review it."

That's why I provoked Saeki-san unconsciously. The most interesting part, which is the ponytail, is trying to make a request to Himuro-san.

If the truth was true, she would definitely take practical action.

The rest can only look forward to tomorrow's on-site appearance.


※ ※ ※ ※ ※


The next day.

I opened the student council office door and was immediately dumbfounded, standing still and not moving.

As for half of my state of mind is excitement, and the other half is filled with surprise and confusion...

I don't even know what expression to use against each other.

"You're finally here, Tajima-san." (Do you look okay, Tajima-san?)

Before my eyes, Himuro-san's figure greeted me with her usual sigh.

However, only her hairstyle has changed. Her beautiful long hair was tied together at the back of her head—this form is also known as a ponytail—she, she definitely tied a ponytail!

The result of the experiment was a great success and a great victory. Therefore, once it developed as I expected, I never considered how I should respond to the other party.

"...What's wrong? You shouldn't have time to stick to the door like a scarecrow, right?" (No, that's not weird, is it? I wish I could hear your feelings soon.)

"Ah, yes, I see. But before work, Himuro-san, your hairstyle..."

I timidly pointed my fingertip at Himuro-san's head.

"Oh, you're saying this? I tied it up because physical education lessons would get in the way of practice. I almost forgot about it. That's right. By looking at Tajima-san's expression, I realized that I had made a big mistake. Is it because you were too tired? Not like how I look. I really did this outrageous behavior like entering a carnivore cage with raw meat in my hands." (Praise quickly, praise quickly, praise quickly!)

Himuro-san didn't change her face, so she affirmed in a nonchalant tone.

"What ponytails? Damn it, I can't deny what I said yesterday!"

Even though it's still stiff and hard to move, at least I'll get back at it first.

"That's it, since you want to block the exit of the office in this way, when you are about to attack me, the only action I can take is to escape from the window. Since this is the third floor, if you are lucky, you can get a little broken bone. I have already escaped." (People are waiting for you to praise, people are waiting for you to praise, people are waiting for you to praise!)

"Who will attack you! Why do you want to jump down? It seems that the courageous and strong will of the man to break his wrist is too much!"

"Oh, when I was told by Tajima-san, can I answer the sentence "Then I will be sure"? If you really don't use your mind. Immediately raise the behavior of blocking the exit at this time and sit at your desk." (People always want to hear your compliments. Praise me quickly, praise me, praise me!)

"Okay, you're right, it's suspicious that I've been standing still at the entrance."

"Well, it's fine for you to have this kind of self-awareness." (I don't care about that. Come on, praise me! Tajima-san. Come on, talk fast. Say, "you're so cute", "thats hairstyle suits you really well", "I really want to marry you". Hurry up and say it. loudly, "I want to marry you!")

Impatient to wait, her inner voice tends to become more and more excited. It also causes my cheeks to heat up and my eyes to wander. Um, Himuro-san, your wishes are getting worse and worse than what you wanted me to do in the beginning...

However, since this is Himuro-san's true thought, I pushed the opponent down impulsively, it shouldn't be possible. Cause anyone trouble, right? It should even be said that this is the result that both sides have hoped for together

......Hah? Cold, cold, calm, I. There's always a sequence in the progression of things, and you shouldn't turn your work obscene at this point. Anyway, listen to her first, and sit down.

I desperately suppressed the intense pressure surging from the abyss, and at the same time decided to go to my desk and put down my school bag. Immediately after-

"Hey, hey, Himuro-san..."

"What are you doing?"

"That… er, the way you tie your ponytail feels really fresh, or should I say, I find it really cute…"

After I purposely averted my gaze and said this, I sat down.

Feeling the heat on my cheeks, I felt embarrassed to the point that I could no longer contain myself.

While struggling to endure the embarrassment that was thrown away, I secretly glanced at Himuro-san.

Actually, I just wanted to respond to the truth.

As a result, Himuro-san showed a look that seemed to see trash.

"...Oh, thank you." (I, I'm so happy. He said I'm so cute, yeah, yeah!)

Contrary to the disdainful expression on her face, Himuro-san seemed to be making an exaggerated victory gesture in her heart. Crazy celebration.

Honestly, this girl is really amazing.

"Since I'm too lazy to move my hair, I want to keep it like this. But in order to protect my charisma, maybe I should return it to its original state. Can they be held responsible when they meet perverts? Let's look at the victims." (Success, success, success, Tajima-san compliments me cute!, wait a minute? Why didn't you mention marriage?)

