“I am truly grateful…I wonder how I can thank you…”

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We arrived in Maron’s office at the Midgard Trading Company headquarters, in the land of Araid.

The ground floor of the Midgard Trading Company headquarters was a large retail space, while the upper floors, including the reception room, were VIP rooms.

“No, we just happened to be passing by.”

“Thanks to that coincidence, my life was saved…my luck is not so bad after all. But it was also thanks to your extraordinary strength.”

Feeling flattered by Maron, I fidgeted nervously. Everything around me, including the chair I was sitting in, the desk in front of me, and everything else in the room, was luxurious, making me feel out of place. It was impossible to calm down.

Maron kept talking to calm me down.

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“By the way, what business took you by such a place?”

“I wanted to buy some equipment.”

“Oh! That’s great! Land-san has been active as a tamer for a long time, and judging by the familiars I saw on the way, you seem to have leveled up considerably. So, we might be able to help!”

Maron’s face suddenly brightened up.

“I am indebted to Land-san, so, I think I could provide you with a full set of equipment from our store.”

‘A full set of equipment is quite expensive…’

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I was surprised and furrowed my brow in thought, but Marone, seeing the gesture, laughed and answered.

“You are both doing a great job and your success rate is high. It is more than enough for me to provide you with our products.”

As a great merchant, Maron was not the kind of person who would do something without reason.


“You’re being quite frank.”

“Yes. Trust is important in business.”

Maron said so innocently with a smile.

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‘Well, he wasn’t the kind of opponent I could outwit in terms of business. I’d better take what I can get. But then, what would I do with the money I have?’

“I don’t know if it’s enough, but I have the money. I want to get the best equipment possible.”

He felt uncomfortable asking for the highest quality equipment from someone who was giving them to him for free. Still, he thought that Maron, representing the Midgard Trading Company, would provide him with some decent items. If Maron could provide something better than what he already had, he would be grateful if he could use that money to buy something else.

He took out a leather bag from the 『Twilight Coffin』.

“Oh… you truly are an S-ranked adventurer. I have never seen so many gold coins…”

“That’s, how should I put it, it seems to be some sort of rainbow currency or something.”

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“Rainbow currency!?”

Even Maron was surprised. Rainbow currency must be amazing. Or maybe it’s because the Margrave, who had invested so much in this project and the Dragon Zombie that had been such a threat were both amazing?

“I see… if that’s the case…”

Muttering something to himself, Maron began to calculate.

I watched silently as he did so.

Meanwhile, Milim was busy munching on the snacks that had been served, as usual.

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