AST 795 – Preparation, Refining Poison Weapons, Jade Dragon Dagger as Weapon Core

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Now that the others knew about Di Chen and Qing Shui's relationship, they were very happy about it. Qing Bei had actually secretly given Qing Shui a thumb-up, both amusing and embarrassing Qing Shui.

Qing You also looked at Qing Shui and secretly gave him a thumbs-up as well. The other members of the Qing Clan's third generation also congratulated Qing Shui. This was the difference between the Qing Clan and other clans. Qing Shui could casually communicate with the Qing Clan's third generation and they were all close and comfortable around each other. In other clans, those of the younger generation would be fighting and scheming against each other, putting on fake personalities and viciously seeking opportunities to backstab others.

Of course, Di Chen could see the interactions between Qing Shui and the others. She gave Qing Shui an angry glare before exiting the room, yet she didn't really seem to be very upset because she still smiled at the others. She was just feeling so awkward that she didn't know how to stay for any second longer.

"Qing Shui, hurry and go check up on Sister Chen." Canghai Mingyue urged him at the side.

"Brother Shui, hurry up and go. Even sister-in-law is asking you to go." Qing Bei chuckled.

Qing Shui laughed mischievously then exited the room, excusing himself from the others. Regardless of the reason, he should go for the sake of saving Di Chen's face. After all, this kind of thing was pretty embarrassing for her.

Qing Shui walked out through the big lounge's door to the sound of everyone's laughter. He then continued in the direction of the rear courtyard because he had a hunch that Di Chen would definitely be there.

The moment he entered the rear courtyard, he spotted Di Chen's silhouette not too far away. She stood as if between Heaven and Earth, fully dressed in snow white. Her extraordinary grace would make one feel as if she was very far from reach. Her out-of-this-world figure appeared to be a little lonely, but really more hard to approach.

Qing Shui shook his head. This was his inner-most heart from his previous life acting up. He now could be considered a very confident person, but somewhere deep down inside, he still felt a humble insignificance. He would only exude a strong confidence when he was protecting the people by his side during battles. He still needed to breakthrough. Only when his physical strength was powerful enough could he truly stand in front of them.

Qing Shui was well aware that he only barely deserved to have everyone around him. Then again, deserving or not deserving in relationships didn't matter as long as the two people could be together harmoniously. Such thoughts only came to Qing Shui because his ladies were simply too outstanding, each of them like a heavenly fairy that had descended to the mortal world.

He quietly walked to her side and glanced at her to see if she was angry. Her face was still faintly tinted by red. "You're angry." Qing Shui pointed out with a laugh.

"No. Why would I be angry?" Di Chen glanced back at Qing Shui and gave him a small smile.

"I saw you go out and thought that you had gotten angry." Qing Shui smiled back at her.

"Are you afraid that I'd get angry or is it that you don't wish to see me angry?" Di Chen asked him softly.

"I can't bear to see you angry." Qing Shui said gently, as he pulled her jade-like hand.

Di Chen didn't resist and let Qing Shui pull her. She gave him a side glance. Although the times they spent together were relatively short, his figure in her heart was always so clear and distinct. She knew that she'd be involved with him for her the rest of her entire life.

At first, she had only thought that this man was very unique. She was fond of his personality because he wasn't the least bit arrogant and willful like those disciples from aristocratic clans. Most importantly, there had been the wonderful dream among the sea of flowers that had happened twice. On top of that, during the second time……

The wonderful dream among the sea of flowers was not real, yet it surpassed reality. Those feelings she felt were directly connected to her soul. She would never be able to forget them as long as she lived. Although they weren't really together in reality, a lot had happened between them and her heart was already with him. Otherwise she wouldn't allow him to bully her this way.

"You are mine." Qing Shui pulled Di Chen as they slowly walked in the rear courtyard. His voice was soft yet certain.

"What are you talking about?" Di Chen huffed. Her melodious voice sent a shiver down Qing Shui's spine. He turned his head to the woman who was like an immortal that had descended to the mortal world.

"I still feel like I am dreaming. God is indeed caring towards me to let such a gorgeous woman like you fall in love with me." Qing Shui linked his hands with those of Di Chen. He stood across her as he gazed into her eyes, enjoying the atmosphere around them.

"You are the best and most outstanding man I know. Qing Shui, I, Chen'er, like you!" Di Chen laughed softly.