Hey, isn't that wrong? What's your question?

"No, whatever the reason, the responsibility rests with the pervert."

"Oh, will you deny that this is truly shocking. Is this what is called a one-of-a-kind rejection? Since you have this idea, when your rationality reaches its limit, can you give yourself before the incident as much as possible? I will be ready to take cover at any time." (You can admire me however you want. This way, you won't have to look at Saeki-san anymore. Okay, I'll use this look at the next meeting. Hey, Tajima-san's eyes will stick to me now. Big win!)

Himuro-san's face is smiling as if testing me.

I apologize for the voice of her heart and for pouring cold water as she celebrates this time, but when I speak, I will definitely see each other's faces. I wouldn't be so rude to talk elsewhere without seeing other people.

However, I followed Himuro-san's topic and immediately replied:

"So in my personal opinion, if you could get your original hairstyle back soon, I'd be very happy."


It feels like her true feelings have been revealed, and Himuro-san's face looks like the end of the world.

But I ignored it and continued:

"The fact that Himuro-san's ponytail looks so cute, and it feels so fresh. It makes people's hearts suddenly flutter when they see it. But the best hairstyle for Himuro-san is still the original one. Ah, or should it be said that in comparison with a cute style, a pretty style is the most suitable for you. For example, even though a ponytail feels cuter, but if you want to ask if that hairstyle suits Himuro-san, then the answer is probably obvious-in short, girls with a temper height is still the best based on long straight hair."

Oh, ahhhhhhhhhhhh! I literally took the opportunity to reveal the truth in one breath.

I am afraid that it is difficult not to scare the other party. What's more, she didn't ask me this at all, but I thought about it in a knowing manner.

Look, Himuro-san half opened her mouth, she looks ridiculous and scared.

"...I'm sorry, I'll be leaving the table for a bit. Please don't mind Tajima-san, and start working as I said."

Himuro-san suddenly stood up from her seat, covered her mouth with her hand, and said with her eyes slightly lowered. From another person's point of view, I worry about my sexual harassment speech that made her very unhappy.

But on the other hand, her sincere words also said:

(That's cute, Tajima-san complimented me cute again. And also said that I'm beautiful and pretty! Ah, today might be the luckiest day. This must be fate. Enko Shrine blessed me. Can't be wrong. Ah, but I was just surprised at first when Tajima-san said, "You should return to your original appearance," I thought he meant "Don't insult the ponytail." It was almost the same as the end of the world. In the end, he didn't expect this to be what he meant. Compared to the cute Himuro-san, does Tajima-san like the pretty Himuro-san more? So he actually likes the old me? Got it!)

Its content is associated with extreme chaos and excitement.

"I will return to my seat as soon as possible. Then the work will be left to you." (I'm going back to my original appearance, wait a minute!)

Himuro-san still had a very calm expression, and she rushed out of the student council office.


In the deserted office where there was only one person left, I naturally breathed a sigh of relief.

Things are right, nothing is wrong.

The goddess who helped lead the red line, just as Nanna-san said, had been proven without a doubt. The second voice was exactly like the actual words of the poisonous tongue girl Himuro Suzuha.

...In other words, it's true that she likes me.

Well then, as long as I take the initiative to confess, Himuro-san will nod happily and agree?

Yes, after all, we love each other!

My life with Himuro Suzuha was like being in an ideal country. It's like next month's summer vacation, we can wear yukata to go to the summer festival for a date, join hands to enjoy the fireworks display and so on -- I can't help but imagine. It seems that in places like heaven, even living people have the opportunity to ascend.

Correctly. Thinking back, Himuro-san immediately left after hearing what I said just now, regaining her original extremely cold form. As long as she returns with her old hairstyle, it means that she wants to show her good side as much as possible in her daily life. Once I master this fact, I can use this as a breakthrough point and attack me. Go ahead, the time for victory has come. You have to do it, Tajima Aito!

In this way, the moment I was full of fighting spirit, the door opened, and Himuro-san returned to the student council office.

And her hairstyle has returned to her previous style.

"Looks like there won't be any guests visiting today. Did you take care of business earlier? I want to see the schedule that will be submitted to the school administration unit today." (I'm back, Tajima-san. It should be yours. As requested, the cold Suzuha is here!)

Himuro-san looked as if nothing had happened, sitting back in her seat casually.

"Ah, well. I've already done some..."

