“Chapter 71: To the Demon World 3”

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– You? (Takaya)


– What? Stop making that face. It’s better than going alone.


– I guess…


I know Ever and Feria used to be friends. Maybe she knows how to fight too?


But, along with Rudra, they’re the only people in charge of administrative duties.


How will the guild survive if she’s not here?


– Takaya, are you thinking about the business? (Rudra)


– Well, yes. Feria feels like the backbone of the guild. Also, isn’t she your…


Rudra’s knuckles cracked my head.


– Idiot. You’re allowed to be selfish. Besides, Feria and I aren’t little kids like you and Meirir.


– W-Why did you mention Meirir-san?


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– Let’s leave that topic there. Ever, are you okay with me accompanying Takaya?


– Yeah, that’s fine. I’ll leave him in your charge.


– Got it. I won’t disappoint you.


And so it was decided. Feria would be my escort.


Mumuruu, Letty, Feria, and me.


An odd team for sure.


By the way, Roar was appointed as a substitute for Feria.


I should restock on medicine before leaving.


× × ×


I had to make preparations and finish up all the remaining work I had.


The morning after, I met up with everyone.


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– Master…


– Mike, don’t cry. You have to be strong and protect the Grandmaster. Got it?


– B-But…


– I’ll be fine. Make sure you do your job correctly.


– Is that an order?


– Uh, well… It’s just a request. I know you don’t want to do it.


I patted Mike to reassure her.


It’s only natural that it’s taking so long to convince her.


She feels the most responsible for the incident with my classmates. Had she been there with me none of it would’ve happened.


– Ok. I’ll follow your orders. I’ll protect Ever.


– Thank you.


I lightly kissed Mike’s cheek to lighten her mood.

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– ᴵ ʷᶦˢʰ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʷᵃˢ ᵐᵉ (Meirir)


– Hm? What was that?


– UH, NOTHING. I didn’t say anything! Haha!


Meirir also wanted to come with me, but she recognized that her skills might not have been enough to help me in a dangerous situation.


– We’re ready to go. Where’s pointy ears? (Mumuruu)


– She said she had to arrange some things with the guild’s president, but she’s certainly taking her time. (Letty)


– I’m here! Sorry for being late!


An out of breath Feria came in from the back door.


She’s wearing a silver breastplate on top of her green clothes along with a bow bigger than her.


– It’s weird for you to be late (Takaya)


– Sorry. Rudra was being a bit rough.

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– …Rough? (Takaya)


– N-N-N-NEVERMIND. Anyways! Let’s get down to business already!


Feria fixed her disheveled clothes while walking towards the portal Mumuruu made for us.


– Ah, to be so luscious and energetic. (Letty)


– What do you mean? (Takaya)


– Don’t worry about it. Just talking to myself. Shall we go?


Letty and I walked towards the portal.


– Takaya, if anything happens, send me a letter. Your enemies are my enemies.


– Thank you, Grandmaster.


– Good luck, disciple.


Feeling the touch of Ever’s lips on my forehead, my body was engulfed by the light of Mumuruu’s portal.

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