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It was a blessing that none of us caught a cold that day.


Ultimately, I had hit my lowest score on that exam. I think I must have failed a lot. Well, with what happened, how could I concentrate on studying.


“I heard the make-up classes will be during the summer break,” for some reason, Mikage remarked happily.


“I don’t wanna,” I groaned.


“I’m looking forward to it though, this is my first.”


“You’re too optimistic.”


“Why don’t you study well in the first place?”


“See? It’s a dilemma. I don’t wanna study, and I don’t want make-up classes either.”


“Goodness, you’re greedy.”


No, listen to me, I was only being honest here. She also has to take make-up classes too, so why was I the only one that looked bad in this situation?


I roll down on the concrete. Now that the test had ended, the hustle and bustle of students doing club activities echoed through the schoolground.


“Say, Akashi-kun. Why did you care so much about me?” 


The rooftop breeze brushed Mikage’s bright hair. Her white skin was dazzling as they reflected sunlight.

[TN: Japan’s summer sunlight actually tunes up the visual contrast and brilliance considerably.]


“I’ve come to know the real you.”




“And you said you want to be someone you can be proud of.”


“I did.”


“Someone said the same words to me before, it kinda saved me.” If I hadn’t met her, I wouldn’t have come to terms with myself, with my powers. “But that person also said, ‘Life’s more fun this way.’”




“But you weren’t having fun. It goes against everything I know…”




She then lay down on the floor next to me. My breath stuck. Flushing a little, she grinned.






“Hmm, I like the sound of it, Io-kun.”




“Want me to stop?”


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“That’s not what I said…”


“Then it’s decided, Io-kun.”


She giggled.


Despite everything that happened between us, she still remained a mystery to me.


◆ ◆ ◆


“That’s how…”


Hiura, Reiji, Minato, and Fujimiya. After explaining everything to the other four rooftop regulars.


“Nice to have your acquaintance.”


“Please take care of her.”


Mikage and I both bowed our heads.


I could hear Hiura’s sigh of exasperation.


“So, what does this mean?” Minato sounded like she had a hard time believing.


Fujimiya had a warm smile, and Reiji was smirking.


“He wants you to be my friend,” Mikage answered in my stead.


And, of all things, she just had to choose the wording that made it seem like it was my fault. 


Just in case, I said my piece, “Well, the more the merrier, don’t you think? Besides, I need someone reliable looking over her.”


With Hiura and Reiji together, I doubt there would be any problem. If her charisma caused everyone to fight over her, then these two will be her buffer. For the other two girls, well, they might be of some emotional support.


“In short—”


“Remember the last time?” Mikage quickly interrupted me. “I really had fun. So… I really want to be friends with you guys.


“But well, there might be complications since there’s a group in my class that was pestering me to join. I’ll try to find a way around that, but—”


Suddenly, Fujimiya flew in and grabbed Mikage’s hand. “Summer break! Let’s hang out!”




“An ice breaking trip! Think of how fun it would be!”


“Oh, yeah…” Mikage had a faint smile.


Oh, I almost forgot that Fujimiya had that effect on people.


“I second with Shiho,” agreed Minato.


“Still, you think it’s a good idea? I’m fine with the rest of us, but Hiura? I don’t think pairing a refined lady with a brute—”


“Miwa, who helped you with the test?”


“My innate instinct.”


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“That’s enough, you two,” snapped Fujimiya.


The two quickly fell silent.


Ooh, I think Fujimiya was doing great at solidifying her place in this group.


“First off, girl’s night at Minato’s place!!”


“I-I don’t mind, but I only have two futons…”


“Yuzuki and Fujimiya can take the floor.”


“W-why!? The futon is enough for four! If we squeeze a little bit…”


“But that’s my house…”


“I don’t mind sleeping on the floor,” offered Mikage innocently.


“No, no, you’re the main guest.”


Engrossed in their own talk, I was left with Reiji.


“Girls.” Reiji gave me a meaningful look. “Why don’t we do a sleepover too?”


“Do it with your dad.”


Then, Mikage pulled off from the group and—


“Ah, Io-kun, let’s go out after this, ‘kay?”


““Io-kun?”” Everyone said in unison.