Sorry Himuro-san, now I have more important things to say.

"I, Himuro-san..."

"What is it?"

"Your hairstyle has been reverted back to its original style. Uh... You removed the ponytail because I said the real one suits you better, I said so didn't I?"

"…Well, that's true in terms of results. But I just went to the bathroom and cleaned up." (Yes, of course! If you can enjoy the hard work of Tajima-san. I am very pleased with my eyes. Even if it is lust, as long as I can increase my liking, I will not reject anyone.)

Good, I heard it again. Even superficial voices provide little evidence.

"It means Himuro-san is special for someone like me──"

"Tajima-san, your super optimism about everything can be considered as an advantage. But I suggest you to know how to quit, if you don't meet. Wait a minute, you will regret it in the future. That's right, just like your mistake just now." (It's not someone like you, it's just because you like you.)

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I saw her showing an unpleasant cold gaze after being misunderstood.

"Then let's keep working." (Damn it! It really was a rare opportunity for me to express my heart, right? I should be the one regretting it!)

Just like that, the story is finally over. Back to the beginning of Himuro Suzuha totally fell in love with me.


※ ※ ※ ※ ※


A lot of things happened after that, which left me half tired, and I didn't lie in my bed until now.

After I submitted the schedule of cleaning activities requested by Himuro-san, Himuro-san's inner voice, irritated by the compliment from the hairstyle, was still talking nonstop—even to the point that I couldn't concentrate on work. After I regained consciousness, I realized that I had rushed out of the student council office unknowingly.

I can't stand the shock of embarrassment and excitement. I wasted too much mental energy to continue to maintain a normal mind. Apart from draining my mind, Himuro-san is also cute to the point of dirty play.

This is what the saying goes, "You can see it but you can't eat it." I feel so heavy that I don't want to do anything else today.

No, I'm retracting the preface, it's better to vent at times like this. Games, let's play games! Open fire indiscriminately and then draw the greatsword to sweep, changing the mood through this fun game.

So I sat on the pillow in front of the TV, and was about to turn on the TV and game console.

But right at this moment──

"What's the matter with Suzuha-san?"


A human face appeared from the TV, blocking my game and even making me scream embarrassingly with a terrified expression on my face.

"It turns out that Nanna-san...Don't scare me, okay?"

"Ah~~ I'm sorry. I confirmed that Aito-san had returned to his room through the power of the gods, so I came here, but I didn't think of standing by Aito-san's side at all."

After she entered my room from the TV, Nanna-san apologized shamelessly.

"It's fine. When I want to visit in the future, I'll remember to contact me first. You have a smartphone, right?"

Really? As a result, the goddess did not use divine or telepathic powers, but instead relied on the products of modern technology.

"By the way, Nanna-san, why did you choose to leave the TV? The gods descend from the sky with a strong light, isn't that how it is?"

"Well, it's easier to move from your own TV to your room via radio waves. The weather outside is getting hotter and hotter. It's foolish to sweat profusely for that meaningless splendor. Ah, you must always cheer me up for tea today."

"Yes, yes. Then I'll go first and bring some tea."

The other party was too selfish, and I was unconsciously overwhelmed. So free and unrestrained, Nanna-san is like the Statue of Liberty.

I took a bottle of tea from the refrigerator in the dining room and brought it back to the room. Sitting on the pillow, Nanna-san took a sip before revealing her point:

"──Hah. So, how has your relationship with Suzuha-san developed? Have you reached the dating stage yet? You just started making friends! Yes! Is that true?"

"Please, regarding matters like this, in general, you don't always see everything clearly when you live in the sky, and even those difficult-to-speech limited-level scenes can't escape your control. ...I think the so-called gods should be like that, right?"

"No, no, I don't bother doing such troublesome things! Besides, I lock myself up in my room all day playing video games."

I said, "Stop joking," while showing a mocking expression. As a god, something must be wrong, right?

"Because of that, I have to visit Aito-san and listen to your report. So the answer? Has it entered the countdown stage before the lover relationship? Or has the official relationship been formalized a long time ago?"

Nanna gave me an expression of joy and hope.

"In the first place, I'm finally convinced that the voice came from Himuro-san's heart."

I said this with a bit of embarrassment, but Nanna widened her eyes with an expression of disbelief.

