“The Sage’s Palace”

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Once the light dissipated, I found myself in a completely different world.


I was standing on top of a mountain. Under the fenced-off cliff was an endless sight of green.


The sea was a different sort of a beautiful blue.


– Surprised? Well, it’s the top of a mountain. Unexplored sights, unexplored ecosystems.


– Uh, how far are we from home?


– Hmm, I always use teleportation magic, so I don’t really have a concept of distance. If you tried to go back using any means of transportation, it would probably take you about a hundred days.


One thing is clear: I would NOT be able to escape from here if I wanted to.

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For now, let’s see what Ever has in store for me.


– Well, now that you understood that this place is basically a prison, let’s go to my palace. The house of the Sage of the Forest.


Ever pointed at a palace so big that it could easily be mistaken as a fortress.


– Ah, by the way, there are no maids or butlers or anything here. There are countless rooms, just pick one and settle in. They all have furniture already.


With such a big place might come some inconveniences, but I’m sure this is a good place to live in.


Or so I thought.


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– Uhh… What?


I was welcomed with a screen of white smoke.


– *Cough* G-Grandmaster, is this… dust?


– Hm? Ah, yes. As I said, we don’t have any cleaning personnel. I might be a Sage, but I’m not good at cleaning. I was looking for someone that could help me in that regard.


Ever looked at me and winked.


“I’m not teaching you for free. You’ll have to clean this whole mess in return” is basically what she’s saying.


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– Give and take. I get it. I don’t mind.


– It’s a deal then.


Ever threw me a mop and a bucket that she probably had ready at hand.


Am I really starting now?


– While under my roof, you follow my rules. Even if you don’t like them, you do not complain. Got that?


– What if I do?


– You will be punished. As to what that punishment will be…

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Ever licked her lips and started carefully observing my entire body.


I just so happened to remember this person is not very respectful of others’ boundaries.


– I will abide by any rules. I would rather you didn’t suck the youth out of me.


– Oh, come on, don’t be so boring. Just a little lick won’t hurt. Actually, before you start cleaning, let me take your virginity.




I ran away and started moping, fearing for my masculine parts.


I was worried about the training, but I’m starting to think I should be more worried about coming back home with a pure body.

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