“What’s this? What’s this? When did you two call each other by first name?”


“I just felt like it a moment ago.”


“I-Io… you’re… okay with this?”


“Uh, huh? Umm, I guess?”




“By the way, you can call me by my first name too. C’mon, ‘Saeka,’ say it.”


“I’ll pass…”


“Then I’ll, Saeka-channnn!!”


“Oh, thanks, Shiho.”


“Ahh, you’re so cool! I’m melting…!”

[TN: What is this, Mikage-Fujimiya ship???]


Ahh, what a ruckus.


Well, I kinda asked for it.


◆ ◆ ◆

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Now, one last thing.


–“Hello, Io-kun?”


A few nights after, as I was resting in my room after a hard day’s work, I got a call from Mikage, this time not from some roundabout obsolete messenger, but through her newly made LINE.


“What’s up?”




–“I got a confession today. Just so you know.”




As expected.


Or rather, I had just talked to Shida.


He had described in detail how she rejected him, but there hadn’t been a shadow of regret in his voice.


“Now I can finally give it my all for my entrance exams, thanks a lot, Angel!!” With that, he cut the call.


–“Although I made him keep the confession secret though.”


“That’s not the point, is it? He seems happy with how it went.”


–“Yeah, a decent guy like him will find a girl in no time.”


I asked Mikage to let him confess, then nudged him a little… The result is as seen. I apologized to him for being late, and with that, my job was done.


“Thanks a lot, Mikage.”


–“You’re the one who did most.”


“I… not really.”


–“don’t be silly, you really did a lot. Right?”


“Well… I guess.”


Perhaps so. But to be honest, I had committed too many blunders in this case. Even though I’ve managed to weather past this, I was completely strung out. 


I need to have better plans for cases like this.


“By the way, how’s the reception?”


–“Hmm, let’s see…”


A few days earlier, Mikage began to hang out with me, Hiura, and Reiji openly. Since she had to come to us during recesses, it was more than obvious. Considering that, I was a little worried about hostilities.


–“I think it’s Aki’s…uh, reputation? No one has said anything yet…”

[TN: Hiura Aki]


“Oh, so when it’s me, everyone can get mad all they want. When it’s Hiura no one said a thing. Great.”


–“Seems like it. How can anyone be so cruel to such a cute, kind soul like you.”


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Anyway, it was almost summer break, so there couldn’t possibly be any problem during this duration. I’ll need to think up backup plans during that time too…


“And with Minato and co.?”


–“I’ve gone to that side too.”


“Did you cause a stir?”


–“A big one, at that.”


That was to be expected. So far, there hadn’t been much interaction among Kuze’s Top Three, so that’s an incident to behold.


–“You’re still keeping distance with Minato at school?”


“I plan to do that until the second semester. By then, no one would bat an eye.”


–“looking forward to being with everyone, then.”


“Let’s hope we can do that.”


I could feel her smile on the other side of the phone.


“By the way, you’ll keep up the Hbiki guise?”


–“Yeah, for a while, it might be until graduation. I feel a little bad about it, but there’s no reason to take that down.”


“I see…”


On the contrary, if she suddenly opened up and said, “I lied,” that would be problematic. The lie itself said that he lives off-prefecture, so it was pretty solid.


–“Say, if things turn south, you will be there, right?” she sounded a little uncertain.


“I’ll do everything I can.”


–“Thanks, I’m counting on you.”


Although as the Angel, I still wish that people who secretly have a crush on her could confess, despite everything. I could only wish that everyone got to live their lives without any regrets.


“Wait…” Didn’t Shida say… “Mikage.”




“What did you say when you turned down today’s confession?”


If I wasn’t mistaken, Shida told me that she said “I already have someone I like,” not “I already have a boyfriend.”


–“That’s…” she went silent. 


When she spoke again, her voice somehow sounded like a mix between embarrassed and happy.


–“That’s a secret… I guess. Argh, you have no delicacy, Io-kun.”


“Pardon my crudeness, then.”


–“Haha, well then, later.” For the first time, she quickly hung up the call.


My head was filled with question marks as I stared at the last message she sent.


[Let’s hang out together during the break!]

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