“The Great Sage”

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– Hnngh… Ugh… Morn.


It’s the morning after the party.


I woke up in the storage room on the second floor of the guild.


We decided yesterday that I would stay here for now.


– Ughh… My head~


I still have a small painful throb in my head. I might’ve overdone it with the alcohol last night.


Meirir warned me about it but I guess we partied a bit too hard.


My body was limp, but it’s much different from the first time I got drunk.

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This time I had fun.


– I hope we can do it again someday.


Or so I think.


Most of my memories are still blurry. I only remember laughing so hard that my throat hurt.


I remember Mitta and Meirir left me and started arguing over who could get the drunkest first. I remember Dike and Roar encouraging them. And I remember Rudra being tied half-naked and Feria laughing at him with a bottle of wine in her hand.


Everyone there was a drunk mess.


I laughed out loud thinking about it.


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I don’t remember the last time I was this exhausted.


This would’ve never happened in my previous world. I was always the one to watch people from afar and make fun of them. Always on guard.


But now, I was on the other side. And I liked it.


– Ah, you’re awake. Took your sweet time, huh? Did you have a nice dream?


I heard someone calling for me as if it was already worktime.


My field of view became clear after rubbing my eyes.


– Hm, I see. After hearing about you from Rudra I was wondering what you looked like. You’re pretty cute.


– Uh…


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– Hm? What’s wrong?


– Uhh… To whom do I owe the pleasure?


In front of me was a young woman wearing a flashy robe.


Her hair was a clear blue reminiscent of the beautiful sea. Her eyes had a glittering and daunting purple color, and she was holding a large wand. Would it not be for the vibrant colors all over her she would be the walking definition of a wizard.


At some point, I realized I was staring at her voluptuous chest, so I looked away embarrassed.


– Ah, sorry. I guess names are important, right, my disciple?


– Excuse me? Your what?


I asked the wizard in return, dumbfounded.

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From what she’s telling me I can infer that Rudra talked to her about me and then she wanted to come to see me in person. But…


– When you say “disciple”… What?


– Exactly what you think. Takaya, you’re now my pupil. You will come with me and work at my mansion. I’m not as nice as Rudra, so get ready. My name is Ever.


She extended her hand and I just kept looking at it.


I thought I would stay with Meirir and the others and go on adventures…


I thought my talents would flourish after countless experiences…


But it seems like the guild has another perspective on how I should develop my skills.


I have a lot of questions for Rudra.

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