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As the office door closed, Diello slowly opened his eyes that were closed. Unlike before, a cold gaze swept over the spot where the contract had been placed.

Knock, knock.

When he tapped on the desk, Rick silently entered the office. He already seemed to know his task with a relaxed expression.

“Should I pursue them?”


Diello gave a gesture to him.

“Yes. Chase after the one who left a moment ago… no, the one who was coerced by Cartiel, Mirta.”


He chuckled coldly, glancing out the window as he spoke.

“For a while, keep an eye on him. If he tried to contact Cartiel, report immediately.”

Saying so, he conjured a small flame on his fingertip, only to extinguish it.

“Yes, understood.”

Despite receiving a stern command, Rick replied calmly and quietly disappeared once again. Diello paid no attention to the man’s reaction. He knew well who Argenta’s new head of intelligence was. Mirta would now be completely within Argenta’s watchful eyes.

Being outside the confines of Argenta’s fence meant being under even more surveillance than before.

“Confidence to succeed…”

Diello smirked discreetly. He recalled the words left behind by Krua just a while ago.

“Betrayal is not easily done. One must have confidence that it will succeed.”

His laughter deepened.

“Yes, Krua. Those who are smart won’t betray unless they have a strong conviction of success.”


The sound of a chair being pulled resonated in the office. He slowly approached the window and looked at the carriage departing from the mansion.

He whispered as if Krua could hear him.

This current generation of the Alors family seemed to have trouble handling their abilities properly. They were like a powder keg, entering a situation reminiscent of a swirling storm, so the Ferro of Alors family had come into play.

Moreover… the Ferro was a fake, and it maybe seemed like the head would be manipulated by Alors. No matter how carefully the family planned the fake Ferro marriage, there was undoubtedly an unsettling aspect to the situation.

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No one knew when the real Ferro would appear. Hence, those who wanted to cut off ties would naturally emerge, and Argenta’s regulations do not tolerate such individuals.

It was time to purge them at least once.

“It’s urgent, Your Excellency.”


At that moment, an urgent knock resounded on the office door. As Diello was lost in his thoughts, the attendant entered and kneeled with one knee, paying respect.

“There are concerning movements in the fourth zone of the endless sea.”

“…The fourth zone?”

After the previous third zone was breached, it was now the fourth zone’s turn. He widened his eyes in surprise.

“Field Commander Redias is requesting for his departure.”


Upon hearing those words, Diello felt an emotion that had been absent for a long time. He knew the field commander of that place, Redias, very well. Redias had made significant contributions to his upbringing after he lost his parents.

Redias was a cautious individual… For someone like him to personally request a departure meant that the situation was grave.

Diello hastily grabbed his coat.



* * *



That afternoon, Diello suddenly left the mansion.

“He left without saying anything?”

It was a bit perplexing. Even for trivial matters, he used to inform me, but this time, there was no sign of that happening.

“Yes. There seems to be a problem in the fourth zone.”

Vielle replied curtly, not giving me any information about the head’s affairs. I didn’t accept the documents she presented to me and asked first.

“There’s a problem in the endless sea?”

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She glanced briefly out the window.

From here, the sea was visible in the distance. Of course, not including the monsters and horrors that existed there.

“It seems that you’re concerned because of the previous large-scale attack.”

Even though Diello seemed gentle and weak, he was originally a powerful head born with strong abilities. He wouldn’t be injured in a battle against monsters.

“Yes, I hope he returns safely…”

I finally accepted the documents related to Argenta’s affairs. The title on the document folder was simple.


The next moment, I flipped through the pages. Besides the magic contract, it was mentioned as one of the traditions that had been there since the beginning of Argenta. Sitting next to me, Vielle explained while reading a lengthy description.

“Shadows are things given to the families of those who have performed missions for Argenta.”

“I see…”

I could say it with certainty. Alors didn’t have anything like this.

As I was flipping through the papers, my gaze focused on one particular place.




⎡ Additional Shadows for this quarter. ⎦



The names were written below.


It was Roa, who was once called a criminal. It was said that he was buried near the sea as a symbol of him having to protect the endless sea. His family also became recipients of the Shadows’ support.

“His Excellency has specially acknowledged Roa’s efforts to manage the situation until the end.”

Vielle informed me, perhaps sensing my surprise.

I smiled wryly.

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“I thought so.”

To my words, there was no immediate response from Vielle, as I had expected.


When I turned around, she finally spoke. I briefly caught a glimpse of a strange expression flickering across her face.

“…Families supported by the Shadows can live a life of abundance without worrying about their livelihood, unlike other people in the territory. Many people in Argenta are satisfied with that.”

“Argenta… but not people of the territories?”

I raised an eyebrow slightly. I did think that not all people of the territory would receive such support. Perhaps when Vielle mentioned ‘Argenta,’ she was referring to those who work in the Argenta Duchy.

If there were people who received such special treatment, wouldn’t it imply a disparity among the people of the territory?

However, the statistics showed otherwise. Argenta had a higher duchy ranking than any other. There was even a strong emphasis on wanting to become part of Argenta and early education for children in that regard.

“So, what are the conditions to become part of Argenta?”

In response to my question, Vielle conjured a flame at her fingertips. It was the same fire that Argenta wielded.

“It’s this ability. I’ve heard that the people working in Alors or Cartiel are people with their respective family’s inherited abilities…?”

As if asking, she tilted her head towards me.

I nodded.

“That’s right. There are people in Alors who can control water, but it wasn’t like this.”

Not everyone in the Alors mansion could control water. Even if the head hadn’t naturally inherited the abilities, they could bestow them to other people. Still, there was no way a greedy Duke Alors would willingly give up a portion of his ability.

I tilted my head as I flipped through the paper.

“Well, even those without abilities can work in the estate… and there’s no mention of Shadows or contracts.”

This was clearly an Argenta tradition.

Vielle smiled at my words.

“There are bound to be differences between Argenta and the two families.”


After replying, she pointed to a document. It was the welfare provided to those who became the ‘Argenta’ family in the Duke’s estate.

Not only did the support begin for the families of those who became Argenta, but the Argenta’s family members had the freedom to choose their residence, whether it be exclusive Argenta buildings near the Duke’s estate or any other desired location within the Argenta territory.

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Furthermore, the monthly payment given to Argenta amounted to a year’s worth of living expenses for an average commoner household.


Such policies would elevate the honor of Argenta within the territory and greatly contribute to the loyalty and sense of belonging of the Argenta family.

All of a sudden…

Knock, knock!

An urgent knocking sound was heard.

This wasn’t a knock to Diello’s office, it was a knock to my office. Why would someone urgently seek me out?

“…What’s the matter?”

As I asked in a slightly raised voice, the door opened.

“Excuse me, madam.”

His appearance was somewhat disheveled. There were traces of dirt on his hair and the hem of his clothes. It seemed like he had just come in a hurry.

“The fourth zone is requesting additional reinforcements.”


I widened my eyes.

“But, isn’t Diello there?”

In the Argenta territory, Diello Argenta was the person who wielded the power of Argenta the most, so why was additional support needed?

“He personally gave the orders.”

I widened my eyes again.


Vielle seemed surprised, too, but my astonishment was different from hers.

The marriage of Krua Alors and Diello Argenta had already taken place, and the arrival of the real Ferro to the mansion was about to happen soon. However, Redias Argenta was on the verge of sacrificing himself in the fourth zone sooner than expected.


It was evident that this particular event was about to unfold.

I focused my gaze on the knight.

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