"Huh? Why are you still at that stage? Didn't I explain it to you at the start? As a result, Aito-san didn't believe what I said as a god. Those who don't believe in gods will send god's censure, and I will punish you, even if you reach more than 90% boss hit rate during battle, you will definitely make mistakes. It will make you regret if you are arrogant and have no equipment. Besides, it also comes with failing your skills. A special bonus."

Hey! Is that enough? This kind of punishment will make all fighters angry to wrestle. This god is too scary.

"I can't help it. Who taught that person to always put on a poker face, even if someone told me she really likes me in that state, I can't easily believe it. If I believe in other people, people Those who brag about this must have gotten bad nicknames like the super confident and overconfident guy, and Tajima Aito's delusional people."

"Hey, why don't you understand human words? That's what's called a Tsundere, right? Aito-san has seen settings I don't want to read about in comics and games. What's there to doubt now?"

"No, right, she is not arrogant anymore, she is at the permafrost level. Just cold and frosty. It is just arrogant. I can't find a setting as pleasant as a dere. I even suspect that she is not equipped with the latter at all."

"That's why her honesty is so sweet and numb. It's to maintain her mental balance. And vice versa."

"What's wrong with the ratio of the mixture of salt and sugar. How can anyone be so extreme?"

"Well… Actually, I can't deny that if you say that."

Nanna glanced at me and muttered.

"Sorry... because I finally have someone to pour out, so I can't hold my breath..."

Thanks to Nanna, I feel the pressure lessen a bit.

"So I should give it a try, right? From Aito-san who took the initiative to confess."


I avoided the opponent's gaze and scratched my cheek again, finding it difficult to speak. After all, this is a very disgraceful thing.

"Himuro-san... she really likes me... now I understand. Besides, confession is a matter of that man's initiative."

"Well, you also know that Suzuha-san is a love idiot, so it's weird for her to take the initiative?"

I hope she won't call the person I like an idiot. However, seeing Himuro-san's performance, I can hardly deny Nanna's description.

"When these two are alone in the student council office tomorrow, I'll muster up the courage to watch it closely."

"So I have to wait after school?"

"If I'm going there too."

"Hey…wait, you want to come too? When I confess?"

"Yes. Ah, you don't have to do it for me. I was worried about how I should sneak into school. As long as I can see through my divine power, no one can see me."

"No, no, I'm not worried about that. Me, that's the situation I have to deal with. In an environment where a third person is clearly present, it's embarrassing to treat a girl."

"What difference does it make? Either way, you will succeed, and you can relax. It's not like you created black history in your life."

Honestly, I really want to get rid of this light bulb, but attempts to deceive the gods only know that it will never work. After instinctively telling me that, I decided to give up.

It's not about overconfidence, but based on the progress so far, I can almost certainly win.

All that's left is to say what's in my heart, and a beautiful ending awaits me.

Tajima Aito wants to be a man. Just remember this!


※ ※ ※ ※ ※


...This is really bad, I didn't close my eyes at all last night.

The reason for my insomnia is not the nervousness to confess.

But just when I thought that the future was waiting for me, it would definitely experience the end of many wonderful things with Himuro-san. I couldn't stop the delusions in my mind, and even inadvertently became too excited to lose control—

Today, I'm sitting in the student council room, and next to me the student council chair is Himuro-san. Only the two of us were present, as usual, and I was very used to the after-school situation.

More importantly, Nanna hasn't shown up yet, and admitting now is a godsend. If I waited any longer, I would have to listen to Nanna's mouth crack. She clearly said that he would come after school, but it was Nanna's own problem that she didn't show up. Therefore, I will immediately take action!

"I, Himuro-san..."

Determined, I clenched my fists and slowly stood up from my seat and called out to the other party.

"What can I do?"

"Yeah, there's something I probably have to say seriously... It would be great if you were free now..."

No, that won't work. I obviously realized it and simulated it in my mind many times before school, but I still couldn't get over the tension. No matter how hard he tried, his voice was loud.

"Oh, it's office hours after all. If you can keep it short, I don't mind." (Hehe, as long as Tajima-san is willing to talk, no matter what my job is, I'll put it aside and listen to you.)

"Leave, Don't worry, I'll finish in one go."

"Okay, let's open your mouth."

"Etto, to be honest—"

Throat hummed as he swallowed, and Tajima Aito was finally about to face the worst in life. Important battle now.


"A long time ago... I had a very good impression of you-Himuro Suzuha! If you want, you can come with me... uh... can you go out with me?"


My hands are sticky, and I feel sweat on my palms.

