An Unyielding Wind

Chapter 14.1

Last time, on An Unyielding Wind: It’s time to DU-DU-DU-DU-D-D-D-D-DUEL!

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Section 14: Knight


Chapter 1 – The First Knight

Dragon Knight duel?

The nobility in the hall were energetic and interested. The Dragon Knights were the protectors of the Kaya Empire, and had a high status in the minds of the people. Hearing that the rarely seen Dragon Captain was going to duel someone, how could they not be excited?

Aofeng’s eyes turned cold, and she stared at Lin Jiu who had a dark expression. She knew this was a taunt to some degree.

His younger brother was missing, and the Dragon Knights had been defeated. Lin Jiu could not really have no grudge inside. He could not publicly seek revenge from Aofeng, and just wanted to make things difficult for her at the banquet. With “Zhui Yun’s” present status, just defeating a follower would take back a lot of face that had been lost last time. There had been a conflict between them, and so a challenge was understandable.

Lei Shan, as the head of the military, was strong, and a special division of the Dragon Knights was also under his control. After hearing of this incident, for the reputation of the Dragon Knights and the Kaya Empire, he had agreed to Lin Jiu’s request, and led them into the banquet hall. On one hand, he was very curious about this “Zhui Yun” who had been so popular recently.

When the question was asked, everyone’s gaze gathered on Aofeng, including Lei Shan and the others’ who followed the rest. Aofeng, dressed in cool white, stood there, upright. Everyone knew that this was likely His Excellency Zhui Yun’s true appearance. They had not expected His Excellency to be so young and handsome.

Only Kai Ge within the knights was shocked. He was, he was…

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Lei Shan looked with interest with Aofeng. Another familiar figure suddenly squeezed out of the crowd, and came in front of him with a depressed expression.

That person said depressedly, “Lord Father.”

“Hm? Yufeng, when did you come?” When Lei Shan looked, he found why this person was so familiar. This was his son!

Aofeng had been too eye-catching in appearance and even Jun Luoyu had been overshadowed. The handsome Lei Yufeng unfortunately did not receive any attention and was missed by everyone. Lei Shan only saw him when he walked out, and the women also discovered another handsome man.

“Yufeng? It’s little Yufeng?” Mo Qi and the others were shocked upon hearing this. Lei Yufeng had roamed outside for many years, and his face had changed a lot. His presence had completely transformed. Mo Qi and the other people who knew Lei Yufeng in the past examined him intently. As expected, from the handsome and upright man’s features, they found some hint of the past youth.

“Ah, Brother Lei Yufeng!” Mo Ling gaped, her eyes wide. Then she glared at Aofeng and shook her arm. “Brother Zhui Yun, you are so bad, you lied again. We interacted with Brother Lei Yufeng so long, and did not recognize him. So embarrassing.”

Mo Ling and Mo Ling were used to calling Aofeng “Zhui Yun” and could not change immediately.

“This is not my fault. You did not think of it, and I did not say that he was not,” Aofeng said with a smile, and rubbed Mo Ling’s head. She liked this clever and cute little girl.

“Hai, Yufeng, you came back and did not see your uncle, not nice!” Mo Qi shook his head and said. He and Lei Shan were like brothers, and he had been pretty close to Lei Yufeng in the past. He was slightly hurt that the boy had returned and not told him.

Lei Shan was very happy to see his son. He patted Lei Yufeng’s shoulder and laughed. “Your Majesty, Yufeng came back a few days ago, but he said he had important things to do, so he did not stay long at home and left. So I did not have time to tell Your Majesty. I did not expect him to be present at the banquet today. He must have wanted to give Your Majesty a surprise.”

At this, Mo Qi’s expression relaxed, and he laughed, nodding. “This emperor likes this surprise. Yufeng, very good, very good!”

“What good?” Lei Yufeng rolled his eyes dejectedly, and muttered resentfully. “Old Man, you really know how to bring trouble for your son!”

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“What trouble, you are my only son, I love you, how will I make trouble for you? What are you saying?” Lei Shan saw his son looked like he was owed obsidian, and was confused.

Looking at the row of spirited Dragon Knights, Lei Yufeng curled his lips, and said in exasperation, “You brought people here to fight me, and you say you are not making trouble for me?”

Lei Shan’s eyes widened in innocence. “No, we are looking for His Excellency Zhui Yun’s follower.”

“How am I wrong, I am that follower!” Lei Yufeng glared at him and said.

