“The Helpful Servant”

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With the wolf girl Mike joining our group, we decided to resume our work.


It’s been one day since Akane’s familiar sent the message to the Grandmaster, but no reply yet. According to Akane, if we do get a reply, it should take at least a few more days.


Though something tells me we’re not getting a reply.


Basically, “The mission is still the same”.


So no change of plans.


– We should get started with the medicines. I feel like I’ve gained some experience already from treating Mike.


To increase my Level, I need experience. For a swordsman, that would be swinging their sword a thousand times, for example, or defeating a thousand magical beasts. For me, I have to mix ingredients as much as I can.


That’s how I have to develop my “tree”.


– Hey, Master.


By the way, Mike has been walking very close to me and tugging my sleeve.


– Yes?


– Do you need me to do anything?


Her tail was slowly wagging.


I’m glad she wants to be helpful in any way.

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– No, not for now. You’re still not fully recovered, so just focus on that for now.


– Muu…


I patted her head, but she appears dissatisfied.


– Don’t worry about me. I might not be at my best but I’m still better than the others around.


She’s right. She lives in the Sage’s Forest, and when she showed up, the rest of the beasts made sure to stay far away.


I’m sure they’re no match for Mike.


– I can’t really think of anything. Akane-san, what about you? What would the Grandmaster say?


I could have her gather ingredients, but this is my training, I should be the one doing it.


– Nothing. At all.


– Huh?


But Akane had an unexpected answer.


– Takaya, have you forgotten your duty? Your mission is not to collect ingredients, it’s to process them, and depending on the situation, produce them.


– But even I can do that.


– Drop the vanity. Of course, even someone like you can pick up a few plants. But what if you had to battle a beast to gather its remains? Or what if you had to collect something from the top of a cliff?

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– Well…


I can’t. I might’ve gained more strength, but I’m far away from being able to combat, endure a harsh environment, or use magic.


Which is why the Grandmaster sent Akane as my bodyguard.


– Master, I’ll work hard to make myself useful for you.


Mike surrounded herself in white light and transformed from a beast girl into the wolf we originally knew.


– Awooo!


She doesn’t seem to be able to speak while in wolf form, but she’s ready to obey any request.


– Come on, just order her something simple.


– Let’s see… Alright, Mike, there’s something I need you to fetch.


I showed her the ingredients of a potion.


The Double High Potion. Capable of restoring someone’s strength and magic power.


I need the skill “Double Processing”. I have to take an ingredient that has already been processed and re-do it.


I’m leaving Mike in charge of finding a Rensagoke, a rare ingredient for a Double Potion. There are very few places where they grow. It’d take ages if I had to find one by myself.


– Uuuu… Awooo!

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After staring at a drawing of the ingredient for a bit, Mike ran deep into the woods.


If she’s that healthy I don’t think we have to worry about her. Few magical beasts would be able to match her.


– We can leave that to her. Let’s go back to the cave. (Takaya)


– Right.


We still have to work on the knife. Akane has a lot to teach me about blacksmithing.


I’ve sharpened Akane’s swords before in the palace, but forging them is a completely different matter.


I’ll process the ore to make a knife exclusive to me, the way I want. Rather than processing, this is more weapon production.


I finished packing and got pumped up to start training.


– Gaaah!


I heard Mike’s growl from behind.


– Hm? What’s wrong Mike, did you forget something?


The Mike that I just sent in a mission came back.


She can easily track my smell, so finding me takes her no time.


I thought she was so excited that she forgot what I ordered her, but I was wrong. She had a plant on her mouth.

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– Huh? Is this a Rensagoke?


It hasn’t even been a minute since I sent her off. Actually, it hasn’t even been 30 seconds!


But there’s no doubt. That’s a Rensagoke.


– You found it already!?


– Wau…


Mike was waggling her tail.


Even if by any chance there happened to be one growing around here, that was still incredibly fast.


– Uhh, Thanks, Mike. Good… job?


– Kuuun~


I patted Mike’s head. Her tail wagged increasingly faster.


Akane was right. This does feel like I have a pet.


– Takaya… your pet might be more capable than I thought.


– I know…


We could only stare dumbfounded at Mike.

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