B City. 

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Qiao Mu was accompanying his grandmother as they toured around Qingbei. 

“Your grandfather always wanted to study here. It’s a pity because his Gaokao score was off by just a point and because of it he spent his entire life complaining about it to me.” Grandmother Qiao grew tired from the walking and the two found a bench to rest on. 

“I heard Uncle tell me that Grandfather forced him to apply here.” Qiao Mu brought out a thermos from his backpack and poured a cup of water. 

“How can he force your Uncle? With his grades, getting into a first tier university would have been extraordinary. 

“Have some water.” Qiao Mu smiled and handed over the cup. 

After drinking the water, Grandmother Qiao handed back the cup. While passing it she noticed Qiao Mu’s hand trembling. Grandmother Qiao’s face was fully of worry: “What happened to your hand?” 

“Nothing, I accidentally sprained my wrist earlier. It happens sometimes.” Qiao Mu said. 

“Your body is calcium deficient yet you don’t drink milk. Why don’t you have your aunt buy you so calcium tablets later?” Qiao Mu couldn’t drink milk, each time he drinks it he would get diarrhea. 

“It’s fine. It’s probably because we’ve been out and I haven’t had your bone broth that’s why I accidently sprained it.” 

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“Then let’s get a pot on our way back to the hotel. I’ll heat it up for you.” 

“We’re going back tomorrow. I’m not in a rush. For dinner, I just order a sparerib soup,” Qiao Mu coaxed. 

The two rested for around 20 minutes before continuing to stroll around. They came in through the west entrance and walked to the east. They planned to walk through the campus to the east gate. When they were just about to reach the east entrance, they saw two workers carrying a giant promotional poster. On the poster was half a figure with writing next to it. 

Which professor has come to Qingbei to give a lecture? 

Qiao Mu’s gaze scanned across the poster and his footsteps came to a halt. 

[Welcome famous Weiqi player Mr. Qiao Dongyuan to Qingbei]

Next to it was a large paragraph giving a detailed introduction describing Qiao Dongyuan’s personal background and the honors he has received. Qiao Mu didn’t need to see it to be able to recite it. He had heard it growing up and had even made it his goal. 

Grandmother Qiao also saw the face on the poster, the joyful mood suddenly disappeared: “Let’s head back to the hotel.”

Qiao Mu made a sound of acknowledgement and they took a taxi back to the hotel. 

After dinner, Grandmother Qiao talked about buying souvenirs the next day. She insisted Qiao Mu call Xu Youyou and ask what she liked so they could bring it back tomorrow. His grandmother’s intentions were very clear, Qiao Mu guessed that she had already contacted Xu Youyou secretly. Despite knowing, Qiao Mu still obediently called her. 

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“Grandmother asked me to call you. What type of souvenir would you like?” Qiao Mu asked straight to the point. 

“What a coincidence. Grandmother just asked me to ask, why are you in a bad mood again?” Xu Youyou asked. 

Qiao Mu laughed, “You sure asked that very tactfully.” 

“If you are willing to let me copy your papers when you come back, I can spend more time asking you more tactfully.” 

“You are rushing to finish your papers?” 

“Yes. You’ve been out of town for so long, have you finished them?” Xu Youyou asked. 

“Not yet. I remember that there were a total of eight papers. I would be able to finish them after spending some time tomorrow afternooon.”

“I am suddenly not in a good mood.” Xu Youyou said sourly. She has been doing the test papers for a couple days now, yet he was able to do it in an afternoon?

Qiao Mu could not hold back his laughter. 

“You dare laugh?!” Xu Youyou said in anger. “It seems it’s true that one’s happiness comes from other’s pain. I’m warning you, tell me your pain now and make me happy. Otherwise, I will tell on you to Grandmother. I was trying to comfort you, yet you instead bully me.”

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Qiao Mu restrained his laughter and look at his reflection in the window and slowly said: “I’m actually not in a bad moon, I just thought of someone I didn’t like.”

“I’ve experienced that before.” Xu Youyou said. 

“You have experienced it before?” Qiao Mu asked in surprise.

“I also have someone I particularly hate. Wait, no, it is two people. Every time I think of them I get in a bad mood. When I’m in a bad moon, I go and annoy them until they are not happy. Afterwards, my mood becomes better.” In the last life, she never came back to China. Her scumbag father and mistress got married. The illegitimate child Tiantian would call her “Sister.” She didn’t have the virtue of Virgin Mary and could not put up with it.  

“You are pretty domineering.” Qiao Mu said somewhat unexpectedly. 

“Between being unhappy yourself and the person you hate being unhappy, of course I’d choose the second.” 

“But others would have a bad impression of you.” 

“Since it is others, why would I care what they think?” 

Qiao Mu listened to the girl’s clear-cut explanation and could not help but envy her. If only he could be like her. 

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“Do you know about qiaomu (arbor)*?” Qiao Mu suddenly asked. 

“Isn’t “Qiao Mu” your name?” 

“Arbor is a classification of plants. They are tall, upright trees with a trunk. They are sturdy and can give shelter from the wind and rain.” Qiao Mu said wryly. “That person who named me said they’d hoped grow into an arbor, but I……disappointed them. 

He learned to play chess since he was young and threw himself into learning. Under his mom’s encouragement, he worked hard to catch up. All just to earn his father’s approval. But his years of hard work were exchanged for a single sentence of disappointment. 

“I gave you that name hoping you would grow to become a tall and straight arbor. It was just a ranking match, yet you got nervous and passed out. With this personality, how can you play Weiqi?” 

Xu Youyou was sildent. Person who named him, that means it is most likely either his mom or dad. Xu Youyou responded with a sentence: “Why must you become an arbor?” 

Qiao Mu froze from the question. 

“To me, “qiaomu” isn’t a giant tree that can shelter others from the wind or rain. It’s just your name. It’s your life, why should others define it for you?” 

The girl’s voice was like a gust of wind, scattering the clouds outside the window. 

———————–Translator’s Note ————————–

*Arbor in Chinese is “qiaomu”, the exact characters of his name

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