As if her words were imbued with magic, Qing Shui's confidence instantly swelled and his vanity greatly satisfied. He wasn't going to think about whether she was speaking the truth. He was greatly enjoying the moment and really liked what she had told him.

As the saying goes, 'behind a successful man, there is a great woman'. This woman had been a great influence on his present success and had even played a decisive role at times.

The tales of 'Storming the Crown For A Beauty'[1], 'Loving the Beauties More Than Jiangshan'[2] and 'Setting Fire To Fool The Feudal Princes'[3] from his previous world had shown how influential a woman could be. These women could cause the downfall of a country and thus cause its people to suffer. If they could encourage their men to follow the right path, the ending of the stories may have been very different.

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stormed crowns for a femme

Qing Shui gently embraced her and felt very warm. He indulged in the warmth of her body and that feeling of soft ecstasy. However, she had made clear that she wouldn't allow him to touch her until after she broke through……

Qing Shui had no idea to what level she wished to breakthrough to. She didn't speak much due to the embarrassment from back then, so Qing Shui didn't ask any further because he knew the reason anyway. Sometimes, he just ached for her. He wanted her so badly because he loved her.

Di Chen gently wrapped her arms around Qing Shui's neck. Their bodies and their hearts were tightly pressed together. She could feel his strong heartbeats.

"How are you planning to take care of the Baima Aristocrat Clan?" The two snuggled up to each other for awhile before Di Chen gently pushed Qing Shui away.

"There's no other way but to wipe them out. They will just become a potential threat if we let them stay." Qing Shui would be very decisive when it came to such things.

"So we're waiting for them to come?" Di Chen looked at him.

"Since nothing too alarming is happening, we shall just wait. They will come." Qing Shui had initially planned to leave for the Baima Aristocrat Clan. However, since nothing was happening right now, it was better to wait for them to come instead. Besides, if he missed the Baima Aristocrat Clan on his way there, the consequences would be too horrible to even contemplate.

If he stayed here to wait for his opponents to come, Luan Luan would also be able to help him. Qing Shui estimated that dealing with the Baima Aristocrat Clan this time wouldn't be too much of an issue. Then again, not everything would always go as planned. He needed to have a fallback plan and to keep killing techniques with him.

There were only three Five Colored Poison-tempered Frosted Iron Balls and a few poison-tempered Coldsteel Needles left. These were not enough. Since he still had some time, he decided that he ought to make some preparations.

Unexpectedly, no one bothered the two of them when they were in the rear courtyard. They had been there for quite some time now. Di Chen felt that it was about time to return, so she pulled Qing Shui towards the front courtyard.

Anyways, Qing Shui was the person who had the final say about the Baima Aristocrat Clan. If there was going to be a battle, only Qing Shui and at most Luan Luan would fight. Di Chen and the rest wouldn't be able to intervene now.

Luan Luan was already the second highest ranked figure among the Qing Clan now and she was elated about it. She knew she had been able to reach her current strength so soon because of Qing Shui and she was extremely grateful to be his daughter.

Noontime came about very soon. Ever since Qing Shui's return, everyone basically took their meals together at the same time and then go off afterwards. Qing Shui was no different. He returned to his own bedroom and entered the Realm of Violet Jade Immortal.

He was about to prepare for the next battle. He had relied on poison and Hidden Weapons Techniques to eliminate the Zuoshi Aristocrat Clan and the Eastern Palace Aristocrat Clan. On top of that, he had the bizarre primordial flames. If he only had his own physical strength to rely on, eliminating those clans would've basically been a pipe dream.

Regardless of the methods, there wouldn't be any issues as long as he could win and survive. Poison-using sects could be found in almost every city in the World of the Nine Continents and poison had thus gained a very important standing. After all, there were a countless number of unusual plants in the World of Nine Continents and the poisonous ones were definitely not few. This contributed to the large number of poison cultivators.

The upgrade of the Fifth Wave to the Sixth Wave had allowed Qing Shui's strength to forge ahead tremendously. Any opponent weakened to about three stars could be instantly killed by the Sword of Sixth Wave. With the help of the Diamond Gigantic Elephant and the Thunderous Beast, Qing Shui had very terrifying hidden strength.

Hidden Weapons were Qing Shui's killing techniques. As long as his opponents were paralyzed by the Thunderous Beast, they basically had no chance of survival.