Father and son stared at each other in the center of the hall, and then Lei Shan was dumbfounded…

The Dragon Knights were also dumbfounded…

Everyone was dumbfounded…

Thinking back, people suddenly realized that this man seemed to have followed His Excellency Aofeng in! In other words, the “follower of a celestial magister” who rode a golden dragon and defeated a Dragon Knight was Thunder and Wind King Lei Yufeng?

After thinking it through, Lei Shan started to sweat. What was this? The father bringing people to make trouble for his son? If this spread, he would be laughed at!

The Dragon Knights were also sweating, and were on the verge of falling down. They were making trouble for their superior’s son, the Thunder and Wind King. Heavens, you cannot play me like this…

While everyone was still stunned, another announcement came from outside. Venerable Swordsman Lei Ting, Kai Te and Xiao Yao had heard that the Dragon Knights were going to fight someone, and came over to watch. When they walked in and saw this scene, they were given a fright.

Mo Qi explained, and then Lei Ting and the others finally understood what had happened.

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“So it is like this. I did not know little friend Qin Aofeng is His Excellency Zhui Yun, you are worthy of the words ‘a young talent’!” The three venerable swordsmans had admiring smiles for Aofeng. They all liked Aofeng. They had originally worried that this Zhui Yun had come to the capital as an unorthodox disciple, opposing Kaya. Now that they knew Zhui Yun was actually Aofeng they could relax.

“Your Excellencies, you are too kind.” Aofeng nodded humbly at them. The trio had made a good impression on her.

“Ah, Yufeng, really, Thunder and Wind King, how can you be someone’s follower? You should have explained earlier, now you caused a misunderstanding? Now, the flood has rushed into the dragon king’s temple. Since this is the case, let’s forget the duel.” Venerable Swordsman Kai Te shook his head and smiled helplessly. The three old men were full of interest in Aofeng and had become friends with her. They were on good terms, so no one was willing to embarrass Aofeng.

Lei Yufeng’s gaze stopped, and his handsome brow raised. He suddenly shook his head, “No, while I am not a follower, I have a duty to accept.”

Lei Ting, Lei Shan and the others frowned, and stared at him oddly, secretly blaming the boy for not recognizing the situation. They were giving everyone a way out of the situation to avoid an ugly situation. You are the Thunder and Wind King of the Kaya Imperial Court. How could you fight for someone?

Ignoring their gazes, Lei Yufeng’s eyes seemed to shine with light, passing over many people and locking on Aofeng.

Aofeng’s heart jumped when she met this gaze. Then she heard him say in a determined voice, “Because I am Aofeng’s knight!”

The surroundings suddenly grew silent, so quiet that a pin dropping could be heard in the large banquet hall.

There was only the sound of footsteps as Lei Yufeng walked towards Aofeng, clear and loud.

Lei Yufeng walked in front of Aofeng and suddenly smiled, his handsome face enchanting. Suddenly, he held one of Aofeng’s hands, and then, under the many gazes, he knelt down on one knee.

“I, Lei Yufeng, swear to the heavens! I am willing to be Qin Aofeng’s knight!” As he spoke, a silver pattern rose from under his feet, the bright light reflecting the clear lines of the man’s face. The moment the rules descended, no one could stop it.

An official knighting ceremony, the position to swear an oath…

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Lei Shan suddenly blinked and shouted, “Hey, Son, you…you don’t have a fever? Do not be so excited!” People did want to stop him, but Lei Yufeng was halfway through the oath. The rules separated him and Aofeng from the rest of the people. No one could get in, not even Venerable Swordsman Lei Ting!

He did not want to be the Thunder and Wind King, and wanted to be someone’s knight? Was he mad?

Even Aofeng could not help but frown. She grabbed him, wanting to pull him up, and shouted, “Yufeng, do not mess around…”

“I am not messing around, Aofeng. I have thought about this. Did I not say before that I would give you a surprise at the banquet? Anyway, I had to tell you sooner or later, and it doesn’t matter if I tell you now, die early and resurrect. “Lei Yufeng scratched his head and smiled. He seemed to go for it, fixedly looked at Aofeng and said, “Aofeng, I love you, so I will be your knight!”

I love you……

I love you!

The emotion expressed in the man’s eyes, and this sentence were like a hammer, all of a sudden stunning Aofeng, and also smashed Lei Shan and others were speechless, their eyes wide.

He… what did he say?

A man loves another “man”?

So openly, scaring people to death without taking their lives!

“I am willing to be your knight, to forever be with you, and will not be tolerated by the world if I break this oath!” Taking advantage of everyone’s astonishment, Lei Yufeng finished reciting. Then he kissed the back of Aofeng’s hand and stood up, refreshed, saying proudly,

“Aofeng, from today onward, I will be your first knight.”

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