“Chapter 183: Beyond the Wall”

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I was granted permission to see the meteorite.


With some conditions, of course. I can’t touch it, I have to be accompanied at every moment by a member of Alta Naga royalty (in this case, Raviola), and I can’t act on my own.


I don’t really mind. I’m not planning on doing anything to the meteorite.




– I said you could see The Seventh, but this is…


– I’m sorry. They insisted.

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Behind me were Rudra, Feria, Ergeet, and Erieet. Meirir wanted to come too but she’s taking care of Mike. Dyke and Roar are at home.


– Raviola-sama, it’s our fault. We wanted to see the meteorite too. (Rudra)


– And at what point did I ever say you could? When?


The main body is known as the Rainbow Rock because of its shimmering colorful lights.


Elves have a sweet spot for pretty-looking things, so it’s no surprise that it caught Feria’s interest.


– You two are Takaya’s guardians, right? I guess one or two more people won’t be a problem. What are you pair of idiots doing here? (Raviola)

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– Weeeellll~ We like sparkly things! Right? (Ergeet)


– Yeah! We were thinking maybe we could borrow a little bit of the meteorite~ Ravi, why are you pointing your sword at us? (Erieet)


Theft of Seventh is a felony, even if just a speck. But I’m sure they know that.


I hope they come with us. The more people the better.


– Septe, could you please watch over these four? I’ll take responsibility if anything happens.


– Understood.

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Septe took out a thin metal plate and carved some magic words on it.


– Here. You won’t be attacked with this.


– What? Attacked?


– Several traps are set inside the wall to attack those who don’t have the plates. (Septe)


– Which means… (Erieet)


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– Don’t do anything stupid. Am I clear? (Septe)


Raviola guided us through a small door.


On the other side was yet another wall made up of several layers of barriers. The doors were all locked with magic seals.


This is more like a fortress than a wall.


– We’re here.


After going through five different walls, we finally reached our destination.


Below me was a huge crater with the main body of The Seventh emanating an odd aura.

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