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Facing the mirror , Lily was speechless seeing her new appearance and what it meant. She took a long moment to regain her calmness; which faded away the next second when she subconsciously looked at the clock behind Phoenix.

"Oh no, I'm late to work" Lily freaked out she frantically fetched the necessities before running to the door. She stopped suddenly recalling her appearance and asked nervously: "Phoenix can you revert my looks back?"

Phoenix was startled seeing what should be the strongest being in the universe anxious about being late. She shook her head without commenting; she had a hunch that if she said something, Lily would hold a grudge and take revenge when she regains her powers. With snap of her fingers, Lily reverted back to her previous appearance instantly.

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Checking quickly that nothing was out of the ordinary, Lily darted out of the house at full speed only leaving a sentence: "Stay here and wait for my return from work, there is food in the kitchen if you feel hungry!"

Phoenix felt wronged; she had been abandoned a lone in a house no smaller than a mansion. Moments later as she grew bored, she started exploring Lily's house. The first floor consisted of five rooms; with the living room as a hub connecting the rest; the kitchen, the study room on its left; the guest room and a small closet on its right. Still in the living room facing the front door, was a floor-to-ceiling sliding door made of glass which lead to the back yard.

As she stepped in the yard; she saw that at her left was a staircase, made of black marble stones, that led to the second and third floor. She glanced at the backyard, there was the swimming-pool, a barbecue grill, and a black marble table, along with a set of six chairs.

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When she stood at the second floor, she found that the door was locked, she went to the third floor to found that it was locked too. Her mischievous nature emerged, and walked through the closed door like a ghost; not even a second later she came out, her face was paler than paper.

At the evening, Lily came back from the company; looking through the room, Phoenix was nowhere to be seen. She became restless not seeing her, plus the fact that she had powers didn't arranged things. Anxious, she searched the adjacent rooms, when she finally found her in the study. She was focused reading, while a pile of books were scattered on the room; they were either on the floor or on the desk.

Looking at the peaceful Phoenix with her book, Lily finally relaxed but blushed hard at Phoenix sudden question: "Why is the second floor entirely pink?"

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Lily embarrassed face made Phoenix giggle then burst out in laughter: "Hahaha... Lily, you're the first person that still like fairy tales when being an adult, even more with the position you occupy in your Company!"

Lily was upset when Phoenix entered the second floor without her consent she stuttered while speaking: "That's not of concern, why did you have to go there? didn't I told to wait for me in the the living room?

Phoenix tried to stop laughing while wearing an innocent expression: "I felt extremely bored, what did you expect from someone who passed her time roaming a part of the Universe, huh?!"

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This answer made Lily unable to retort, she could only admit that she was at fault. She informed Phoenix that dinner will be ready in an hour or so, which made her delighted. The time went quickly while both were busy with their tasks, Lily cooking in the kitchen, and Phoenix gathering informations about the modern world.

They chatted merrily while eating, each asking clarification from the other. Phoenix got her doubts about the various topics in the books she read so far, Lily on the other hand got more confused than before. According to Phoenix she was the reincarnation of a powerful being, more powerful than anyone in the Universe; so she forced her to help her regain the memories sealed deep in her soul, In exchange of benefits...

(Author Note: Dunno which one is the businesswoman, Lily or Phoenix -_- )

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