Even with Nanna's blessing, it is another test to determine that both parties are in a happy state, will really confess.

The intense embarrassment forced me to gradually close my eyes. Ah, my cheeks are so hot, it feels like I'm in the subtropics.

I held back the infinite stream of evaporation, and tried to open my eyes in fright.

As a result, what was in my field of vision was Himuro-san who remained silent for the time being. The moment she was about to respond was reflected in my eyes.


(If you don't like it, I, I, I, I, I'm so happy!)


I am free!

In the sixteen years of my life so far, have I ever been as happy as I am now? Absolutely not. Ah, even if I wanted to remove the social mobile games I frequently pay for from my phone, I would agree with a smile.


huh huh huh?

It's hard, it's hard, it's hard... it's impossible, it was just a conscience? How about the answer in real life?

The heart that was shaken was like being hit by a wild whip, and I desperately wanted to keep myself calm.

At the time of the confession that was just happily accepted, the sentence Himuro-san spat out from her mouth was:

"Hah? Not."

Just like that, a cruel and cold short sentence.

What I said earlier, the approval I mistakenly thought was actually just... her, her inner voice?

…In short—as my confused head came to the above conclusion, a strong convulsive impulse ran through my body.

Hard, hard, can you say... I was rejected──?

"You want me to go out with you? How is that possible. You don't need to ask me this question. It's easy to imagine the outcome based on my usual attitude towards you." (To be honest... Aha, I didn't expect it! I also really like Tajima-san! Why are you surprised? I'm so happy. Hehe, I like you too. Great, it turned out to be a happy relationship... I'm so happy!)

Himuro-san still persisting with a poker face that was completely different from the truth, he continued to open his mouth and said:

"Ah… After all, you and I are too far apart, and you definitely don't deserve that. It's true that being with me has many advantages for you, but, I gained nothing." (Isn't this what I dreamed of? It really happened, right? Just now, I was completely recognized by Tajima-san. Can I be happy? Can I hug tightly? Are you alive? Currently, we have become a relationship that can do those kinds of things, right?)

This kind of extreme line makes people almost burst out laughing, and the scathing comments and affectionate expressions are so intertwined.

"Hehe, although it doesn't make sense to say this now, but if I really go out with you, I will be bored to death." (Hey, from today on, I'm Tajima-san's girlfriend, live long)

Huh, huh, huh?

Uh, like this... I... huh? How should I react?

"……………..! Um…… If you don't like me…………!"

For a moment, Himuro-san suddenly widened her eyes, as if she wanted to say something, but hastily stopped.

The small volume will definitely be missed when it comes to the hard-of-hearing male protagonist. Fortunately, my hearing can still be captured well.

That voice... there should only be one.

In other words, the confusing tone just now was the truth from Himuro-san -- in Tajima Aito's life, this moment would definitely be the greatest coincidence of the long-term occupation of the first rank in the future.

When I didn't know what to do and stood still and couldn't move, Himuro-san was first silent for a while, then stretched my eyes into a slender appearance, and finally opened them again,

"──In short, I reject your confession just now. I guess you should understand this?" (...Just, is it really? Right, the ending is still like this. Ah...I'm so sorry, so sorry, so sorry, okay. Sorry. I'm sorry!)

"Yes, yes..."

"Really, even though I noticed that you sometimes gave me a hyena-like look, I really didn't expect you to have such sickening emotions for me." (Woo, because things came so suddenly, I reflexively refused due to the tension and instability… confession to the opposite sex is a refusal, this kind of awareness is deep. It has penetrated deep into my body… What is it? should I do? What should I do? What should I do? What should I do right?)

With those cold words earlier, Himuro-san panicked and regretted. Thoughts also flowed directly into my mind.

"It turns out that during student council activities, have you always had the same idea as me now? With impure feelings of wanting to be my boyfriend and affectionate, while working hard to handle student council affairs..." (Now if I say "I take my word for it!" Will it be too late? You shouldn't be able to forgive me with a smile. Anyway, I said such harsh words to Tajima-san... Woo, why do I always do this kind of stupid thing... Why do I casually go the opposite direction of my heart when I say something?)

"Well, uh. Maybe as you tell me..."

"Yes? Too bad, I'm sorry. One of the reasons you're so-so in your handling of your job actually has to do with me. I really can't stand it." (Sorry, Tajima-san, I'm really sorry. What I said was wrong, it was all a lie to you, it was just my mouth. It doesn't matter what the words are. I like you the most. We actually love each other. Please don't hate me for this, okay!)

