Angel Smile

Chapter 93

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The next day.

The Lee trio gathered at the entrance of their new apartment with their luggage.

Jin Goo had insisted on taking them there with his car, which the three accepted. They had things to carry and Hyuk's bike did not have much room. Together, with Hyuk riding his bike and leading the way, Jin Goo drove Yeo Ri and Gun to their new house.

"Thanks for letting us stay over for so long, Jin Goo," Hyuk says.

"Thank you, Jin Goo-oppa," Yeo Ri parroted.

"Thank you, Hyung," Gun followed suit.

The two younger Lees bowed their heads gratefully to the man.

"Don't mention it," Jin Goo smiled.

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He sent a warning glare at Hyuk. The three were finally renting their own place, and he couldn't help but worry about the eldest and youngest of the Lee siblings. Living in a house together, all by themselves, who knew what would happen?

Hyuk avoided the glare, and instead held out his hand for a handshake.

"See you later, Hyuk," he says, accepting the handshake. He leaned in to whisper, "Don't do anything stupid, or else." Jin Goo narrowed his eyes.

"..." Hyuk rolled his eyes. Was he her brother, or was Jin Goo her brother? These days, it seemed as if their roles had switched.

If only that was true, he thought.

He was jealous of Jin Goo. The man was unrelated by blood to Yeo Ri, so if he wanted, he could romance her all he wants. Of course, as Yeo Ri's actual brother, Hyuk would not let him get close to Yeo Ri even if they were friends.

"You don't have to remind me," Hyuk mumbled in response.

Jin Goo patted his friend's shoulder, "I'm going now. Take care, Yeo Ri-ah. Gun, you too." He flashed a smile at the two, bidding his farewell.

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"Bye, Jin Goo-oppa," Yeo Ri returned his smile.

"Don't forget to invite us to your housewarming party soon, *sshole," he flashed a wicked grin to Hyuk as he got into his car.

"Go to hell, *sshole!" Hyuk replied, mirroring his grin. He was glad that Jin Goo was not treating him any differently despite finding out about his secret.

It was cold outside, so after seeing Jin Goo off, the three huddled inside.

The landlord, upon noticing that his new tenants had finally moved in, immediately went over to greet them. Along with a couple of beddings and blankets, he made his daughter help him carry the heater that he planned to give as a housewarming present for the new tenants.

He knocked on the door, a bright smile plastered on his face.

"Coming~" Yeo Ri, noticing the knock, quickly got up from her task of sorting out their belongings and opened the door.


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The landlord and his daughter was not expecting a girl to come out and greet them, so they were surprised.

The landlord quickly recovered his expression. Smilingly, he introduced himself. "I am this building's owner, Shim Yong Pil. You can call me Uncle Shim. This is my daughter, Shim Yu Mi." He sent her a friendly smile, as if tacitly implying that he meant no harm. "And you are...?"

Yeo Ri was also surprised that the landlord himself would personally come out and greet them. After a brief pause, she returned his smile, "Ah, yes. Hello, Uncle."

Seeing that they were carrying so much stuff, she invited them inside.

"Oppa, the landlord is here," she informed, looking at Hyuk who was lying on the couch left by the previous tenant. He abruptly got up.

Gun also stood up from his spot. He bowed down to greet Shim Yong Pil, "Hello."

Shim Yong Pil scanned the trio curiously. When they were signing the contract, he had not known that Hyuk would be living here with two other people. But of course, as long as they paid rent on time and didn't cause any trouble, he was fine with it.

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"Since all of you moved in so quickly, I assume that you don't have any beds. I brought some beddings and blankets, and a heater as well. It's old, but it's still going strong," Shim Yong Pil says.

"Thank you very much," Gun moved to take the heater from Shim Yu Mi. The landlord was so kind to lend them so many things, and he was immensely grateful.

Shim Yu Mi stared at Gun dazedly. 'So good-looking!' She exclaimed in her mind. When her dad made her help him carry the heater, she was not expecting to meet a hunk, so she was dressed in a simple shirt and sweatpants with her hair still messy.

She snapped out of her daze, smiling shyly, "It's our pleasure." She combed her hair with her fingers, hoping to make herself somewhat more presentable.

"So, I never caught your names," Shim Yong Pil asked as he set down the bundles of thick blankets he was holding.

Gun bobbed his head politely, "I'm sure you've already met my older brother, Lee Hyuk. I am Lee Gun, and this is our little sister, Lee Yeo Ri."

Yeo Ri also bowed slightly as Gun introduced her.

"I see! It's nice to meet you two, Student Lee Gun, Student Lee Yeo Ri." Shim Yong Pil laughed. He was relieved that they were siblings. Although he found it strange that the three were living together, it was not his place to ask. Perhaps they had some sort of circumstances that forced them to live away from their parents, but perhaps they didn't. He wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, especially since they looked like good kids.

"I'm sure all of you are tired, so we'll excuse ourselves. If there's any problems, please don't hesitate to come to me," says Shim Yong Pil as he bade goodbye. He lived in the building next door, so if they needed anything, they could just come and knock.

Yeo Ri saw the Shim duo off at the door, bowing as she thanked them again.

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