The students listlessly put away the nets and rackets, and the number gradually dwindled. 

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Me too, when I had finished cleaning up, I decided to leave quickly.

“You’re a freak, seriously.”

As I headed for the corridor, someone said that.

The voice was heavy with overbearing and malice, a provocation that instantly made me stop in my tracks.

When I registered what happened, I quickly searched for the voice.

Around the corner, three girls, Yamabuki included, were facing Minato. I hate it when my foreboding comes true.

“Stop with that clout chasing, will you? Don’t push your luck just because your face is nice.”

I hid in one of the shadows within earshot.

Yamabuki’s eyes were like that of a snake, the other two were just as bad, their spiteful grin made my skin crawl.

Minato just stared at them in disappointment and quickly switched to resignation. However, she didn’t seem to stand tall like usual.

To be honest, I’m not sure that the appropriate action was either. I’m the third party here, and I’m not sure I can deal with these three.

Unfortunately, highschool feuds were not that simple.

But pretending nothing happened was out of the choice.

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“Really, emo queen, it’s so obvious you look down on everyone. What a psycho.”

“I mean, it’s psychologically impossible–. I can see why she has no friends–.” The two cronies closed in on Minato from the side. 

The crude rant made my head hurt. But the outright hostility was enough to hurt the other party. Put it simply, totally infuriating.

Ugh… I could barely stop myself from jumping in.

“Do you realize you’re hated? Not just us, everyone else too,” The ringleader Yamabuki snarled.

But Minato didn’t flinch. Rather, she let out a mournful sigh. “Are you done?” she asked softly.

“Hah?” Dumbfounded faces.

“Is that all you’ve got to say? I’ll be on my way then.”

Yamabuki’s expression darken that instant.

“You! You want a fight?!!” Her bark went over the corridor. Instead of Minato, the two cronies flinched back instead. A few remaining students came scurrying after the voice.

This couldn’t be good…

“I see through you! Going around seducing boys!” The snide appeared to hit home, Minato paled. It was as if she could burst into tears right away.

Even I, too, lost my cool.

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What… are you… talking about… My teeth were gritting before I knew it.

“Smashing around, no cap, disgusting! You wanna be an emoqueen that much?”

She was visibly shaking, her face pale, her eyes downward.

Yamabuki, who had gotten the response she wanted, continued with glee. “Enough with that pretty face! You bitch! I can see through your thinking!”

[TN:My hands hurt from typing this]

Something snapped. Cold rage took over me

No, I can’t let this go on. No, never.

What do you even understand about her, Yamabuki?

“Oi” I found myself stepping in.

No, I had no plan, just this boiling, seething anger in my chest.

The cronies quickly looked away uncomfortably. Minato looked at me in surprise.

With her body still facing Minato, Yamabuki turned only her face to me. “What’s your deal?” she demanded.

“None with you. Yuzuki, let’s go.”

[TN: Oohh, the burn]

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I took her hand and pulled her. Minato followed with powerless, wobbly steps. However, Yamabuki sidestepped, blocking our way.

“What are you doing? I don’t have anything to do with you,” she demanded.

“I’ve got a headache listening to your whining. Keep your nonsense to yourself, will you?”

“Ha? By the way, what? Tryin’ to be cool?”

Even though I tower over her by ten centimeters, her demeanor remained the same. Appearance and physical power did not determine the ranking in society, it seemed.

Whatever, If she wanted to look down on me then she can do it however she likes, just don’t get in my way, it’s a pain.

“You’d be better off without butting in, whoever you are.”


“Hey–, Akashi–”

Then, from behind Yamabuki, the corner from which I came, a girl appeared out of nowhere. 

Short, refreshing hair. Large, slanted eyes. Slightly disheveled green jersey. Her yaeba teeth flashing, Aki Hiura made her entrance.

“What are you doing–. Let’s get back to class–” she said casually like nothing was happening the moment before. And unlike against me, Yamabuki thought twice before speaking.

“Hiura… You’re butting in too?”

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“Hn? What? I’m just picking up this idiot and Yuzuki. They say they’re gonna treat  me to ice cream.”

When did that happen…

But thanks to her, things seemed to settle down. That was getting quite dangerous even for me…

“Whatever with that dumb guy, but we’re talking, Yuzuki and I,” claimed Yamabuki.

 “That was a talk? I thought you’re barking by yourself.” Hiura shook her head.

An awkward triangle formed as Hiura took both our hands.

“Don’t make yourself my enemy. Do you know the consequences?”

“If there’s any consequence, it’d be your side. In the first place, assaulting people because you lost a tennis match to them, what are you, a neighborhood brat? That’s precisely why you stop at Plus Four.”

“Huh!? I-if that’s so then you too!!”

“I’m not trying to anyway. Why would I have any interest in a fancy title that can’t buy me lunch?”

“…!” Yamabuki finally backed down.

We quickly left the place and broke up. Hiura asked me nothing, “Give me ice cream tomorrow–”, and she was gone. Looking at her slender back, I realized how dependable she was.

I can’t just go off without treating her one now.

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