Amnesiac Queen

Chapter 65

Chapter 65 – Dog Egg

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- Crystal


Time flew by on rose-coloured wings, and half a year passed in the blink of an eye...

Ye Zhen Zhen was about to usher in the most important moment of her life - not a romantic wedding vow before the altar, but a nervous and exciting, um, graduation defense.

The school held no classes for the final semester of senior year. As long as each student came back from wherever they might be all across the world to defend their thesis, a successful conclusion to one's four-year college life could be drawn. What did you say? Couples that break up after graduation? Certainly that kind of thing was bound to happen. At least they didn't let down the image of shining university years. They had a brief and awkward - no, a grand and spectacular love affair. It was better than some people, who had had no love affair at all.

Let's just take, for example, Classmate Pei Cui Cui.

"Unrequited love is also love, alright?!" Pei Cui Cui snarled out her indignation into the phone mic. "I'll push down Xi Cao gege sooner or later!"

Pei Cui Cui's failure to successfully win over Xi Cao gege was her only regret left from the last four years.

"Bless your heart." Ye Zhen Zhen wished her sincerely from her comfortable spot on the sofa.

"Time to eat, Gou Dan'er." When Ji Zhe Yan came out of the kitchen with a bowl, he frowned slightly to see Ye Zhen Zhen still sitting on the sofa chatting over the phone.

Before Ye Zhen Zhen could respond, there was a shriek from the other end of the phone. "Is that a man's voice on your end?!"

Although Ye Zhen Zhen did not live in the school dorms, she had always lived in her own home! The school had never approved her to live with a man!

"Uh, a man's voice?" Ye Zhen Zhen glanced at Ji Zhe Yan walking over and blinked innocently. "You've got it all wrong. It's just our big old dog."

Ji Zhe Yan, upon hearing this sentence, gave her a speechless look and then walked over and sat down. He barked in her ear; "Woof."

Ye Zhen Zhen froze for a moment, then couldn’t help but laugh. "There you go, didn't you hear him barking?"

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Having successfully fooled simple-minded Classmate Pei Cui Cui, Ye Zhen Zhen took the opportunity to hang up the phone and face Ji Zhe Yan, laughing her head off. What a pity she hadn't recorded his bark!

"Dr. Ji, please bark again! I'll make it my text message tone." Grinning, Ye Zhen Zhen turned on her phone recorder and turned it to face him.

Ji Zhe Yan pushed aside the phone in his face and got in close to hers. "Gou Dan, who's the dog in this relationship, huh?"

"A ha ha ha ha ha..." Ye Zhen Zhen laughed until her tears came out. She hated it when he tickled her! "Okay, okay, I'm the dog, I am..." Under the onslaught of Ji Zhe Yan's magic tickling skills, Ye Zhen Zhen lasted less than ten seconds before defeat.

Ji Zhe Yan withdrew his hands in satisfaction and kissed her on the tip of her nose. "Go wash your hands and eat."

"Mm." Ye Zhen Zhen wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and quickly washed her hands before heading to the dining room. Halfway through the meal, Ji Zhe Yan left to pick up a phone call. When he got back, he looked at Ye Zhen Zhen with a rather enigmatic gaze.

"What's wrong?" Ye Zhen Zhen ladled out a bowl full of white rice and glanced at him. Index finger tapping lightly on the dinner table, Ji Zhe Yan asked, “Did you know that the day after tomorrow is the Taurus Award ceremony?”

"Of course." Even a novice fan of Film Emperor Mo such as herself knew that Film Emperor Mo had been nominated for Best Actor.

"My father is an honoured guest. He has two extra invitations. Did you want to go?"

Though Ji Zhe Yan said this in a terribly light and casual manner, Ye Zhen Zhen almost choked on the rice in her mouth. “Att-- Attend the award ceremony?!”

Ji Zhe Yan gave her a look. "Just as an audience member, not to get an award. Don't get too excited."

Ye Zhen Zhen: "..."

Being in the audience was enough to make people excited, alright?! Folks with actor dads like Dr. Ji would just never understand the feelings of little fans!

Ji Zhe Yan looked at her indignant face and couldn't help but grin. "Rumour has it that Mo Zhen will be bringing a lady along on the red carpet."

Ye Zhen Zhen: "!!!"

As a novice fan of Film Emperor Mo, she also knew that Film Emperor Mo had always walked the red carpet alone! His bringing a date would definitely be the biggest headline this year... Well, except for in the beginning of the year, when Film Emperor Mo’s wife gave him a son.

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"Is she A'Yao?" Ye Zhen Zhen stood up excitedly. Was her persistence and optimism finally paying off?!

"A'Yao?" Ji Zhe Yan frowned. As far as he knew, Mo Zhen’s wife was named Li Yan.

"Film Emperor Mo's wife's stage name is A'Yao!" Ye Zhen Zhen looked at Ji Zhe Yan, eyes sparkling. "Dr. Ji, is your source reliable?" Could she really, truly meet A'Yao face to face?

Not paying too much attention to the matter of the stage name, Ji Zhe Yan replied, "My father heard Mo Zhen say so when they were having a meal together."

Ohhh! Then it really was true! Having an actor for a father-in-law really was the best!

"Dr. Ji, do you think I should dress up grandly?" Ye Zhen Zhen became more and more anxious as she spoke. "Oh, no, how terrible! I don’t seem to own a fancy dress for this occasion!"

Ji Zhe Yan couldn't help but purse his lips. "You're just going to be an audience member, you know. You don't need to wear something that expensive. Anyway, no reporter will be there to interview you." Upon finishing his sentence, he paused, then added, "Even if someone did, you'd just be a mosaic."

Ye Zhen Zhen: "..."

