“Would you rather make me sad?”

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Diello’s eyes, as he asked that question, were trembling slightly.


Not only his eyes, but I could also perceive a faint tremor in the hand that held mine. The realization of this trembling sensation brought a pained smile to Diello’s face. It was a smile that appeared to evoke a sense of anguish in the hearts of those who beheld it.

“I’m not accustomed to goodbyes, Krua.”

He gazed out at the sea.


“Argenta’s sea… This place has always brought me nothing but goodbyes.”

With a calm and persuasive tone, he conveyed his words as if convince her.

Still, having familiarized myself with the original story, I knew that his words held truth. Even though I had only glimpsed a portion of the original narrative, it provided sufficient insight into Diello’s character. He had endured numerous separations on the sea’s unforgiving expanse.



[ The young Diello sat by the sea, endlessly waiting for a knight. It had been only ten days since the knight had died on the battlefield, but the young Diello was not ready to accept it. ]



The original story depicted it as such—a cruel fate that robbed him of countless individuals dear to his heart. Each departure left him consumed by sorrow. His unease with farewells stemmed from the weight of these experiences.


His eyelashes gently danced in the air.

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In the end, I clasped his hand firmly, enveloping it with both of mine. It was as if my touch provided a sense of reassurance to Diello, causing him to exhale finally. Perhaps he had been holding tension within himself all this time.

He glanced briefly at the people behind me as if he felt compelled to uphold a facade of strength and cruelty in their presence.


Just as I was about to say something to him, a belated realization washed over me. His pristine white shirt was marred by spreading blood on his arm. It wasn’t a mere splattering though it seemed to be seeping from a deep wound.

“Calm down first, Diello.”

He seemed to be trying to make himself calm, but I could feel him breathing in a tense manner.

At the thought, I wrapped my arms around his waist and gently patted his back. In response, Diello embraced me tightly, his grip revealing a hint of strength despite his weakened state.

Beyond his shoulder, the lifeless form of Mirta lay motionless.


Silence enveloped us, and though I was initially struck with shock, gradual tranquility washed over me. Krua’s body must have experienced such situations before.


As Diello softly whispered my name, the strength in his arm relaxed.


His sword clashed with the gravel on the sandy beach, producing a sharp sound.

“Don’t move your arm.”

With a handkerchief in hand, I applied pressure to his injured arm, hoping to staunch the bleeding. Throughout the process, his eyes remained fixed on me, wearing a pained smile that seemed to plead for my presence, as if he feared being left behind like the countless others who had departed from his life.

…It had only been a brief period since our encounter, so why was he so attached already? No wonder he was vulnerable to betrayal!

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At the thought, I firmly pressed his arm.

“Promise me you won’t suddenly leave.”

Upon hearing his words, I blinked my eyes. His trembling voice had a touch of melancholy, and I couldn’t help but shift my gaze away from him.

“I don’t want to part with you, Krua.”

He whispered in such a tender and sweet voice as if he didn’t want me to act like those who had left him before. I had read enough novels to know that characters like him often turn dark… but before that happened, I needed to calm him down.

“…Lord and madam.”

As the tension between us seemed to ease, people cautiously approached us. In the meanwhile, Diello kept looking at my face even as Vielle approached beside me as I continued applying pressure to his wound.


I spoke to him who was startled.

“We need to sort out the situation.”


At my words, Diello closed and opened his eyes slowly before he opened his lips and uttered to the Argenta knights following Vielle.

“Erase all traces and return to Argenta!”


It was only then did the knights started moving quickly. I waited for the surroundings to become noisy enough and then spoke to Diello.

“But, Diello…”


He turned to me, his arm still held by my hands. Amidst the chaos of the beach, his gaze was fixed on me.

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Taking a closer look at him, I couldn’t help but let out a brief sigh.

“You need to practice acting.”


I pointed at him.

“It’s too obvious that you’re shaking.”

“Is that so?”

Diello responded with a gentle smile to my words.

“That smile is also a problem.”

There were people who could notice his vulnerabilities and exploit them. Despite his initial air of sharpness, it became evident that this person was actually quite tender-hearted, wasn’t he?

“Try making a scary expression.”

In response to my words, Diello closed his lips. Was that a scary expression? It looked more like dissatisfaction at the dinner table.

‘I guess this won’t work…’

“…I’ll teach you.”

I would teach him how to pretend to be bad and become a strict ruler. Unlike Diello, I wasn’t innocent and I knew that well enough, so I knew that I could serve as a capable teacher to him.

“It’s an honor.”

In response to my words, he responded with radiant laughter that outshone the sun itself. His genuine laughter resonated across vast distances, extending beyond the horizon.


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* * *



On the way back…

“How did this happen?”

The attendants from Argenta who accompanied the couple discreetly listened in on the conversation between their lord and lady. It was their duty to feign ignorance and avoid eavesdropping, so they made an effort to block their ears.

“Mirta’s resistance was too strong.”

Their lord’s voice was soft. Even though they were well aware that he acted like a fragile person on the surface… wasn’t his gentleness becoming a bit excessive now?


‘His wounds… it doesn’t seem to be made by the opponent’s sword.’

With the majority of Argenta’s residents being skilled in swordsmanship, it was inevitable for them to notice.

The wounds inflicted on their lord, which had been treated by the lady, appeared to be self-inflicted with his own sword. It seemed to be a deliberate act to uphold his facade of fragility and apparent lack of strength.

The people of Argenta were certain that someone like Mirta could never harm their lord. Naturally, no one made a fuss about it though their lord’s stern gaze fell on them from time to time.

‘Let’s just stay silent.’


His gaze towards the madam was entirely different, a complete 180-degree shift from how he looked at his servants.

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