Chapter 21 – Gathering power. The army of the alliance of freedom

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“Why do the three of us have to sit in the driver’s seat!?”

“So Chai doesn’t feel lonely.”

“But it is so cramped. You should sit in the back, Ameriko.”

The trio sat in the driver’s seat of the wagon. They left Svartarvahei and were on the way to Berelhelm.

It was going to be a difficult journey. Chai’s mother and his sisters said so, as they tried to convince him to stay. But Chai refused to listen, saying he started this whole adventure, and pledging to see it through to the end as Ameriko and Himeno’s guide.

“I can see why your sisters feel that way about their cute little brother.”

“Yes. They really love you.”

“Nonsense! They’re awful. They always eat my sweets and rummage through my room.”

“That just means they love you.”

“Ah!? What are you talking about?

“It’s okay! We’ll love you too!”


As their fun journey continued, they stopped by various villages, where they received a warm welcome and support. Everywhere they went, people had heard about the witches that defeated a sorcerer.

“The mercenary guild of the Kaidu village will go with you.”

“I am Armilia, a witch. I will avenge my friends.”

“We, the knights of the fortress city of Gudous will accompany you.”

People were constantly offering their support and services in the battle ahead.

By the time they passed by three villages and three towns, they had over twenty people in their ranks.

“I’m glad we’re finding more people willing to fight with us, but what do you call this again?”

“Daimyo’s procession.”

“Oh, daimyo! We’re samurai masters uh?”

“Hahaha, I guess.”

Said Ameriko and Himeno as they smiled and looked back.

There were ten knights on horseback, ten mercenaries in wagons, and two wizards riding dragons. It was quite the group.

Everyone lost loved ones or friends to the slave sorcerers.

“It’s nice to have so many people on our side!”

Said a happy looking Chai. He frequently exchanged information by using a crystal ball given to him by his sisters.

According to information sent by the village, many towns and villages were starting to revolt.

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They brushed away the demands of the sorcerer’s gang, and flew the flag of revolt. Even if they paid for it, they started showing the determination to not let the sorcerer’s thugs do whatever they wanted.

A resistance had been forming to join Ameriko and Himeno’s army, and everyone had the same destination. The lair of the sorcerers, Ethnocentria.

“The army of the alliance of freedom…! Has a nice ring to it.”

“The alliance is fine, but what about the chain of command? We need to secure resources. We will receive assistance on the way, but we need all sorts of supplies such as food and water… How do you intend to maintain the supply lines…?

A supply train is more important than anything else. Ah… There is simply too much to think about.”

Said a greatly troubled Himeno.

“You think too much about complicated stuff, Himeno.”

“No no! You need to think a little more!”

“I am. We’ll all join forces.”

“A concrete plan is very important! Your motherland… What was the United States of America, was a pro when it came to this sort of thing. Sending your army, and projecting your military might to faraway locations.”

The former great power had a very powerful military and close to ten aircraft carriers and mobile fleets all over the world. They projected their military power and striking force all over.

“Hn? I don’t know, I don’t remember.”

Said Ameriko while shrugging and laughing cutely.

“…Fine. I will think about that,”

Himeno sighed and took out a notepad.

“But I did remember something.”


“All sorts of weapons. I… Can probably be stronger.”

Said Ameriko with confidence in her eyes, while reaching out with her hand towards nothing.

“My summoning ability probably needs a link to my memories and technical knowledge.”

“Yes, most likely. Do you feel like you can summon an incredible weapon now?”

“Sounds very reliable.”

Interjected Chai.

“I won’t let anyone die in the next fight.”

“Yes. It will go according to our strategy.”

The strategy to defeat slave sorcerers.

Himeno used her previous battle to analyze how to fight this kind of enemy, and devised a safer and more reliable strategy. She also shared this strategy with their growing army.

As they advanced, they finally saw their first objective, Berelhelm in the horizon, along with its many tall towers.

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“So that’s Berelhelm…”

As they got closer, they saw some of the towers had collapsed and were smoldering. The entire city was covered with a black gas, some sort of miasma.

“Attention! I am sensing an abnormal magic emerging above ground!”

Yelled the witch Eralda, who was circling in the air with her magic broom.

“Yes! Thank you!”

The sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds and a strange atmosphere, and a dark presence approached them.

“It’s just like before!

“Everyone, get in position just like we planned and prepare for battle!”

Screamed Himeno while turning back with her fist in the air.


Everyone scattered.

There were many destroyed and abandoned houses and huts around them. It probably used to be a main road leading to the city. There was seemingly no one around.

The warriors and knights quickly hid behind buildings or took cover elsewhere.

Himeno told them to keep some distance and make sure to never approach their enemy carelessly.


