“Chapter 46: Approval”

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– Wha- #%!”&!%($!#$%#”(/$/”!%#”!?


– Mistress, please calm down. They can’t understand demon language.


– What are you talking about!? Hostage!?


Mumuruu is the most shocked out of all of us, but Letty’s face shows no signs of hesitation.


– So you’re saying we should look for someone else? It’s a miracle that we found the people of Searat. We can’t let this opportunity slip away.


– But I should be the one taking respons-


– I’ve already asked my subordinates to care for you once you’re back on duty. I’ve made all the necessary preparations.


They really meant it when Mumuruu said she was willing to pay any price. Letty knows her own price as a servant and as a weapon very well.


– …Why are you going so far? (Takaya)


– That’s just how we demons are. (Letty)


Letty answered confidently.


– For a demon, pride and honor can be more important than their own life. Even the tiniest mistake is unforgivable. Imagine what would happen if it was known that one of the most important demons broke her weapon due to being careless.


No one would respect a demon who’s constantly being made fun of.

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The demon world is divided into different areas. I’m sure there’s an issue of inequality among the areas.


The human world is already like that, so I can’t even imagine how bad it must be in the demon world.


– So you’re willing to sacrifice yourself? (Takaya)


– Ever since I became the mistress’ maid I was ready to throw away my dignity at any time she needed it.


She’s going as far as to give her own body in exchange.


As a demon, she might be pretty low ranked, but as a maid, she’s completely devoted to her master.


– So you’re bowing your head to a human?


– As much as I don’t want to, this is no time to be worrying about my pride.


Mumuruu can’t return to duty like this, everyone will notice immediately. We are humans, and none of us have contact with demons, so the information won’t leak from us.


Even if it’s not the same spear, she can just say she got a new one because it was better.


– Takaya, the choice is yours. You might be my apprentice, but that doesn’t mean you’re my puppet. Feel free to choose.


– Grandmaster, do you think I should do it?


– As you please. You won’t be able to do this easily, but if you can complete the task, the reward will be huge. They’re demons, so we can trust their word.

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– President, Vice-president…


I turned to Rudra and Feria.


– I don’t mind. We knew this would happen eventually, so we’ve been preparing for it for the 2 months that you were gone. (Rudra)


– You heard it. Also, once we get paid we can repay all the debts we have.


– Uhh…


They had the same opinion as the Grandmaster.


Actually, why are they acting like they know I’m going to accept?


I still haven’t said anything.


– You’re way too easy to read.


Akane sighed.


– You can never reject a cry for help. Even if you do, you’ll still care about what happens after. You’re just that kind of person.


– Master, you’re very simple. But I love you!


The best example of Akane’s words is waggling her tail right here.

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Exactly because I’m a caring person, Mike is alive and breathing.


– Heh, so you all knew from the beginning… (Takaya)


– Well, it’s decided then.


Mumuruu and Letty were anxiously awaiting my response.


I don’t want to see such anxiety.


– Understood. I will accept your reque- UWAH!?


Both of the demons hugged me firmly.


– THANK YOU! Thank you, Takaya! No, thank you, our deity!


– We demons don’t believe in deities, but you are surely godsent.


– Uhh, thank you, but could you please get off me?


They were demons, and they were Succubi alright. Their smell was making my brain lose any sense of control.


I don’t think I’ll ever understand how pressured they felt to fix the spear.


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– Takaya, sorry to ruin THE FUN, but are you sure you can do this? It’s way past your current skills.


Stressing “the fun”, Akane made an important remark.


She’s right, my current skills are around Level V, barely scratching Level VI.


– Wait, REALLY!? (Mumuruu)


– Yes. I was told I could *eventually* grow to Level IX. But I’m not actually Level IX yet.




Mumuruu’s cheerful expression turned grim.


– Calm down, please. No need to make that face. Even if I can’t process the materials necessary for a demonic spear, I can still repair this one.


– Hm? What do you mean? (Letty)


– Letty-san, do you know what is the most classic way to fix something?


Letty shook her head.


– If something is broken, just glue it together.


I turned to see my backpack.


More precisely, to see the Heaven Jewel we found during my training.

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