Chapter 2.2:

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In her memory, Qiao Mu clearly was clearly a pretty youth with a sunny disposition and a cheerful handsomeness to him. This person, at fifteen or sixteen should have been a tall and slender, happy youth. How could he be a fatty? And his height was at most 5ft 7in. 

When will the rest of the 6 inches grow? Being frank, she would never like the Qiao Mu with this appearance. 

Under the unwavering, unashamed staring, Qiao Mu felt awkward: “Teacher, I’ll head to class now.”


With his permission, Qiao Mu ran off without looking back. His footsteps were flying as if there was something after him. 

“Youyou’s mother, the next class is starting shortly. I’ll take Xu Youyou over,” Teacher Song said. 

“Okay” Li Leyao said a couple more sentences to her daughter before leaving. 

Teacher Song was the homeroom teacher for Class 18. He taught math which coincidentally was the next class. He carried his teaching materials and led Xu Youyou towards the classroom. Walking and talking, he told Xu Youyou: “Earlier, that boy was called Qiao Mu. He’s also in Class 18, in charge of the class’ studies. His grades are good, and his personality is good as well. There is actually an empty seat next to him, so I arranged for you two to sit together. If there is anything you feel uncomfortable talking about with a teacher, you can find him.”

Same school, same class, and now same desk. What a coincidence. It’s God’s will. 

After her rebirth, Xu Youyou always pondered the reasons for why she would be reborn. The only reason she could think of is because she died young. However, many people die young, why is it only her that was reborn? And at this moment, she suddenly had a very daring speculation. 

Maybe she was reborn because of Qiao Mu. 

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Before going to Mount Everest, Qiao Mu had shared a lot of Tibetan mysterious legends with her. He said that every generation of the Buddha incarnate is the continuous reincarnation of the same person. He also said that Tibet is the place closest to the sky and if you devoutly pray, your wish can come true. 

If this legend is real, then at the peak of Mount Everest — the spot closest to the sky — without a doubt would be the spot where wishes come true. And Qiao Mu’s last wish was……

“So, in the next life, if I chase you, don’t reject me.”

Was it because of Qiao Mu’s wish that I was reborn?

Xu Youyou’s thoughts were a mess and when she came back to reality she found herself standing on the platform in front of Grade 10 Class 18. 

School had been in session for half a month already, the students in the class were pretty much all familiar with each other now. Now suddenly on this hot day there was this beautiful girl wearing a fleece jacket following the homeroom teacher into the classroom, everyone could not help but begin talking. 

“Who’s that? A new transfer student?”

“It’s only been half a month since school started. Maybe a late registration?”

“It is such a hot day, how is she wearing such a thick jacket?”

“Her face is as white as the wall, it is clear that she is sick. But her eyes are black and bright.”

“The class gained an extra beauty.”


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“Quiet down.”

Teacher Song hit the podium with his ruler a couple times, waiting for the class to stop their small discussions before saying: “This is our class’ new transfer student who arrived today, Student Xu Youyou. Xu Youyou, please introduce yourself.”

Xu Youyou’s gaze fell downward, and saw Qiao Mu sitting in the last row beside the window. Qiao Mu was also watching her and as he saw her look in his direction, not knowing what to think, avoided her gaze.  

“Hello everyone, I’m Xu Youyou, the “You” from the word pomelo. I arrived from Country Y. In the future, please take care of me” Xu Youyou gave a simple introduction. 

The Grade 10, Class 18 students all wanted to ask a few more questions, but because of the homeroom teacher they could only suppress their curiosity. 

“Okay, you can sit next to Qiao Mu” Teacher Song said as he pointed towards Qiao Mu’s seat.  

Xu Youyou made a sound of acknowledgement and made her way through the classroom to Qiao Mu’s side. 

Just as Xu Youyou sat down, a math book appeared in front of her. 

Xu Youyou’s gaze shifted from the book to the book’s owner. 

“After this class I’ll take you to get your own book, you can first use this one” The youth’s voice was gentle and polite. 

“What about you?” Xu Youyou asked. 

“I previewed the lesson, I already know the key points,” After answering, Qiao Mu did not explain further. He flipped open the practice booklet and lowered his head as he began working. 

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Xu Youyou randomly flipped the page and saw Qiao Mu’s signature. 

“Your handwriting is so nice!” In the previous life, the first time Xu Youyou saw Qiao Mu’s handwriting, she was captivated by his elegant, unrestrained characters. 

“When I was little, I learned calligraphy for a bit with my grandfather.”

People can look similar, but handwriting definitely cannot. 

Drawn from her reverie, Xu Youyou could not help but ask: “Have you learned calligraphy before?”

Qiao Mu, who had suddenly been asked a question, was shocked until he saw his signature on the book and understood. 

“Learned before.” When he was five, he learned calligraphy with his grandfather. And since young, his handwriting was better than most. 

That’s it? Wasn’t his response too short? It was a surprise. In the past, the one who had been such a smooth talker, was apparently cold and aloof during his youth. 

“Okay, please flip to page 46.” Standing on the podium, Teacher Song began his lecture. 

Xu Youyou was entirely unaware, just staring at the book in a daze. Her thoughts were flying. 

Qiao Mu originally didn’t want to meddle in other people’s business, but because of his talk with the homeroom teacher earlier, he eventually gave a reminder: “Page 46.”

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“What?” Xu Youyou lifted her gaze, her long eyelashes quivered slightly like the sudden flutter of a black feather fan. 

Qiao Mu’s eyelid twitched and he shifted his attention: “Today, the content on page 46 will be taught.”

Qiao Mu might as well just helped Xu Youyou flip to page 46.  

“Thanks.” Xu Youyou gave a beaming smile. 

“You’re welcome.” Qiao Mu continued to do practice exercises with his head down. 

“Um…Let’s reintroduce ourselves. I’m Xu Youyou.” The pale hand stuck out towards Qiao Mu’s. 

Qiao Mu’s eyes fell towards the soft and white fingers, hesitantly remaining motionless. 

“Due to Student Xu Youyou’s parents’ divorce, she has some psychological issues. You’ve already seen how she wears a winter coat on such a top day. She says she feels cold. I wanted to arrange for you to sit at the same desk with her. Please comfort her, afterall in this class, you can understand her best. 

Qiao Mu pursed his lips and reached his hand over lightly tapping the other hand: “Qiao Mu.”

Just as Qiao Mu was about to retract his hand, it was suddenly grabbed. 

“!!” Qiao Mu silently looked at the girl. 

“Sorry, your hand is just too warm. I could not resist.” Xi Youyou reluctantly let go. 

Qiao Mu looked at the girl’s heavy jacket and did not say a word.

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