Eralda was caught in a tornado and flung. She shook violently and lost control as she went down.

“Oh no!”

“Blessing of the wind…!”

Screamed Ameriko as she jumped out of the wagon.

She ran with wide steps, accelerated thanks to the wind, and caught the witch.


“Nice catch!”

Said Chai while applauding.

“Are you okay?”

“Y-yes! Thank you…!”

“No problem. Your freckles are very charming.”

The witch got up, lowered her head, and ran back with her broom in hand. This time they could count on magic support.

Meanwhile, the tornado approached the ground, as if blocking their way. The black clouds swirled as they were condensed into the shape of a person.

“The slave sorcerer is here!”

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“Prepare for battle, Ameriko.”

Ameriko and Himeno summoned a firearm and a sword.

The tornado formed not one, not two, but three people when it touched the ground.

“Hey hey, what is this!? Only two little girls!?”

Shrieked the man with a thin face and greenish skin, looking like a praying mantis. When he landed, many holes were dug around him, as if the ground had caved-in.

“…They’re hiding. We end this resistance or whatnot right here, although I assumed we would be killing them all in one move.”

Said a listless sounding woman. Her voluptuous body distorted the light around her as it appeared, and her pink hair writhed like snakes.

When her feet touched the ground, it cracked around her.

Next, a heavy sound echoed.

“Gugogo… I was expecting a large army… Gogogo this isn’t what I heard Rhadamanthus.”

A rumble in the ground could be heard as it sunk in a concave shape, and a man with a body that resembled a boulder stood in its center. His whole body looked like a clump of dark metal.

“I don’t care!”

Said the praying mantis man, clearly irritated.

“T-three!? Three slave sorcerers? You’re kidding!?”

“Sending out a fraction of their fighting force would be foolish. They are here to wipe us out.”

Himeno smiled daringly with the sword she just summoned in hand, and Ameriko looked flustered as the shotgun she was summoning took form.

“Whatever. I’ll open some air holes in you.”

“Hou…? She seems very gutsy for a little girl. Surely these two were the ones who killed Mihirakula?”

“…The black haired one uses swords, while the slovenly blonde one wields a black lustrous phallic magic weapon…”

“Fah!? Who are you calling slovenly!?”

The praying mantis man and the pink mosaic woman stood ten meters away from Ameriko and Himeno.

“Gatel Nandine, destroy the city.”

“Gugogo… I will flatten it… Gogogo.”

“We’re not letting you!”

“Ameriko, start!”

Himeno snapped her fingers, and some of the hidden warriors and knights fired arrows from all directions, aimed at the slave sorcerers.

“Ah…? That’s not gonna work!”

“These humans really do have no learning ability whatsoever.”

“Gogo… Fugogo, useless.”

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The slave sorcerers did nothing. Much like Mihirakula, they had complete confidence in their barriers.

They ignored the arrows, and instead stared at Ameriko and Himeno.

The arrows were blocked by the barrier.


Suddenly, small tubes attached to the tip of the arrows burst, spreading smoke.

These tubes were stuffed with fine particles, and were made to burst on impact by use of magic.

Furnace ash, wheat flour, and special pollen. This strange combination created a thick sticky cloud.

“What foolish…!”

The praying mantis man swung his fists to clear the smoke. A pointy, chestnut shaped barrier emerged from the smoke.

The man’s fists opened holes in houses ten meters away. The hidden soldiers were blown away, or took refuge.

“…Was that an attempt at a smokescreen? How pointless.”

The pink mosaic woman twisted her body, and the barrier around her changed shape, clearing away the smoke. The barrier was layered like an onion, and moved like flower petals. When they overlapped, they bent even light, and made it seem as though they were infinite.

“Fugo… Gogo!”

The dark giant appeared to have no barrier, as the powder stuck to his body. But he did have a hammer-like, disk-shaped barrier hidden above his head. It was an invisible weapon that would crush any who got too close.

“…I see.”


“Incredible Himeno! Now we can…!”

Chai poked his head out from behind a building.

Arrows were fired again, and spread more smoke.

The slave sorcerer’s barriers were being exposed. They seemed to be moving, but were perfectly visible. Their shape, range, and the way they changed form was visible.

“So what…!? Die little girls!!”

The praying mantis man was enraged, and he howled while kicking the ground. The pointed tip of his barrier became sharp, almost as if responding to his emotions, and turned into a bundle of spears to pierce his opponents.


Ameriko fired her shotgun, and the metal pellets spread fireworks on the barrier’s surface.

“Heah! It doesn’t work! Those soybeans don’t do anything!”


Ameriko fired again, but it was ineffective even at close range.

“I will deal with this one! You take the huge dark one and the woman!”

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