An adult in Pokemon

Chapter 28

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Arriving at a clearing, some of them started to set up camp. Gray went around collecting berries and apricots. His pokemon moved and played about. Empress followed behind him walking. She was trying her best to build more strength in her legs. The mountain was the perfect place to do so. Midnight laid resting next to a tree. Sabrina's Espeon kept watching over him.

Gale worked with Misty to set up a tent. Misty did her best to explain how she could use her hands better. It was a hilarious sight to behold. She kept dropping everything. Pyron was in the air doing acrobatic moves. Growlithe kept aiming to try to shoot him down. Misty's Dratini and Suicune set to the side watching the training. Every now and then they both looked in the direction of Gray.

Jacob and his little Regice were making water it looks like. A giant bowl made from the crystal was underneath the two. Small concentrated aura energy turned into water droplets. But it was very thick.

Professor Juniper was taking pictures of Gray. A small voice recorder attached to her neck as she mumbled things quietly. Both her and Gray made a deal, she would study him and give him answers to all his questions about PokeFusion and PokSouls' and any other research.

"Ah, I think this enough. Time to head back." Gray said to those around him. Sabrina ran over covered in dirt and berry stains. She had not picked any since she was a kid and really loved doing so now. "Come on Sabrina, we have to clean these first before eating them."

"Right.. clean them first. Yummy little things." Licking her lips she wiped some stains from her hands. "The sooner we clean them, the sooner we can eat them."

"Right.," Gray said smiling. Picking up a tired Empress they went on their way. Making it to the campsite Gray placed the berries in the big bowl for washing. Well, one type anyway. He didn't want to put all the mixes in one bowl. A good way to wind up in puke city.

After all the batches were clean they were set to soak in the shade.

"So what are we going to do now?" Misty asked.

"I want to go mining. There is a cave that way with a chance to get some stones or gems. If we dont find anything maybe I can find another Pokemon. I always wanted a grass type to train. Mom always said they helped with gardening. Hopefully, I find one here." Sabrina was very cheerful. "We should go after a more filling snack."

Having a small meal Sabrina alarm went off. She looked to Gray and said, "can you come with me for a hike? There is a chance for a special gift up there I want."

"Sure." Rubbing Empress head since she fell asleep Gray stood up and the two walked off.

Up above on the mountain path the two passed by a sign. It had been freshly put up. The left was marked off as a danger. Use caution. A number was underneath that had a danger rating of 7. The right had a danger rating of 2.

"We dont have our strong Pokemon with us. So I think we should go to the right. I have Fennekin in case things get too rough. But I rather not have her out. No sense in making things more difficult. Especially with your match in a few hours." Sabrina looked at Gray and smiled.

"Fine by me. I am just here to accompany you." Gray said shrugging his shoulders. They stopped at the shack on the path and signed there names and contact information. Grabbing a hardhat with a safety vest they left.

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Walking into the cave Sabrina grabbed a small rod from her side. Extending it out it turned into a Pickaxe. She then threw another one to Gray. "Whatever you find is yours. We might luck out and find some stones." Sabrina then went to work. She was a tad bit too excited as she smashed into the wall with the help of her aura power. Since traveling with Gray she got in the habit of using her aura power for a lot of physical exertion. This would help build its power as well as make her body more healthy.

As the hours went by, Gray didnt really find anything of value. Just a few broken old Pokeballs. He kept them, deciding it was a good way to study how the things worked without using ones that he owned.

"Baaang!" Sabrina hit against something metalic causing her to slide into Gray. The pickaxe stood there lodged.

"Umpf," Gray grunted as he held her up. He looked down at her smiling and joked, "if you wanted me to hold you all you had to do was ask."

"I dont!" Sabrina said getting free. She was angry but not at Gray. "I hit something really hard. Ah, my shoulders hurt a little." They both stared at her last striking location.

A slithering motion gave way to a Steelix coming out. It stared at the two and used Roar. "Arrroo," it bellowed sending a power that almost caused them to flee on instinct.

They both stood there ground. Circling his aura to calm it down, Gray waited for its aggression to drop. Walking up first to where the pickaxe was he pulled it free slowly. "Easy there. It was an accident no need to cause any trouble." With a small chink sound, it came free. "I am gonna reach in my bag and take care of that wound ok?"

