Chapter 7: Words from Ninomiya-senpai

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Michako was initially taken aback, but she quickly realized the doubt in Miyuki’s eyes. She sweetly smiled and said, “Oh no, big brother, don’t think too much. Isn’t cooking for big brother not a sister’s duty?”

Damn duty, indeed!

Miyuki’s mouth twitched.

Even though their relationship had been quite good before he started high school, perhaps with age and certain events, their sibling bond had cooled down significantly.

But even during the best times of their relationship, Michako wouldn’t have spouted such nonsense as cooking being a duty for a brother. Saying that now was just as weird as it could get!

Thinking this, Miyuki instantly raised his guard to the maximum! He was now in a state of heightened alertness, fully prepared for any battle.

“If it were possible, I’d actually want big brother to marry me right now, but of course, it’s a hundred percent certain you’d refuse, right?”

Looking at her visibly nervous brother, Michako sighed inwardly and clenched her fist. “Never mind, let’s think about it for the long term. But as a mere transmigrator, my task isn’t just to conquer big brother; I need to plan for a beautiful future for both of us!”

After dinner, Michako returned to her room and sat in front of her computer, lost in thought.

“With the advantage of being a person from the future, where can I quickly gain a foothold and make my first fortune?”

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Yagi Michako, deep in thought, bit her finger.

Though she wasn’t particularly eager for wealth, having substantial economic power as a support would allow her to be more relentless in her pursuit of her brother. Even if their parents objected, she wouldn’t be too powerless.

“Lottery? Even though I’m from the future, I don’t remember the winning numbers from six years ago. As for stocks, while I know some companies will experience explosive growth in these years, I don’t have startup capital. Plus, in this field, a fine arts student from Tokyo University of the Arts isn’t exactly well-suited. Even with future knowledge, there are significant risks…”

Michako had a bit of a headache. She suddenly regretted choosing an arts major in university. If she had chosen finance or computer science, she could have easily been ahead of this world from six years ago with her technical skills.

“So, the final answer…”

Michako held a manga book in her hand, her eyes slightly helpless. She muttered to herself, “Is it only possible to draw manga? After all, my only real skill is drawing. Fortunately… While I might not remember the plots of those famous future works very well, I do remember the interesting settings and ideas. If I blend a bit of copying and originality, I might still be able to recreate them.”

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

Although she couldn’t exactly be called an otaku, she really enjoyed reading manga. She had read almost all the classic works and even some creatively unique niche manga.

Moreover, during her freshman year, she had co-created a shoujo manga with her roommate. With its exquisite art style, it had successfully passed review at a well-known publishing house. Although it got canceled after five issues due to a nonsensical plot, at least she had gained some experience.

“Creating manga might not bring in quick and easy profits like buying lottery tickets or investing in stocks, but it’s not bad compared to other industries. Let’s make this joyful decision!”

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With determination, Michako decisively turned on her computer and used her saved allowance to buy a digital tablet, pressure-sensitive pen, and a series of art tools.

If Yagi Miyuki were to know that his once pondered “copying literature and academic calculations” plan had been so effortlessly put into action by his younger sister, what would he feel?

“Yagi, if you don’t hurry, Matsumoto and I will head to the cafeteria.”

“I’m coming, I’m coming.”

Yagi Miyuki yawned as he responded to Sazawa Heifu’s urging. He closed the math practice problems on his desk as he did so.

“Yagi-kun, did you not sleep well last night? You look quite tired.”

Standing beside Sazawa Heifu, Matsumoto Seiya, with his delicate face giving off a somewhat submissive aura, expressed concern.

“Kind of.”

Yagi Miyuki rubbed his eyes.

Yesterday, Michako had really thrown him off, and he had tossed and turned in bed until almost midnight before managing to fall asleep.

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However, compared to the frequent surprises of yesterday, today had been rather uneventful except for Michako making breakfast for him in the morning, giving him some breathing space. Everything had returned to calm until noon.

“But I really hope nobody interrupts my studies anymore…”

Yagi Miyuki muttered to himself. As he walked out of the classroom with Sazawa Heifu, his internal alarm bells suddenly rang loudly!

“Oh-hoo! Ninomiya-senpai looks as beautiful as ever today.”

“Oh-hoo! Yeah, Ninomiya-senpai is still… Wait, why do I feel… Ninomiya-senpai seems even more beautiful than yesterday? Is it an illusion?”

“Oh-hoo, I, I feel the same way!”

Hearing the echoing “oh-hoo” voices in the corridor, Yagi Miyuki’s face was covered in dark lines, and inconspicuously, he took a step back.

It’s you again! Ninomiya-senpai!

Looking at the black-haired girl walking towards him in the corridor, Yagi Miyuki inwardly cursed his luck!

This novel was translated on ShanghaiFantasy, If you are not reading on this website, it was stolen and aggregated

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If he were to compile a list of people he least wanted to interact with right now, then the top spot would undoubtedly be occupied by the black stocking wearing schoolgirl who was nearly in front of him. Her figure was mature and alluring, resembling that of a grown woman, yet her facial features held the delicate innocence of a high school student, creating a paradoxical sense of exquisite beauty—it’s none other than the black stocking senpai, Ninomiya-senpai!

“Um… Sazawa, Matsumoto, I suddenly remembered I have a problem set that I need to finish. You guys can go ahead and have lunch.”

Yagi Miyuki swallowed hard, looking at Ninomiya Homura’s captivating eyes, and after hastily offering an excuse, he was about to turn and escape without hesitation.

An ominous presence!

He still vividly recalled the absurd marriage agreement paper from yesterday, and if this person were to create another scene in public like that, his tranquil daily life would be completely ruined.

“Yagi, where are you going?”

Hearing the crisp voice behind him, Yagi Miyuki’s foot, which had just taken a step, froze in place, and his facial muscles followed suit.

Before he could react, Ninomiya Homura had already circled in front of him. With her exquisitely beautiful fair face carrying an inscrutable expression, she casually swayed the two bento boxes she held in her hand. Her delicate body slightly leaned forward as she smiled and said, “Yagi-kun, I’ve made lunch for you. Let’s eat together, shall we?”

Oh no—

Feeling the gazes converging on him from all directions, practically tangible and weighty, Yagi Miyuki knew that his peaceful high school life was irrevocably slipping away from him in this moment!

A true “bento” experience!

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