Qing Shui was aware that he had powerful supplementary skills. However, he had a very difficult time breaking through with the Ancient Strengthening Technique. Compared to the others, it seemed like he had yet to tap into this powerful body-strengthening technique. He was looking forward to the Seventh Heavenly Layer because he had a hunch that it would be a major turning point.

Qing Shui wasn't in a hurry to cultivate because he had to make his preparations first. The Baima Aristocrat Clan definitely had many people who were stronger than him. Still, his defence should be enough when he was under the State of the 7 Stars Armour to last against them. During that time, he must have a killing technique ready.

Poison Weapon!

Qing Shui thought it was time for him to make a poison weapon because he had the main ingredient now – the 10,000 Years Coldsteel. The 10,000 Years Coldsteel could be used as an ingredient to make a poison weapon because of the terrifying cold poison that it contained. If it could be enhanced through the right processes, it would be extremely formidable.

He remembered the Jade Dragon Battle Sabre and the Jade Dragon Dagger and quickly took the latter out. He realized that this Jade Dragon Dagger was very suitable to be used as a mold and could even be used as the poison weapon's core.

He had no idea what material the Jade Dragon Dagger was made out of. It was about thirteen inches long and two fingers wide. It could considered to be an unusually small dagger and for this exact reason, he decided to use it as a weapon core.

Next, Qing Shui retrieved the Five-Colored Daylily Python's poison that he had previously stored and started refining it. He was going to make this Five-Colored Poison even purer before strengthening it with the crystals produced by the Crystal Lions.

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He took out that big lump of 10,000 Years Coldsteel. This could definitely be counted as a treasure. A 1,000 Years Coldsteel was already considered to be quite a decent item, so the 10,000 Years Coldsteel was basically on the same level as a Moonstone.

Using the primordial flames, he began to smelt the fist-sized 10,000 Years Coldsteel. He slowly melted and purified it. After smelting it for a round, Qing Shui continued to refine the poison.

For the next few days, Qing Shui went through the same process. He didn't stop until the Five-Colored Poison wasn't any weaker than those Five-Colored Poison Pearls he had gotten from the Heavenly Palace before. The poison had already almost achieved the right saturation and state. With the help of the crystals produced by the Crystal Lions, the poison was formed into poison pearls. This made Qing Shui extremely happy.

Thirty pearls!

He was fairly satisfied with this amount. This was double the amount of Five-Colored Poison Pearls he had previously gotten from the Heavenly Palace. Clenching his teeth, Qing Shui took out fifteen of them. Since he already had the ingredients, he might as well make a terrifying poison weapon.

Creating a poison weapon first required the core of the poison weapon to be refined. The core must be exceptionally poisonous. Qing Shui decided to take out fifteen Five-Colored Poison Pearls to refine the poison weapon's core.

This was Qing Shui's first time refining a poison weapon. He was a little excited and looked forward to the end result.

He placed the Jade Dragon Dagger in the smelting vessel and started to slowly smelt it. Qing Shui didn't dare to be reckless. He wouldn't tolerate failure, despite this being his first attempt

————————— Translator's Note: [1] Storming the Crown For A Beauty is a story about Wu Sangui who betrayed the ruling government of that time to the Manchus for Chen Yuanyuan, a famous courtesan in Suzhou.

[2] Loving the Beauties More Than Jiangshan is a poem that was commonly used to mock political rulers who only cared about the beauties and neglected the affairs of their nation.

[3] Settling Fire To Fool The Feudal Princes is a story that is very similar to 'The Boy Who Cried Wolf'. Except that in this story, King You of Western Zhou lit up the beacon to fool the Feudal Princes for the sake of making his concubine laugh. The story ended with a breach in his capital and his death because the Feudal Princes no longer responded to the beacon, thinking that it was their King's joke.

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AST 796 – Weapon Of Destruction Completed, Refining Poison 

Qing Shui cautiously smelted the Jade Dragon Dagger to remove the impurities present in the material, thus forming a purer version of the dagger. Moreover, the poison could be absorbed better once the impurities had been removed completely.

Qing Shui had also discovered that the Jade Dragon Dagger has a distinct high-temperature resistance, a property that could determine whether the weapon was of an excellent quality. The impurities contained within the dagger seemed quite lminor as evidenced by the small amount of dirt particles leaking through the fire.

