“Chapter 57: Again 3”

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Shunichi Suetsugu.


He might be the person Takaya feared the most when he changed classes.


Suetsugu was constantly on the lookout for new targets. His previous toys would often disappear or break.


“Is there no one else?” he wondered.


Anyone that could turn around the boredom of his daily life. And one day, such a person showed up.


– Uh. Uhh, I’m… Nagami… Takaya


Just by his name and his weak voice, Suetsugu knew.


Out of all his toys, this is the one that would break the fastest.


But it doesn’t matter.


If it breaks, he just has to look for a new one.


Suetsugu was blessed with a great physique which he used to threaten Takaya. He would ask him to do humiliating stuff, like taking off his clothes in front of the girls.


But he didn’t break.


Shunichi would constantly kick him, or rip his clothes off, but he still wouldn’t miss a day of school.


He already had the eyes of a dead fish. “How has he not broken yet?”. He would always come back.


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How much longer would he last?


Suetsugu’s interest began to rise to dangerous levels.


And then, the class was involved in an accident that sent them to another world.


× ×


– I couldn’t go all out at school. But I can freely be myself here.


– Kh…


Shunichi kicked me so hard in the face I was sent flying.


My vision was blurry, but I could see Shunichi’s smirk.


– You know, I didn’t want to kick you out, Nagami. You were a great toy to kill time. But I finally found you again!


– Gweh…


He kept kicking me on the stomach with incredible strength. His body grew even sturdier since coming to this world.


– I thought you were already dead. We were barely able to survive in a hostile environment. I assumed you were being digested by a magical beast or something. Luck is the only thing you have going for you, huh?


– … I found good people. Not like you b̲a̲s̲t̲a̲r̲d̲s̲. If you can even be called people.


I raised my head and stared deep into Suetsugu.


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Shunichi grabbed me by the hair and slammed me on the ground with all his might.


– Don’t get too excited just because you got all cuddly with the natives. All you do is mess around with weapons and food. Some of us have been battling on the front lines!


I was pushed against the hard wall and beaten harshly with my own freehand. Blood started pouring from my mouth and several of my teeth were broken.


– Hah… Haha… You guys are so stupid.


But not even this will break me.


Suetsugu’s expression turned into a twisted scorn, same as the rest of my classmates who had been watching for a while.


I’m not the same Nagami Takaya that would endure this without saying anything back.


– You call yourselves a party? A real party would help each member when they need it. There are those who can fight, those who can use magic, and those who can only look from afar. They’re all equally important.


This is something I realized during my time in this world.


Everyone in Searat has things they can and can’t do. Whenever they’re in trouble, they complement each other.


They’re doing the best they can with whatever the world gave them.


They’ve never once told me “You can do anything if you try hard enough”, their mindset is “Let’s try our best!”


– “Mess around with weapons and food”? Haha… And yet your leader had to bow down to me. How pathetic is that?


Everyone sank into silence.

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That’s what you get for cutting me off.


You deserve the worst.


– COME ON, SUETSUGU. WHAT’S WRONG!? I’m still conscious! You wanted to break me, right!? Is that all you got!?


At that moment, I felt an indescribable pain in my arm.


– Don’t talk to me like that, you little s̲h̲i̲t̲.


Silver was piercing my arm.


Suetsugu was staring directly into my eyes.




– Agh… GWAH!


Shunichi kept stabbing both my arms using Silver.


The fact that he had no idea how to use a knife only made the cuts worse.


– Hey, Shunichi, that’s enough. Our healers can’t fix him if he’s dead. (Akito)


– SHUT UP. Stay out of this, you goody two shoes.


Suetsugu shook the class president off.

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– I couldn’t care less if he dies! When a toy doesn’t work anymore you throw them away!


Engulfed by his rage, Suetsugu threw away Silver and grabbed his signature axe.


– I’ll break your bones one by one. And then I’ll take your head.


Even Akito can’t stop him. This might be it for me.


– BEG. BEG FOR YOUR LIFE. All the girls are watching, just like old times. Say the line! “Please spare my worthless life”.


He pressed the axe against my neck.


I guess this is as far as I’ll get.


– You’re the one that’ll need to be spared.


I laughed with one last bluff.


– Are those your last words? So be it. Until never, Nagami.


Mentally broken, Suetsugu raised his axe.


The image of my friends flashed before my eyes.




Everyone stopped in place as the howl of a beast reached our ears.

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