Could you stop bringing this up? She hated mosaics!

Despite what Ji Zhe Yan said, Ye Zhen Zhen nonetheless bought herself an expensive and classy dress that same day. Although it wasn't bespoke, it would have to do.

Once dolled up to the point where she could have walked on the red carpet herself, she finally took Ji Zhe Yan's hand, flushed with the excitement of finally meeting her 2D friends in 3D.

"The 54th Taurus Award Ceremony is about to begin. This year's outstanding nominations are at the peak of those in recent years..." The TV hostess made her opening remarks before the camera. Around her, the atmosphere was buzzing. The screams around had not stopped since the first star set foot on the red carpet.

The atmosphere hit an all-time high when Mo Zhen appeared on the scene. Even the hostess' voice got a little shrill in her intense excitement. "What do we have here?! Film Emperor Mo has actually brought a date to the awards! The beautiful lady next to him is his wife. She has apparently recovered very well from the birth of their child early this year..."

Paparazzi on both sides of the red carpet rushed to press the shutter. The next day, just as Ye Zhen Zhen has predicted, "Film Emperor Mo and his wife on the red carpet" swept the headlines of every major newspaper network.

For his outstanding performance in "Ghost School", Mo Zhen once again took the award for Best Actor that night. It was presented to him by his famous predecessor, Anderson. Though Anderson's role in "Asura Code" had done just as well as "Ghost School" at the domestic box office, it was a foreign film and thus disqualified from participating in the domestic film competition. If it had been, the fight over Best Actor that year would truly have been fierce.

Of course, there was plenty of speculation that Anderson was avoiding a confrontation with Mo Zhen by going abroad. Yet regardless of gossip, the two got along rather well in private. Mo Zhen was quite respectful of his senior, and very aware that he was treading on the shoulders of giants.

After the award ceremony, Ye Zhen Zhen finally saw her favourite model in the backstage lounge. The lady was wearing a luxurious bespoke dress, sitting on a sofa... posting on Weibo.

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It's 'Da Li', Not 'Being Energetic': After taking a walk around the red carpet, I can't help but feel like everyone's so cute. :)

After the post was published, congratulatory messages flooded in from all over the country. Li Yan happily appreciated being roasted by various netizens, and when she looked up, was surprised to see a girl staring fixedly at her.

Mo Zhen was sitting beside her, smiling slightly at the comments on her post. He, too, looked up to see Ye Zhen Zhen.

Ye Zhen Zhen suddenly felt like the pressure was on. How could Film Emperor Mo’s eyes be so sharp?!

However, she was not afraid. She had been baptized by Police Officer Zuo. At that moment, she resisted the pressure and bravely expressed her desires to Li Yan; "Can I give birth to your little monkeys?!"


A long, eerie silence descended upon the lounge, and Mo Zhen's mouth, which had just calmed down, began to twitch again. That was the scene Ji Zhe Yan was confronted with when he came in, and he rushed to Ye Zhen Zhen's side. "I'm so sorry about our family's little devil, her illness is acting up again."

Mo Zhen was acquainted with Ji Zhe Yan, and his gaze moved to the other man before he enunciated very slowly, "Great Dr. Ji, you really shouldn't let a patient still in treatment wander around freely."

Ye Zhen Zhen: "..."

Film Emperor Mo hated her! Film Emperor Mo, himself, personally hated her! As a little entry-level fan of Film Emperor Mo, she felt so excited!

... Asshole, don't they say being a elegant young master is a good thing? 1 QAQ

Ye Zhen Zhen sadly withdrew her eyes from Mo Zhen and re-introduced herself to Li Yan. "My name is Ye Zhen Zhen and I am a designer signed with <TOMATO>. Will you model for me in the future?"

Upon hearing her self-introduction, Li Yan clutched Mo Zhen's hand, her eyes bright. "Zhen Zhen, did you hear that? Her name is Zhen Zhen too!"

Ye Zhen Zhen coughed and corrected her. "Actually, the 'Zhen Zhen' in my name is the one from 'The peach blossom and its leaves'. It isn't the same 'Zhen' as your family's Mo Zhen."

Mo Zhen: "..."

"Well, can I still call you 'Zhen Zhen'?"

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"Of course!!"

"Zhen Zhen!"

"What's up?"

"Zhen Zhen!"


Mo Zhen: "..."

Ji Zhe Yan: "..."

The conversation level was just too low. Ji Zhe Yan could no longer listen and dragged Ye Zhen Zhen out, saying, “I'm taking her back for treatment. Goodbye.”

After being treated by Dr. Ji both inside and out, Ye Zhen Zhen settled down for a few days. Nonetheless, she still managed to add Li Yan on Weibo – behind the collective backs of Dr. Ji and Film Emperor Mo.

Another month later, under the school's watch, Classmate Ye Zhen Zhen completed her thesis defense and officially graduated!

At the time when everyone else was busying themselves with integrating into society and work, Classmate Ye Zhen Zhen was the busiest of all - preparations for her wedding were far too complicated!

Having made some design modifications to the award-winning wedding dress last year, she made herself a brand-new version in her own size. As the eldest daughter of the Ye Family, Ye Zhen Zhen had received a good deal of aristocratic training from a young age, and her innately elegant temperament was on display in her wedding dress.

Even Ji Zhe Yan's jaw dropped a little upon looking at her. Raising her chin proudly, Ye Zhen Zhen asked, "Do I look nice?"

Ji Zhe Yan nodded. "The glamorous, elegant atmosphere covers up the flaws in your IQ completely."

Ye Zhen Zhen: "..."

Was it too late to back out of this marriage?!

Ji Zhe Yan smiled and stepped forward, taking her right hand in his and gently kissing it. "Shall we, my Queen?"

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