“Chapter 66: The Bawling of the Shimmering Succubus Leader 2”

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– Heheh, no one suspects a thing.


Mumuruu was relaxing in her private room in the Northwest region.


She was looking at the Trident of Darkness, the spear that should’ve lost its power.


– It doesn’t even look like it was fixed.


Mumuruu tried using the spear after coming back to the demon world, and it worked just fine.


On her first day back, she showed all her subordinates her astonishing powers coming from the famous demon spear that has been handed down through generations.


Though, in reality, it was only 70% of the power it had before it broke.


– Whew, I really owe him.


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She recalled the face of the boy that saved her.


Mumuruu thought all humans were just war commanders or sages. They would scream off the top of their lungs about wanting to kill their enemies.


But Takaya was different.


Unreliable strength, questionable appearance, and a docile personality.


But his strong points were his caring personality and his impressive talent.


He didn’t even turn her down after learning she was a demon. Takaya drastically changed Mumuruu’s perspective on humans.


– I wonder what he’s up to…


Mumuruu sighed while holding the spear.


It’s the first time she’s ever felt this way.


Of course, she was biased since he saved her.

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And then she realized.


Letty is a Succubi. And she had the chance to be in bed with Takaya.


– Ahh, what am I even thinking about…


Mumuruu plunged face down onto her bed.


She’s a demon. One of the Four Fiendish Guardians, no less.


As relatively young as she was, it was about time for her to find a demon partner.


Letty caught wind that such conversation had reached Mumuruu’s parents.


Of course, Mumuruu understands the reasoning. Preserving the lineage, marrying to a powerful family, et cetera.


That’s how it’s always been.


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As lazy as Mumuruu was, she wasn’t planning on deviating from the path.


But now a new road had appeared.


The destination was hazy, and it could lead to an abyss.


But she was willing to walk it.


– I don’t want to snatch him from Letty though.


Letty has always been her best friend. They’ve gone through so many problems together.


So she felt really conflicted when it came to *him*.


But she’s a demon. If she wants him, she has to make the run for him.


That’s just how demons are.


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– AAHH, whatever. I’ll take a nap. I have things to do but I can postpone them for another week.


Mumuruu shook her head to get rid of the intrusive thoughts and got up from the bed.


– I don’t mind you procrastinating. It’s late at night, after all. But, daughter, throwing away 7 whole days?


– Uh.


Another voice resounded within the room.


A face similar to Mumuruu but much more mature, wings the size of an adult bat, and horns similar to a ram.


– D-Dear Mother!?


– Mumuruu, show me that spear right now.


– !?


Mumuruu could feel a chill running down her spine.

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