Chapter 85: Ex-Party’s Perspective(9)

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“I see. So, that’s your gift.”

Without even glancing at the work desk in the center of the dimly lit room, the woman quietly declared.

If you were to describe the room in one word, it would be a laboratory, but that word alone couldn’t capture its unusualness.

There were countless medicines, including powerful drugs that one would rarely encounter in normal life, and various mysterious magical tools were literally crawling around.

But above all, the most peculiar thing was the gigantic fox carcass that occupied half of the vast room.

The three adventurers who entered the room were overwhelmed by the sight, the stench, and the incomprehensible pressure caused by the enormous fox or perhaps the woman herself.

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“Uh… is that…”

“A Demon fox…!?”

An unbearable foul odor emanated from the corpse that covered the room.

As soon as they entered the room, Quella had frowned and directed her gaze there.

Before the main topic veered off, Meiru, who was usually taciturn, stepped forward and started speaking.

“…Long time no see, Mireolo.”

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The woman, who had been sitting in the middle of the room just a moment ago, had somehow approached Meiru’s side, and was leaning against her shoulder.


Fade instinctively reached for his sword, but he couldn’t move his hand any further.

No, more than that, he couldn’t even move anymore.

“Is this really the hero candidate? Really? Is the guild that foolish?”

Mireolo, even if she remained silent, would catch anyone’s attention with her stunning beauty.

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Her cool and languid expression, with her blonde hair and clear blue eyes, captivated both men and women alike.

But that was only when seen from a distance.

Mireolo was tall for a human woman. If she stood up straight, she would easily match Fade, who surpassed the average height for a man, without looking inferior.

Moreover, the aura specific to someone with the strength to fulfill the conditions of a solo S-rank adventurer, far surpassing that, instilled fear in anyone who approached her.

That aura was so powerful that it stopped Fade in his tracks, even though Fade’s own abilities had reached the level of an A-rank individual, leading a party to an S-rank level and earning the title of hero candidate.

Now, Fade was convinced.

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The person who had killed the uncontrollable demon fox with their own hands and brought it here was undoubtedly the person right in front of them, Mireolo.

And the true nature of the pressure that Fade had felt since entering the room was also solely caused by this woman.


Ignoring Fade’s desperate attempt to calm his trembling body, Meiru used magic to levitate the souvenir they had brought and presented it to Mireolo.

“Mireolo, this is the head of a Dullahan.”

“A Dullahan?!”

The one who reacted was not Mireolo, who had been addressed, but Quella.

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