After that, Qing Shui took 15 Five Colored Poison Pearls and smelted them with the Jade Dragon Dagger until the dagger had completely submerged into the liquefied Poison Pearls. The Jade Dragon Dagger would require ample time to absorb the poisonous liquid effectively.

Even though the process was halted, Qing Shui decided to use the remaining time to temper other Poison Weapons and valuable materials that he had been planning for a long time. He looked at the giant 10,000-Year Coldsteel and took a portion of it to produce an abundance of Coldsteel Needles and Frosted Iron Balls.

The 10,000-Year Coldsteel was far more valuable than the 1,000-Year Coldsteel as they were obviously not of the same level. However, because of the higher value of the 10,000-Year Coldsteel, Qing Shui had thought that the Frosted Iron Balls produced with the said Coldsteel would be exceptional sturdy. But to his dismay, he found it impossible to use hidden weapons to release the Twin Dragon Explosion. The 10,000-Year Coldsteel could not be used to inflict impact damage for now due to the limitation of Qing Shui's current ability.

On the other hand, the Frosted Iron Balls and Coldsteel Needles forged from a 1,000-Year Coldsteel were designed for single use only. Basically, after using them once, the weapons would cease to be effective, thus rendering them useless. However, the 10,000-Year Coldsteel was different – it could be used multiple times as long as the weapon remained intact and could be retrieved. Despite that, the weapon would require replenishment of the poison to be able to use it again – this was the only drawback of the weapons forged from 10,000-Year Coldsteel.

The 10,000-Year Coldsteel Needles were as fine as the hair of an ox and as poisonous as the vicious snakes and scorpions!

Refining 10,000-Year Coldsteel was more laborious than refining 1,000-Year Coldsteel. The time required to refine the 10,000-Year Coldsteel was lengthening as well. One refining session could yield about nine batches of needles, with one batch yielding about nine needles. Thus, one refining session could yield at least 81 needles in total!

As long as Qing Shui had the materials required in his possession, the refining process would be swift. The nine-inch Coldsteel Needles seemed like a small amount when he put them together. Nevertheless, he took five of the Poison Pearls from the remaining 15 Five Colored Poison Pearls and smelted them with the Coldsteel Needles. Then, with the same process as the Jade Dragon Dagger, he allowed the poisonous needles to submerge into the poisonous liquid. All he had to do now was to wait patiently for the needles to absorb the toxins from the liquefied Poison Pearls completely.

There were quite a lot of 10,000-Year Frosted Iron Balls produced as well. Luckily, these weapons could be used more than once. If they were to inherit the same singular-use property of the 1,000-Year Coldsteel, Qing Shui would definitely rage for quite a while.

Three days had passed after he had finished forging the weapons. During his free time in the past three days, Qing Shui had studied the content of the [Poison Scripture] again. Frankly, it was all because of the [Poison Scripture] that Qing Shui was able to refine a variety of Poison Weapons and tamper with poisonous substances.

He felt extremely grateful for the book. Otherwise, he wouldn't be alive until now – he would have died in the hands of the Zuoshi Aristocrat Clan.

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During the span of three days, the Jade Dragon Dagger had turned pitch-black. The poisonous liquid around the dagger had vanished, most likely absorbed by the dagger itself.

Qing Shui was satisfied after he had used his Spiritual Sense to analyze the reformed weapon. The most crucial part of a Poison Weapon was its core. The supreme core could become remarkably spiritualized after a period of time, as if forming a kind of bond with its user. The better the core, the better the weapons, armor and other artifacts would be. There was a rumor stating that the core of the Divine Weapons could communicate with the user telepathically – it was said that the core has a mind of its own.

He ate some food, cultivated for a while and took a good rest. After Qing Shui got up from his rest, he went to check on the Jade Dragon Dagger and discovered that it had completely absorbed the poisonous liquid. He proceeded to take the 10,000-Year Coldsteel that had already been tempered and put the dagger into a mould that he had prepared earlier.

Not long after that, he began smelting the 10,000-Year Coldsteel into liquid form and proceeded to pour the liquefied Coldsteel into the mould, coating the entire Jade Dragon Dagger. He had also prepared a sort of utensil nearby – a slender piece of tube than could be inserted into the mould from above. Once in awhile, the pitch-black liquid would drip into the mould in a consistent manner. The liquid was formed from melting the remaining Five Colored Poison Pearls in his possession.

