Grois seemed to be a great swordsman who made good use of his large build.

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If he fought with power rather than speed, this would be the perfect opportunity to showcase my ability『Superhuman Strength』.

Grois raised his great sword high and lowered his posture, then locked his gaze on me once again.

“Here I come…!”

Grois’ initial move was completely different from what I had anticipated.


“Hmph. You let your guard down.”

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To my surprise, Grois closed the distance to within my striking range with just one step.

Completely caught off guard, I was struck by a blow that could have crushed my entire body.



But this time, it was Grois who was astonished.

It was because I, despite the significant difference in size, had intercepted his attack with my sword.

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“Hey hey… Was that just a light strike?”

“No, that attack wasn’t supposed to be that powerful…”

“Even if it was a light strike, the captain’s attacks don’t lose their power until the very end. It’s strange that it can be blocked with a sword!”

Voices of surprise rose from the knight order members who were watching.


Grois attempted to push his great sword down from above, but instead of budging, I began to push him back.

“Hey?! The captain is being overpowered?! And from below?!”

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“This is ridiculous… Even the A-rank adventurer who visited the other day couldn’t stand against the captain!”

“Well, true! The captain’s strength is not just about physical power!”

Realizing the disadvantage, Grois released the deadlock and swiftly moved out of my striking range.

That agility with such a huge build is impressive…

But still, his skills are something else… 『Superhuman Strength』, 『Superhuman Reflexes』,『Superhuman Senses』. Thanks to them, my defense had become almost automatic and incredibly solid.

Among them, 『Superhuman Strength』 was a reliable skill that I acquired when fighting against Ace and the other Minotaurs.

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Well, I didn’t think I would lose to knights in a place like this, considering I didn’t lose to Roig in strength… I hate to admit it, but Roig’s strength was truly amazing. It’s quite a story for someone with his personality to become a knight captain; it wouldn’t have been possible without exceptional ability.

In that party, Roig was probably the closest to reaching S-rank on an individual basis. In fact, if we consider only his abilities, he was more than qualified for S-rank. He just avoided surpassing the leader, Fade, in rank due to concerns about others’ perception.

But now is not the time to be thinking about unnecessary things.

“To be lost in thought during a match… You really underestimate me, huh!?”

A horizontal sword strike was unleashed.

Thanks to my skills, I could easily block it, but the problem was what came next.

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