“Chapter 208: Meirir’s Home”

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– I’m sorry. I’ll make sure to give him a stern talk.


– It’s fine.


Meirir guided us to the common room in her house.


Behind her was his dad completely beaten up by his daughter.


– Uuu…


I’m sure he’s actually sorry for what he did, but he’s the one that caused this.


– Meirir-san, we’re not mad or anything. Can we please listen to what he has to say? We haven’t even introduced ourselves.


– Fine. If you say so. Come on, dad.


After Meirir took the cloth off of his dad’s mouth, his expression changed drastically.


– I will not allow a playboy like you to take my daughter! And I don’t need introductions. Go back right where you came fro-GWOH!?

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– Can you guys wait here? I’ll go throw him into the volcano.


– Hey! I don’t remember raising you like this!? W-Why are you looking at me like that?…


– Meirir is getting scary… (Mike)


– I think we could all tone it down a bit. (Takaya)


– I’m home~ Huh? Why are you tied up? Did you make Meirir mad again?


– Oooo~ Daddy looks like a bug! Hahaha!


– Sis, we’re back!


A woman that looked just like Meirir came in carrying sacks of food with her two kids.


– Are you Takaya-kun? I’m her mother, Meari. That’s my husband, Harold. Meirir sent us a letter saying that some amazing people from her workplace would be coming.


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– Mom!


As if it’s a completely normal occurrence, Meirir and Meari immediately untied the man wrapped with a bamboo mat.


– Hey hey, who are you?


The little boy and girl approached me.


– Tell him your name first. (Meari)


– I’m Lyld! (Boy)


– And I’m Myirin! (Girl)


– How polite. My name is Takaya.


What a lively pair.


So this is Meirir’s household…


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– Hi~ Who are you girls? (Myirin)


– …


Mike and Akane hid behind my back.


– I like these kids! Name’s Mumuruu. I’m a demon.


– Wooaah! A deemon!


– She has a tail and horns!


– Hehee~ You want them? You can touch them if you want to.


The kids don’t seem to be afraid of Mumuruu, and she seems to be enjoying herself.


– Hm? What is that you kids have on your cheeks? Did you get burnt? (Mumuruu)


– It’s something like a birthmark. Everyone born in this country has it somewhere in their body. (Meari)

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– It has an odd pattern… It looks like… A flame? (Takaya)


Lyld and Myirin had a birthmark that resembled a fireball on their right and left cheeks respectively.


– Wait, does that mean…?


– Does it mean… What? (Meirir)


Meirir’s face started turning red.


– Well…


– Her birthmark is in a bit of a dangerous place. (Meari)


– MOM!?


– Hahaha.


I think I’m better off not knowing.

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