The Primordial Flames continued to burn for the entire lengthy process. Qing Shui knew he couldn't be force an acceleration of the progress, so he activated his Spiritual Sense and slowly closed his eyes. The 10,000-Year Coldsteel continued to drip into the mould, which would take quite a long time for the process to finish.

A day had passed!

And then two days had passed!


Finally, on the ninth day, the 10,000-Year Coldsteel was left with the size of a human thumb. The density of the 10,000-Year Coldsteel was abnormally high, yet the small lump of Coldsteel could still produce a generous amount of liquid after it had been melted. There was only a slight amount of liquefied Poison Pearls remaining as it continued to produce a drop into the mould after a brief period of time.

In between the process, Qing Shui had already consumed the Vital Essence Pills twice. If he didn't, he wouldn't be able to continue the refinement of the Poison Weapons, especially during the process where he was required to release the full power of the Primordial Flames. The constant production of the Primordial Flames was able to exhaust his energy very quickly. Fortunately for him, the Yin-Yang Image and the Qi of the Ancient Strengthening Technique were constantly in effect, otherwise he wouldn't able to go through the process with the Vital Essence Pills alone.

When the last drop of the 10,000-Year Coldsteel had fallen, Qing Shui let out a sigh of relief. However, the process didn't stop there, as the liquefied Five Colored Poison Pearls needed another hour to finish its last drop. But when it did, the entire dagger subsequently released a stream of thrilling black Qi, as well as an icy dark mist akin to a cloud of black smoke to the surrounding.

That was the cold Qi released by the 10,000-Year Coldsteel. The Primordial Flames continued to burn until the moment the Coldsteel had begun its infusion with the dagger completely. When the black Qi was released, it was an indication that the refinement was a success. All he needed to do now was to allow the 10,000-Year Coldsteel and the toxins to infuse the Jade Dragon Dagger completely.

The Poison Weapon emitted a green-black color during the entire process of infusion. Despite the subtle green color emitted from the weapon, he could still see the color quite clearly. That was the color of the Jade Dragon Dagger, meaning that it had been transformed into a core. Under these circumstances, it was normal for the Jade Dragon Dagger to become the core as long as it contained an abundance of spiritual energy. It wasn't necessary for the core to contain poisonous substance, however. The Jade Dragon Dagger had already been transformed into a poisonous core after Qing Shui had tempered it earlier.

He waited until the weapon had completely cooled down before he picked it up. The dagger seemed larger than before, measuring about one foot and three inches in length and three fingers wide. The whole structure of the weapon seemed like a broken three-feet long Greenedge Sword. It was cold to the touch but soon Qing Shui was able to feel the warmth slowly creep from his arms to his whole body. At that moment, he felt that he would be able to master the usage of a dagger due to the excellent quality of the weapon.

Qing Shui couldn't wait any longer and used his Spiritual Sense to analyze the weapon.

Poison Dragon Dagger!

Qing Shui was shocked but the name seemed appropriate the longer he thought about it. He continued below but the description had only contained a few words: Piercing attack with a poisonous effect.

He looked at the weapon with a perplexed expression. These few words were quite useless as he already had the knowledge that the attack would be poisonous to the touch. Even though he felt a little disappointed, he was still quite content with the end result of the refined weapon. He saw with his Spiritual Sense that the weapon was described to have a poisonous effect, which meant that the weapon must be quite lethal – that was all Qing Shui had ever wanted for the weapon.

It was a weapon of destruction!

Indeed, the Poison Dragon Dagger was a weapon of destruction that could be used for a strategy of surprise or even as a tool for an alternative kill during a struggle with his opponent. Qing Shui could only depend on these hidden weapons during a battle with opponents that seemed far more powerful than he was. If he could break through to the 7th Heavenly Layer of the Ancient Strengthening Technique, then he might be able to depend on his own ability to viciously slaughter his opponents. Utilizing poisons in a battle was actually one type of ability a martial warrior could cultivate. However, Qing Shui had been subconsciously rejecting that mindset due to his preference for physical strength and power.

Qing Shui was not a man who found pleasure in killing other people. However, some people deserved to be killed. Sometimes, killing was necessary in order to survive in this world.

