Chen Ruo Yu arrived at her company and found her keys, she strung Meng Gu's house key on the key ring holding hers, and she felt a kind of indescribable happiness in her heart.

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This is the first time that she has a single man's house key.


At noon, as a new girlfriend, she thought that about she had to do and thought that she ought to show some concern about his meal issue.


She texted him and asked him what he had for breakfast and also asked what he was going to eat for lunch.


In the end, Meng Gu did not reply.


Chen Ruo Yu was not bothered and went about her own business as usual. She went out for lunch with colleagues. After that, she took some time and went home and changed her clothes. After changing her clothes, she returned to work in the afternoon for a while. She suddenly received a phone call from Liang Sisi, she said that her plane will be landing in the afternoon and she wanted to have dinner together with Chen Ruo Yu. She invited her out to eat at a restaurant, then said that she had something important to announce.


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Chen Ruo Yu knew in her heart that something must be wrong and so quickly agreed.


Not long after she got off the phone, her Mr. Tyrannosaurus made an appearance. He called her over the phone and said that he had an operation today and now just got time to rest, he asked her, "I had hospital canteen food for breakfast, and I'm having hospital canteen food for lunch. What do you think would be good for my dinner?"


This person, he obviously wants to have dinner with her, but wants her to take the initiative to ask him out, but she really can't today.


Chen Ruo Yu told him about Liang Sisi returning today and said told him that she is having dinner with Liang Sisi. Meng Gu was somewhat unhappy.


"You live with her, there's plenty of time to sit at home and slowly chat. Why do you have to make a special appointment to go out?"


 "Therefore, Sisi must have a big problem, I have to accompany her."


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"Chen Ruo Yu, other women pay more attention to their lovers than their friends, how come you are attaching more importance to your friend?"


 "Your understanding of women is too superficial." Chen Ruo Yu righteously said, "Women obviously attach importance to their lover and friend, they are both equally important."




The silence on the other end of the phone made Chen Ruo Yu feel pressured, she coughed twice, thinking to herself that she was not guilty at all.


"Chen Ruo Yu, you are very domineering." He finally spoke.


"I should be, it's nothing."


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"I am going to continue to eat the canteen food tonight." He announced that with a tone that said no one cared about his meal as if he hadn't fallen from grace.




"You have fun on your date, you need to care about me."


Chen Ruo Yu was dumbfounded, Is this really a 30-year-old man?


"You don't keep eating the canteen food, it doesn't have enough nutrition." As a girlfriend, she has to express her standpoint.


"The name of our canteen is nutrition canteen."

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He is still acting up.


Chen Ruo Yu rubbed her forhead, "You don't make trouble."


"You don't need to care about me."


"Okay." Regardless, she hung up the phone.


After work, Chen Ruo Yu went straight home. When she got off the bus, she saw Zhou Zhe talking with a young lady on the street near her apartment complex.



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