Chapter 12 – Attack of the bandits and the logic of this world

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“Hyaha! Take out all your valuables!”

“Women!? Gehehehe…!”

“Hihihi and nice ones too..! Hey women, you’re gonna become ours and let us have fun if ya don’t wanna die…”

Suddenly, a hole appeared in one of the bandits’ forehead. Blood sprayed from the back of his head, his eyes rolled back, and the big man removing his belt fell back and stayed down.

“Ameriko! You didn’t warn him!”

“It’s fine Himeno. They’re bandits.”

Ameriko reflexively pulled the trigger. It took her 0.3 seconds to go from summoning a gun to firing it. A new personal record.

She felt endangered by the bandits, and it was an act of self-defense. She had all the right to use her weapon.

“Wait, this is an STI2011! Wonderful! A combat auto that the Los Angeles police and the SWAT use!”

Ameriko happily rubbed the still warm gun barrel against her cheek.

It was a very reliable 1911 government type gun that was introduced to the Los Angeles police, a city where shootouts were common. It could hold twenty 9mm parabellum rounds in one magazine, and its most distinctive feature was its large grip.

“Eh…? H-his head…?”

“Ah… Wai… Wha….”

The brawny and nasty looking bandit was turned into a corpse by one of Ameriko’s bullets.

The rest were unable to comprehend what happened, but still looked at the beautiful prey before them with lust in their eyes.

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“I-I don’t care! Get them!”

“Geez, just standing downwind from them stinks!”

Ameriko fired mercilessly at the bandits.


“Ah… Ouch gofuh!?”

The dirty bandits jumped every time a bullet hit them. A satisfying sound was heard with every shot, and a red mist filled the air.



“H-heeelp hobuh!?”

A bandit let out a short scream before being shot in the chest and collapsing.

The ten or so bandits surrounding them fell in only ten seconds after being mercilessly shot.

“Hyaah!?” Help…!”

Himeno stood ready with the sword she summoned, but the last remaining bandit scuttled away.

Ameriko pointed her gun at his back, but stopped.

“Shooting someone in the back isn’t moral.”


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Said Himeno with a strained smile as she looked at the mountain of corpses around them.

“Yes, Bushido. It goes against samurai code, you know?”

Said Ameriko with a clear smile.

“I am not a samurai so I have no reason to care.”

“…Oh? You swing around a Japanese sword. You’re a samurai. Sword Bushido right?”

Said Ameriko with a puzzled expression while her blue eyes blinked.

“Uu… Do I have to explain that?”

“You can take your time and explain it later,”

On the back of the wagon, Ameriko spun her gun around her finger and holstered it.

The STI2011 then disappeared into particles of light.

“Look look! He was carrying money!”

Chai lifted and jiggled a bag filled with coins after jumping from the driver’s seat and searching the corpse of the leader of the bandits.

It was the type of conduct one would expect less from a magical and pure being like an elf and more from an hyena.

“Stop that Chai.”

Ameriko complained, and the elf turned to Ameriko and Himeno with his hands on his hips.

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“It’s fine. Money comes and goes. I’m sure this bandit stole it anyway.”

“…I guess.”


“Money is a kind of cursed item. It carries human’s feelings, and the souls of those that hoard it. Coins left behind with regret will rot alongside the rotting corpses of dirty bandits, and turn into monsters!”

According to Chai’s explanation, there were monsters that were different from goblins and orcs. Vague, and half physical monsters born from sentiments and hatred. These were called coin monsters.

“Woah! Really!?”

“…We really are ignorant about the way this world works.”

Ameriko and Himeno said as they looked at each other. The elf’s words were strangely convincing.

“That’s right. You have to spend money properly. If you rescue it from a bad owner and use it for a good purpose, you cleanse it.”

Said Chai as he threw the coins he ‘rescued’ towards Ameriko. She opened it, and saw silver and gold coins.

“This will pay for our traveling expenses then.”

“Still… A good purpose?”

Himeno was a little confused.

Two days had passed since they escaped from the lumberjack’s village.

They were heading towards Chai’s hometown. This forest path would take a week to traverse on foot, but only three in a wagon.

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“That’s right Himeno. We’re going to rescue Chai’s hometown from those evil sorcerers. That’s a great goal!”

“I guess you are correct.”

“Yes, so let’s go all out and spend it when we reach the village.”

Chai returned to the driver’s seat and grabbed the reins.

“Are we going to leave the corpses here?”

“Himeno, we should get out of here as soon as possible. The smell of blood is going to attract monsters and beasts.”

Chai said with a serious expression while tilting his elven ears. He could feel monsters approaching.

“Yes, there’s no point in staying here long. Rest well bandits, amen.”

“Nanmandabu nanmandabu.”

Ameriko and Himeno each offered short prayers and continued their journey,

“Does your village have hot springs or an inn or something of the sort, Chai?”

“Yes. It’s a pretty big village, or rather, town.”

“I can hardly wait!”

“Let’s have fun on the bandits’ expense Himeno.”

“You are making it sound bad…”

It was their second night of camping, and they finally reached Chai’s hometown, Svartarvahei the next day.

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