“Irregular 2”

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I was astonished by Tsubakibaru’s expression of fear.


The wolf is probably wary of intruders in the forest.


It’s definitely a magic beast. But it’s not really that big, and it doesn’t seem to be hostile.


It just seems hungry.


I don’t think we need to be so careful, but Tsubakibaru hasn’t lowered her guard.


– Uuuuu…


The silver wolf slowly made its way to our campfire. The flames were blazing furiously but the beast showed no signs of fear.


– TAKAYA! Get ahold of yourself! Do you want to die!? Run away, now!


– Wait. It just seems hungry. Maybe it will leave if we give it some food.


– You fool! Do you not understand!? I told you I didn’t sense any magical beasts around, yet here is this wolf.


– So you weren’t able to sense it until we saw it? Is that how strong this thing is?

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Neither of them took their eyes off of the beast for even a second.


– I have been studying under the Grandmaster for years. My swordsmanship is second to none in my hometown. But even then, I stand no chance against this beast.


If Tsubakibaru, a Level VI swordsman, can’t stand her ground, we would probably need someone as strong as the Grandmaster.


That’s just how impressive this being is.


– How do you expect me to be able to run away from a beast like this?


– I already told you, I will gain some time.


Tsubakibaru drew in as much air as she could, and screamed




The air around her started vibrating.


I was frozen in place admiring her strength.


Her black tied up hair became undone, and it turned into an incandescent red

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– …A horn?


A small protrusion appeared in her forehead.


She’s less human than I thought.


– I know this is the first time you glance at this form of mine, but this is not the moment for explanations.


– Uuuuuu!!!


The beast became aware of Tsubakibaru’s new strength.


At any moment now, a battle could start.




– R-Right!


Tsubakibaru signalled me to run. I would’ve preferred to stay with her, but I’d be more of a burden.




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She took the initiative. The moment the beast focused on her I made a run for the exit.


The wolf was struck by an attack so fast someone like me couldn’t even see it.


– Uuu!!!


– Did I hit it!?


Tsubakibaru’s attack didn’t actually connect, as the wolf managed to dodge it at the very last second. It then retaliated and tackled her.


The disciple’s expression turned from confident to grim.


– You little…


Tsubakibaru tried to swing again, but the wolf caught the sword with its fangs.


It has an abnormal reaction speed and even fangs that can stop a blade!?


Tsubakibaru can barely stand her ground against it.


After only one attack, the wolf’s true strength was showing.


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– Gaaah!


The beast managed to fend off Tsubakibaru, and was now looking at me.


It’s probably very skilled at hunting down its prey.


– This is bad. This is bad.


– Uuuuu…


With a single leap, the wolf’s fangs reached the back of my neck in an instant.




– Huh!?


I heard an uncharacteristic sound followed by a weird cloud of smoke surrounding me. I could feel something on my chest.


– …A girl!?


Dog ears, a yellow tail, and the body of a girl.


As if discovering Tsubakibaru’s strength wasn’t enough to leave me amazed, I now had a wolf turn into a girl right in front of me.

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