“The Sage’s Forest”

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– Tsubakibaru-san, please wait for me!


I was desperately trying to keep up with Tsubakibaru


I might’ve gained more stamina, but I’m still a novice compared to her.


Still, she slowed her pace ever so slightly and used her sword to cut down tree branches along the way to ease my path.


According to Ever, Tsubakibaru has skills related to swords and some blacksmithing. Her paper tree must’ve looked way more different to mine.


She seems to be Level VI. As expected from the disciple of the Grandmaster.


– How pathetic. If you’re already complaining now, how do you expect to survive the rest of the training?


– I can’t really do anything about that… Also, how much more are you planning to walk?


Ever said to go deep into the forest, but I have no clue how big this forest is.

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– There are barely any usable ingredients around here. We’ll go to the next mountain.


Tsubakibaru explained our destination while looking at her map.


Apparently, there is another mountain similar to the palace’s where the ingredients we need grow naturally.


– There is a cave up ahead. I despise the idea, but we may rest there. In the meantime, we can work on the knife.


– How close are we to the cave?


– About 40 kilometers away. Close, right?


– Close, you say!?


She wants us to walk almost a full marathon!?


I already knew she wasn’t human, but rather than an elf, is she some kind of monster?

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Just as I was about to suggest a stop to refill water-


– …Hm?


Tsubakibaru stopped in place and her pointy ears twitched.


– Tsubakibaru-san, what’s wrong?


– Shh! Quiet.


She caught wind of something, but I can’t tell what it is.


The trees, the riverbed, the birds, everything is flowing as usual.


– …The forest is jittery.


– Is it? I can’t tell anything different.

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– Not here. Over there.


Tsubakibaru pointed to the place we were heading towards.


– So~ Is that place -dangerous-?


– Likely, yes. The creatures of the forest are making a ruckus. Could be them complaining about two strangers intruding in their forest, or could be…


Something other than us?


– It makes no difference. Our plan is still the same.


– Well, we could just talk to the Grandmaster and call this off.


– I refuse. There are always unexpected situations in life, and you have to learn to deal with them. I will send a letter her way just in case.


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Tsubakibaru used her fingers to whistle, and a white pigeon immediately flew to her side.


– This is a grosbeak. A carrier pigeon. It used to be my family’s familiar long ago. Grosbeak, take this letter to the Grandmaster in…


– Searat. An adventurers guild in Bay Road. She’s probably spending the night there.


– Understood. Searat.


Tsubakibaru tied the letter to the bird’s leg and sent it flying.


The pigeon elevated as silently as a ninja and then flew away at the speed of light.


– If we’re in danger, the Grandmaster will come to our rescue. For now, we shall focus on our training. Let’s get going. I want to reach our destination before sunset.


– Alright…


Filled with anxiety, I followed behind Tsubakibaru.


I was hoping her uneasiness was just her imagination, but my thoughts were drowned by the far-away roar of a beast.

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