“Chapter 74: Encounter 2”

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– Tch, that was fast. (Mumuruu)


A group of red demons from the southwest region surrounded us.


As opposed to Succubi, which look very similar to humans, the Red Demons look more like magical beasts.


Their skin is completely red, their bodies are double the size of any of us, and their limbs look like large wooden logs.


– Pieces of trash. What doing here?


– You don’t need to go out of your way to talk like an uncivilized human. We already know you’re not the brightest of the bunch among the demon races.


Letty wasn’t trying to hide any of her repulsion.


– We hear you two speaking like human. So we too.


I can’t see very well what’s going on, but they don’t seem to have noticed Feria and me.

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In that case, the move would be to wait for them to get bored and then walk away.


– How about go back to question. Why you here? You territory here not.


– You guys are probably the lowest of ranks. We have no need to tell you our business. Go back to arm wrestling with each other all day or whatever it is you Red Demons do.


But one of us didn’t think about de-escalating the situation.


– What you say!?


– You like to boast about your strength, right? Come on, shoo, go play king of the hill or something.


The Red Demons were growing increasingly upset, as was Letty, who couldn’t stop retaliating after her pride was hurt by the phrase “Demon garbage”.


– You  s̲h̲i̲t̲. Watch you mouth!


– Don’t make us tear limb apart.

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I’m getting more and more nervous with each second. Even if I’m just hiding behind Mumuruu.


Instead of trying to calm Letty down, Mumuruu was simply looking at the situation.


– Mistress, do I have permission? I cannot stand such humiliation towards the Succubi.


– What do you plan on doing with our “luggage”?


– You may take care of it. I can deal with this by myself.


I felt the weight of another person. Perhaps it was Letty stealthily putting Feria on my back.


I wanted to tell Letty to stop, but we weren’t in a situation where I could simply reveal myself and talk.


– Hold it. (???)


One of the demons at the back was controlling a pack of animals that were about to jump on Letty.

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Slowly, a demon with armor and a black sword with a black blade emerged from the group.


His speech was way more fluent than the others’.


– Bad, bad. Don’t underestimate subordinates, Succubi. How about you go your own way and we forget about this?


– Are you the leader of this bunch?


– Yes. Name… don’t matter. I’m not important.


As opposed to the others, this demon seems to know how to resolve problems without fighting.


This might be our chance.


– We went to the human world and when we came back we landed here. That’s it. (Mumuruu)


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– I see. No other reason for Succubi here. Right?


– Of course. Things just got a bit heated. Come on, Letty, say sorry.


– Apologies.


Mumuruu forcefully lowered Letty’s head.


Even if Letty has a different opinion on the matter, she has to remain silent.


– Very good. We return to our patrolling. No one see anything today.


The knight demon slowly walked away followed by his subordinates.


Relieved that we avoided confrontation, I took a deep breath.


But that was a mistake.


– A-Achoo!

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