Like this... I don't know how to end it.

"...Forget it, I'm afraid it will be difficult to get to work under these circumstances. That's all for today. We both need some time to settle our heads-then, see you tomorrow." (Haha, it's over… Farewell to my youth, what a tragic ending…)

Himuro-san, who started packing things after speaking, decided to leave immediately.

"...By the way, I hope you don't resign and leave just because you feel embarrassed. It's impossible to find a replacement in a day or two. Moreover, the main activity of volunteer cleaning is about to start. Suppose you leave with personal feelings as a priority will cause me great trouble. If you still have feelings of admiration for me, you should listen to my advice." (Please, Tajima-san, I beg you not to resign please, as usual... At least it's okay to continue working with me at the student council, I want you to stay with me.)

At first glance, she acts selfishly like a ruthless judgment robot. However, in reality, her true words pleaded from the bottom of her heart, and almost fell to her knees.

She stood at the door and said the above with her back to me, and then left the office.

In the room where I was alone, for a long time, I could only stand still in amazement.

"Really, I didn't expect Suzuha-san to be so clumsy in love! Would a normal person refuse the confession of the person you like? If you are a noble or are opposed by relatives, etc., that kind of complicated love is fine, you are just Love who pure common among students. And what is it? The look in the eyes is like seeing a disgusting worm."

Oops, Nanna immediately appeared next to me, and immediately lay on the ground and laughed excessively.

Looks like she watched it from start to finish… Where were you hiding before?

"...Don't laugh happily at other people's emotional development, okay? No matter how you say you are the god of love."

"So love fights, what do you plan to do after that? You never said that to Suzuha-san. The super awkward reaction feels disappointing to ideals, even eternal love will cool off with this, right?"

Since she had just laughed too much, Nanna asked while wiping the tears from her eyes with her fingertips.

"Honestly, her words were so cruel, I instantly forgot how to write the word confident..."

With a red face, I suddenly remembered the reason why I fell in love with Himuro-san.

The key is to take the tour bus to go up the mountain. As the class president, Himuro-san and I were instructed by the teacher at the front to be responsible for communicating contact information to the students at the back.

Himuro-san's weakness, which is the lack of physical strength, is gradually appearing here, when she is almost half way up the hike, she is already in a state of exhaustion, and the two of us are gradually separated from the class.

However, Himuro-san's figure who was full of fighting spirit and insisted on continuing to climb, was in stark contrast to her usually cold and dignified one. In my eyes, she also thought that she was very cute—

After that, for various reasons, it became Himuro-san who made me carry her on my back. Even though she continued to use her poisoned tongue on my back, the action on my hands was just the opposite. Seemingly anxiously holding my sports tight jacket—

This kind of pathetic posture that doesn't resemble Himuro-san's style at all made me fall into it unintentionally.

I really want to see again, the cute side of Himuro-san who is feminine and slightly rotten.

That's why I fell in love with Himuro-san.

After that, through the voice of my heart, I gradually learned that Himuro-san also has another face that is very embarrassing and fun. So far, do I have the option to give up?

"Yeah, that's true. She already likes me deeply in her heart, so there's only one course of action I have to take. I have to make a decision. I don't care about worrying about embarrassing in front of outsiders. Let me see the true strength of Tajima Aito. Please, look forward to it."

I shrugged, as if I had adjusted my mood completely, and laughed.

Slightly different from the earlier conservative mentality which was utterly inconsistent, we are undoubtedly in a state of mutual affection.

As long as you have the courage to face the difficult test at the beginning and have felt a certain level of difficulty, your head will be paralyzed, and only the feeling of "what, is this the only thing left". Should I be able to do this too?

Anyways, at least she actually told me the words "see you tomorrow" and "don't resign" in the end. Under normal circumstances, she would never let it go, but on the other hand, she didn't mind revealing it head-on when it was time to reveal it.

It seems Himuro-san really needs me.

Unconsciously weaves inner thoughts with disguised words.

Because of that, I can only continue to boldly move forward.

Wanting to respond to the wishes of a beloved girl, isn't this a very natural and proper feeling to be a man?

"Wait and see, I will draw out Himuro-san's true heart from the depths of the frigid ice sheet to show you."

"If possible, it's best to finish it before next Thursday."

The goddess standing beside me smiled gently and warmly.

Instead, I responded with a warm smile:

"Well then rushing is absolutely impossible."

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