Angel Smile

Chapter 193

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"Please, Yeo Ri-ah..."

"Don't go...!"

"Wait, please...!"

In the public park, several people were eavesdropping on a boy and a girl. The two, presumed to be a couple, seemed to have gotten into a fight.

The girl turned away from the guy, shrugging away his hand every time he tried to hold her.

"Yeo Ri-ah, do you seriously have to do this? Can't you let it go? Listen to Oppa, okay?"

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The spectators watched with rapture, highly interested in the pair. They wondered just what kind of mistake the guy committed to have made the girl so angry. Perhaps he cheated on her, or perhaps they were breaking up...? In any case, the drama-like scene that was currently unfolding between the boy and the girl was good entertainment for the bored bunch.

The girl seemed to have had enough with the boy. She stopped in her tracks and turned to face the boy, frowning with wrinkled eyebrows.

"Aah, Oppa! What's wrong with you?" She huffed. "Do you have to be so dramatic? Do you have something to hide? What, did you do something bad?"

"No, it's not that! Yeo Ri-ah, listen to me—"

"All I want is to see your workplace! Is that so bad? I'm not asking you to commit a crime or something!" She raised her voice in exasperation.

The bystanders held their breaths as they saw the girl's eyes reddening. Her cheeks flushed as unshed tears made her eyes glassy. Inwardly, the lot of them were already condemning the guy, complaining about why he refused to take the girl to his workplace. Was it that hard of a request?

"No, you don't understand—it's getting late, and that place isn't a good place for a minor like you to hang around in. Yeo Ri-ah, won't you trust Oppa? Please, I don't want anything to happen to you," he begged, looking as if he was ready to kneel on the floor.

"..." Yeo Ri pursed her lips in dissatisfaction. 

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They had been walking in the park after having a meal at a nearby restaurant when an idea struck in Yeo Ri's head. She was curious; what did Gun look like when he's working? Thus, in order to satisfy her curiosity, she asked to accompany Gun to his workplace later. He had a late shift which usually started at around 6 p.m., and it was right around the corner.

However, Gun did not relent to her request. It would be fine if it was during midday, but he worked the evening-to-night shift. It was a dangerous time for a minor like Yeo Ri to be out and about. On top of that, a lot of students and adults who had just gotten off from work frequented the joint, and ten out of ten times, they would end up ordering alcohol and getting drunk.

Suffice to say, Gun merely did not want to expose his precious baby sister to that kind of raucous environment. 

Despite his many worries, Yeo Ri continued to insist. 

Gun had no choice but to harden his heart. He assumed a stern expression, "Yeo Ri, Oppa is telling you that you can't go. You're being selfish right now."

"...!" Yeo Ri's breath hitched. She lowered her eyes and bit her lips, looking highly aggrieved. Her eyes became even glassier as her lips curved downwards.

Gun regretted his words as soon as he saw her face. 

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"N-no, Yeo Ri-ah, Oppa was wrong, don't cry...!" He tried to pat her arm, but she avoided him. He paled, a frantic feeling causing unrest in his chest. He felt as if he did something wrong, even though he was the one in the right.

"...I understand," Yeo Ri finally said after a long silence. "I'm just being a bother to you, aren't I, Oppa? Sorry... I'll be a good girl and wait for you at home." 

Yeo Ri flashed a teary smile at him before turning away. She had been living a smooth and unimpeded life lately that she had become such a brat. Gun was out here trying to keep her alive, and yet she still could not stop her habit of causing trouble. It was the same now as it had been back then. 

Yeo Ri mentally scolded herself. 'Why can't you ever change, you useless, dirty little thing?' Her demon whispered, 'Look, you made him angry. Why are you so bothersome?'

'Someone like you should have never even existed in the first place!' It hissed, 'Ugly sl*t!'

Seeing her distraught look, Gun's heart felt as if it was bleeding. How could he ever say such harsh words to his baby sister? After all that she had gone through, he firmly believed that she deserved everything in the world. Yet—here he was, denying her of his company. 

Thinking about how lonely she must have felt as she waited for his return every night, all alone at home, he caved in.

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"Y-Yeo Ri-ah, wait!" He reached for her arm, stopping her from walking away from him, and unceremoniously pulled her into his arms. "I'm sorry... Oppa is the one who's bad." He hugged her tightly. His brows were scrunched up. He looked as if he was afraid that she might disappear the moment he loosened his grip.

"Okay, I got it—you can come, but you have to promise Oppa one thing, okay?"

"Really?" Yeo Ri rubbed her face with the back of her hands, "What is it?"

"Promise me—don't go anywhere, just sit in one place, okay? Somewhere I can see you easily," he softly muttered, stroking the back of her head gently.


Yeo Ri rested her head against Gun's chest, a relieved smile playing on her face. Seeing the way he was acting, it was obvious that he did not hate her. The thought easily dispelled the darkness lingering in her mind.

And so, in order to please the little princess in his arms, Gun could only helplessly bring her along to work.

Unbeknownst to them, the onlookers who had been observing them since they walked by finally released their breaths, their mouths suppressing a sigh after the heart-pounding display of affection.

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