Angel Smile

Chapter 188

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"'Such a hot day!'"

"'Don't fret! I know what'll make you feel better.'"

"'What? What is it?'"


"'Wow, what are these?'"

"'It's VitaQua, the best new drink in town.'"

"'Hm, is that so?'"

Yeo Ri uncapped the bottle and took a sip of the drink.

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As soon as she swallowed her first sip, a gust of air blew in front of her from the oversized fan that was aimed at her. Although she had prepared herself, she was still caught off-guard. Her eyes widened in surprise for a split second before she schooled her expression again. However, her face cramped slightly as she felt a sudden urge to cough.

"Cut!" The director yelled.

"Cough! Cough, cough, cough!"

Yeo Ri placed down the bottle and looked away, trying to control her coughing. She had accidentally choked a bit on the drink.

"Are you okay?"

"You okay, Yeo Ri-ah?"

Her co-stars and several staff members rushed to her side, concerned over her choking.

"Sorry—cough—I'm sorry." Yeo Ri bowed her head down towards everyone, feeling aplogetic due to her mistake. It was the first take, yet she actually made a mistake! Now, they had to waste more time to re-shoot it. This seemed to only make her already nervous heart become even more nervous. Considering that this was her first commercial gig, Yeo Ri felt pressured to do well.

"No, it's fine. We have to take several shots anyways, so don't be too hard on yourself. Let's begin again," the director assured the girl.

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Yeo Ri nodded her head with difficulty. After Yeo Ri recollected herself, they repeated the scene.

This time, Yeo Ri was more relaxed now that she knew what to expect.

Yeo Ri raised the bottle to her lips, tipping the liquid into her mouth. She tried to concentrate her thoughts on the taste of the drink instead of the fan. She closed her eyes, as if to show how much she enjoyed the drink, her lips quirking.

Yeo Ri then opened her eyes and stared at the camera that was filming her, saying her lines, "'VitaQua: new, sweet, and refreshing!'" She held up the bottle to the camera, strategically showcasing the beverage.

The camera caught the close-up shot perfectly. Observing the girl, the director nodded in satisfaction.

"And, cut!" The director said. "That was good, Yeo Ri-ah. Okay, this time, Camera B should focus on Min Joon. Min Joon, get ready."


Again, they repeated the scene. Although Yeo Ri was not the focus this time, she still played her role seriously.

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Three takes later, it was finally over.

"Uuugh," Min Joon groaned, holding his stomach. He had drank too much, and his stomach felt bloated. "I shouldn't have chugged them down," he said, his tone tinged with regret.

The role he was playing was of a youthful, energetic boy, so he didn't hold back and kept chugging down at least half, if not all, of the liquid in the bottle. They had taken a total of six takes, so there was at least five or six bottles' worth of liquid sloshing around in his stomach right then.

Jae Ha laughed at his pitiful gait, "Who told you to be an overachiever? Just a small sip is enough, you know?"

"Rather than that, did you seriously drank it every time? It's fine if you fake it, you know?" Jae Ha laughed, jeering at the boy.

Min Joon glowered at her. But, he did not have the energy to quarrel with her. "Director, can we take a break? I need to go to the bathroom."

The director nodded his head, "Go ahead; we're still preparing. Don't take too long, though."

"Yes!" Min Joon ran to the closest toilet to empty out the contents of his stomach.

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The two girls had some free time, so they decided to stay close to the filming area, observing the crew as they were setting up a green screen.

Yeo Ri curiously dipped a hand into the water. "Cold!" She exclaimed, pulling her hand out.

"It's still March, after all," Jae Ha commented with a wry smile. "I hope we won't catch a cold."

"But wouldn't it be fun to play in the water?" Yeo Ri said, giggling. It was her first time coming to the Han River, and while it was not quite like the beach, it was similar to it. She was actually very excited to come to the shooting just for that reason alone.

Yeo Ri smiled to herself. She remembered the time when she had hassled Hyuk about taking her on a date to the beach. In her mind, she thought that it was lucky that they didn't choose to go an actual beach for the shooting since she wanted to experience her first time with Hyuk.

"Yes, well... I'd prefer it if we did this in summer, though," Jae Ha chuckled.

"True," Yeo Ri absentmindedly nodded her head in agreement.

Jae Ha stretched her body, inhaling deeply, "So nice~!"

"I wish I could visit the Han River more frequently. It's really refreshing, isn't it?"

"Yes," Yeo Ri got up from her squatting position, copying Jae Ha's action. She consumed a lungful of fresh air, letting her whole body relax and feel the lightly-blowing wind.

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