"Will it hurt?" The Steelix asked. Its voice coming out in a low baritone.

"Only a little. But he knows what he is doing. I can attest to that. He helped heal me before." Sabrina said as she placed her hand on top of its cheek. She spread her physic power and transmit Gray helping her at the river. Reliving that moment she couldn't help but smile at him while he worked away.

"You may proceed then." Steelix pushed a little against Sabrina's head enjoying her touch.

Gray treated the Pokemon with a Full Heal and a Super Potion for good measure. Sabrina struck it pretty hard. He watched as the crack sealed a little. In a few days, it would most likely be gone.

"There all better," Gray said looking at the Pokemon. Seeing its eyes on Sabrina he wonder a bit. "Hey, Sabrina I think he likes you."

"Really? But I dont really know much about steel types." Looking at the Steelix she smiled at it warmly and asked, "would you like to come with me?"

"Yes, I am tired of being stuck here," Steelix said.

Sabrina reached in her bag and pulled out a Pokeball and tapped its head. In a few seconds, the Pokemon was captured.

"Nice," Gray said smiling at her. "It may not be a grass type, but it doesn't hurt you at all. Should we head back now?"

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"Hmm in a bit. Let us go that way." She said pointing at the location Steelix body use to be. It was defintely wide enough for them to walk in.

Only after a few feet of walking the ground rumbled a little. "Crap maybe we should head back the other way?" Gray said.

"Yeah, your right. This looks a little unstable. Now that I think about it, Steelix did say he was stuck." Turning around quickly Sabrina pickaxe in her hand hit the wall. "Oops." A piece of the wall fell revealing a dark pink shine. "Oh no!" Sabrina said grabbing at her head. "We have to run now Gray!"

As soon as she said that, the ground gave way. On instinct, Gray reach out to grab her. As soon as he did he felt a sense of vertigo hit him. The two fell down.

Reaching the bottom Sabrina was out cold. Gray felt a little pain but nothing too strenuous. He looked around to get a feel for his situation. Seeing the look of things he tried to get Sabrina up.

"Come on Sabrina. Wake up!" Gray yelled at the woman. Realizing it was a dumb thing to do he pushed up higher to keep the rocks on his back from hitting her. Slowly he sent his physic energy outward into the crevices of the place. Small little pathways to deliver air back into the room. 'Why is this so hard to do?'

Taking a deep breath, Gray pulled on his aura. "Ahhh," he yelled in frustration. The area was too small for him to transform. Bolstering his muscles with his aura he continued to push up. Coating his body with the aura he was able to create a little opening between him and Sabrina.

As time slowly went by, his aura wained before he forced it back out. Determine not to be crush to death caused his aura to swell. His physic energy had finally reached the surface. Allowing a little air to come in larger amounts. He stretched it out to try to find anyone that could help.

"Dammit! No one nearby. Looking down his eyes caught the sight of a little blood coming from around Sabrina's neck. "Please tell me you don't have a head injury. Why the heck did this happen?!" Focusing on her a prompt appeared.

(Sabrina: Slight shoulder injury. Condition: Bleeding.)

"Thank the stars. Small injury. Just need you to wake up." Gray thought about sending a physic message to her but that would have been a bad idea. "If I do that her defenses might knock me out. Killing us both."

Sending a message to Empress with the Expokeball he felt there was no connection. Something was blocking it. Becoming frustrated he looked down just in time to see Sabrina's eyes flicker.

"Ughh. where am I?" Seeing Gray above her she smiled before realizing the position she was in. She tried to stand up. Moving caused Gray to bark at her.
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"Stop! Take a look at your surroundings before you do anything."

"Ah sorry," Sabrina said sheepishly before moving her head around. "A cave in! Hold on. I will see if I can teleport us out."

Feeling nothing happen she became frustrated. "No good. The null stone's are preventing me from getting us out of here." Sabrina said sadly.

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"You know what these are?!"

"Yes. it is what I have been looking for."

"Why would you come for something so dangerous. If it can weaken you like this, don't you think it would be better to leave it?" Gray said a little angrily.

"I wanted to get some for... It does not matter."