A true man should strive to kill, even though he was not a man who would preach death. However, as a martial warrior, killing was inevitable. The success of a martial warrior was built on the lives of his opponents – the strongest of all could only climb to the top through a mountain of corpses.

Qing Shui would not slaughter innocent people either. When he was faced with the Zuoshi Aristocrat Clan and the Eastern Palace Aristocrat Clan, he had only killed the powerful martial warriors that were deemed dangerous for both the Qing Clan and the Heavenly Palace. Those who posed no threat to him were given the chance to flee. Human beings were born simple – they would eventually forget. The first generation may bear hatred in their hearts but the subsequent generations would eventually forget about their ancestor's hatred. In most cases, people would choose to forget when they were faced with a situation where they could not overpower the other party.

The Baima Aristocrat Clan was fated to be the stepping stones for both Qing Shui and the Heavenly Palace. These people would reap what they sowed and they would be the ones to bring about their own destruction. Qing Shui hated those who would bully the weak and fear the strong and the people from the Baima Aristocrat Clan were definitely those kinds. Because of that, he felt unobligated to be courteous towards the cowards of the Baima Aristocrat Clan. Otherwise, he would regret for eternity if he were to treat them differently than intended.

He had finally completed forging his Poison Weapons. Despite noticing the increased development of his Art of Forging, he still wasn't able to achieve a breakthrough for this technique.

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The 10,000-Year Coldsteel Needles and 10,000-Year Frosted Iron Balls would require a few more days of poison infusion. However, with the existence of the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal, time was of no concern, so he had nothing to worry about.

It was evening when Qing Shui came out of the Realm of the Violet Jade Immortal. The sun had already reached the horizon, illuminating the sky with a fiery red color.

When he came out of his room, he could hear distinctive giggles outside the courtyard. It was the laughter of the twins, Qing Jun and Qing Yin. The ladies were also giggling in the middle of the courtyard with the kids.

Canghai Mingyue, Di Chen and Di Qing were being chased around by the two little kids.

The dawn had cast long shadows from their silhouettes on the ground, which seemed quite harmonious to the given atmosphere.


Qing Yin ran towards Qing Shui when she saw him. She pounced immediately before she was able to reach to her father. Luckily, Qing Shui caught her before she got hurt or fell to the ground.

The little girl wasn't afraid that she could fall to the ground. Instead, she giggled repeatedly while being cupped in Qing Shui's arm. Qing Jun had also ran towards Qing Shui, begging for a hug as well with arms wide opened when he saw his father hugging Qing Yin.

Qing Shui bent down and lifted him up with the other arm before he went towards the ladies. The two little kids were constantly bickering with each other while clinging to his chest. Qing Shui didn't mind at all – he quite enjoyed this kind of blissful moment.

"Are you done with your refinement?" Canghai Mingyue asked casually.

"Yeah, I'm free tonight to play with these two naughty kids." chuckled Qing Shui as he looked at the children in his arms.

Canghai Mingyue blushed an intense red. Qing Shui would always play with the children first before he would come to look for her. Good thing the twins had the habit of sleeping early. However, she never had a good sleep for half the night every time they had sex with each other…….

Days passed in a blink of an eye. He had already prepared what he could for the next battle with the Baima Aristocrat Clan. When he had the free time, he would guide the other members of the Qing Clan in their training, as well as enjoying the freedom and happiness of his current life.

At night!

"Qing Shui, I can’t do this anymore."

Canghai Mingyue held tightly onto the unwearied Qing Shui as she pleaded him to stop with heavy breath.

He gazed at her irresistible elegance and beauty that had Qing Shui drowning in ecstasy. For a beauty like her to willingly make the most intimate love with him, it felt exceptionally wonderful. When their hearts were beating as one, Qing Shui felt that he was the happiest man on earth. At that moment, there was no envy for the immortals as he was filled with exuberant happiness.

"Mingyue, tell me, did that feel good?" Qing Shui smiled coyly at Canghai Mingyue.

"Not telling." Canghai Mingyue chided as she blushed from shyness.

"In that case…" Qing Shui smirked as he began to move his body provocatively.

"My dear, Yue`er felt good…." said Canghai Mingyue meekly as she buried her blushing face on Qing Shui's chest shyly. This had caused Qing Shui to fuel up his sexual desires once more, releasing all his passion on her again until she reached another climax.

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