“Chapter 51: The Morning of the Reunion”

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Living at the Sage’s Palace, training, and then my first request.


It was tough, but I’m finally able to live a normal life at Bay Road.


– Takaya, please wake up. It’s time to work. (Letty)


– Ehh? Already? I lose track of time when I sleep the night at the workshop.


I woke up to see my personal workshop in the guild’s basement.


I looked at the workbench and saw the ingredients for a Double High Potion. I still had to make another 100 before the deadline, so I stayed up until late in the night.


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– I’m glad you’re so eager to work, but please take care of yourself. Here, have some black tea.


– Thanks, Letty.


– Come on, Mike, you too, wake up already. Stop using your master as a body pillow.


– Mmm~ Letty, you’re a meanie sister-in-law~


– Where did you even learn that? Let me guess, was it Mitta?


Mumuruu went back to the demon world and Letty stayed here to work as my caretaker and Searat’s receptionist.


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She’s only been employed for a few days but she’s already excelling at her job. That, and due to her looks, she’s gained quite the popularity among the guild.


I’ve spent most of my time down here in the workshop, so I can’t really tell the difference, but from what Mitta has told me, the number of visitors increases exponentially when Letty is on the counter.


– Come on, Mike. We have to go to the Grandmaster’s today to look for ingredients.


– To Akane’s? Okay~


After I fixed the spear, Ever and Akane went back to the Sage’s Palace. There are ingredients I need that I can only get in the forest.


It’s a give and take. I get to use Ever’s teleportation magic to go to the forest, and in exchange, I swing by the castle to do the housework. If I left it to those two the palace would be in ruins in no time.


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By the way, we still haven’t received the full payment for fixing the spear, but Letty is working to make it happen.


– Takaya, what’s the plan for today? You’re almost done with the orders.


– I was planning on doing something different.


– By different you mean?


I finished drinking the tea and stood up.


– Well, this is an adventurers guild. It’s nice to go out every now and then.


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It’s the one thing I haven’t done.


– Letty, can you deliver a message to Meirir, Dike, and Roar?


– Of course. What would you like me to tell them?


– Hmm~


I kept thinking.


– Maybe… “Let’s go on an adventure!”


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