"You put your life in danger for a gift... are you nuts?"

"It was a gift for you and myself!" Sabrina said before looking away.

"What are you talking about?"

"The null stone's can be crafted into psychic wards. Wearing them will keep me from breaking through your physic defenses easily. As well as help shield you from others. With you always training you leave yourself vulnerable. I thought this would help, " Sabrina said sheepishly.

"Eh, my thoughts are always scattered. I dont really care too much anyway. Besides.." Gray said lowly as he leaned forward. Their foreheads only an inch from each other.

Sabrina could feel Gray's breath on her face. 'He smells like berries. Ah, what the heck am I thinking at a time like this? Wake up already Ori. We need your help!'

"If I would have that physic ward in place. Would I have received that vision about you getting ambushed? Most likely not. So thanks, but no thanks. I enjoy the connection between us. Its fun feeling you freak out every now and then." Taking the chance Gray pushed back up again. He pushed even further this time causing the rocks to move a little. "When you get the chance can you make a barrier to protect us from this? No pressure or anything."

"Ah! right. Let me help you. I don't want to risk the cave shifting too much." Placing her hands on Gray's chest Sabrina transferred her physic energy into him.

"Grrooaan, that feels really good." Pleasurably Gray felt a strength of renewal. He turned the physic tendrils into hands lifting the rocks at the very top. Flinging them into the air and away, he hoped Pyron would see it wherever he was. Gray eyes closed as he tried to focus on the task at hand.

Sabrina smiled seeing his concentrated face. 'Ori is right. This is dangerous. Just being this close has my head swimming.' Creating a small hole to the side she made enough room to reach for her Pokeball. Releasing her Fennekin she immediately fused.

Sabrina and Fennekin poured a vast amount of power into Gray next. A small bubble popped up that he didnt have the chance to view.

"Arggh!!" With all the excess energy he fired his aura into the sky. It started off small before widening the column. With more room, he fused into his Yvetal form.

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"Hey over there!" Misty said. "I think that is Gray's energy." Seeing a large energy surge she felt her heart throb a little. 'Something is defintely wrong!' With a thought, Misty and Suicune fused. In a dash of wind and ice, she ran across the mountain to that location.

In a matter of minutes, she arrived.

"Are you two ok?" She yelled into the hole.

Gray held Sabrina as he flew out the hole. Sabrina had clutched on real tight not wanting to let go. Setting down after climbing down the mountain, he released his state.

"Phew yeah, we are fine. Just a little tired is all." Gray turned to look at Misty still transformed. "That is a very.. nice transformation." He said but she picked up the undertone in his voice. He was definitely going to say something else.

Looking down at herself Misty realized she did look a little exposed. With a quick flash, she returned to normal. "That was just a half transformation. I was in a rush to make sure you were all ok." Speaking fast and flustered a small blush could be seen in her cheeks.

"Thank you for that." Gray looked at Sabrina checking her over. "You look ok. But do you feel ok?"

"Yes. Just a little tired. I will be ok in a few hours or so." Standing up she noticed Gray's aura was fluctuating. "What is going on with you?"

Gray touched his side and felt a little pain. Pulling at the area he found a shard sticking out. A bubble appeared identifying it for him.

(Calm Shard: Boost Physic power as well as Harmony.)

Gray held it out to Sabrina. "Here think this will help you more than me. If you find a dark version let me have it."

"Thanks, I think." Sabrina grab hold and placed over her watch and turned the lens. After a few moments and a beep, she jumped in the air happily. "Woohoo what a score!" She hugged Gray and then Misty. "This will work wonders." Settling down she looked at Gray, "are you sure about this? You could use it as well."

"No, I am good. Besides we came here on your recommendation. You should at least get something worthwhile." As soon as he said that, his watched beeped.

(Reminder for Gym Battle. Time to leave and get ready.) The voice said from the alarm he set earlier.

Running at breakneck speeds Gray was happy to feel Growlithe's presence heading his way. The closer he arrived at the bottom of the mountain, the stronger it felt.

'Growlithe I need to get to town fast!' Gray thought to the Pokemon. Arriving Growlithe turned big and Gray jumped on. Next, it used Extreme Speed as it ran the rest of the way.

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