“Chapter 120: Looking for a Room in Bay Road 2”

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– So, I’d love it if you can guide us through the process.


– Sure thing. Coming to me for help was the right choice.


The four of us ate breakfast and I gave Ever enough food to go back to the castle. After that, we went to Rudra to ask for some guidance.


– Feria and I can put our names for you, but if you want to take a look around, wouldn’t Meirir be more helpful?


– I’ve asked her already. She said no.


Meirir has, once again, been avoiding me since we came back from the demon world.


It might have something to do with the fact that Mumuruu is glued to my arm all day long.


Well, that, and all the other women that are constantly surrounding me.


There are a lot of things I want to tell her, so I better fix our relationship soon.

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– *Sigh* That idiot… Alright, I’ll go with you. Wait outside until I’m done, I’ll have to leave Roar some work.


By the way, while I was in the demon world, Roar replaced Feria as the vice-president of the guild, but apparently, he was doing such a good job that he was promoted to substitute president. Something he wasn’t very happy about.




Mumuruu, Mike, Rudra and I headed to meet an intermediary that Rudra is acquaintanced with.


A lot of people have been moving to Bay Road lately. Probably because it’s close to the sea, probably because it’s such a lively place.


With that in mind, I’m glad Rudra is with us. We might get scammed otherwise.


– Anything specific you’re looking for? (Intermediary)


– Hmm…


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I’d like to have a room for myself. I need some private space.


But then I’d have to worry about money.


The currency in this world is called Serch (S). I get paid about 70,000S a month.


Currently I don’t have to pay rent since I live in the guild, but most of my monthly income is spent on food.


Not my food, by the way. Mumuruu and Mike eat way too much.


– This is out of my scope, for sure.


This apartment has a shared living room, a kitchen, and a room for the three of us.


It’s already out of my budget. By a lot.


100,000S. Not a delusional price, but not enough for me.


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Maybe if business at the guild takes off, but until then…


– Takaya, do you need me to get a job? (Mumuruu)


– Thanks, but you don’t have to.


As happy as I am that she’s willing to help, I’m the one that wanted to bring them along.


– Hm? What is this?


One of the places caught my attention.


It’s close to the lower neighborhoods, but it’s only 10,000S.


– Uhh, I wouldn’t recommend that place. (Rudra)


– But it has everything we want. And it’s cheap.

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– Weird things happen there.


– Ah…


“Weird things”.


I know very well what that means.


– Master, why is your face pale?


– Just having some flashbacks.


If it’s a ghost that I can communicate with like Mary it would be fine.


But if it’s a bunch of ghosts that write “W E L C O M E” with blood and try to scare me to death, that’s a bit of an issue.


– I can take care of that. (Mumuruu)

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