“Chapter 78: Azaasha 2”

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I entered Azaasha’s private room.


Not that I had a choice. My head would fly off if I refused.


– Sit down. Even if you’re a human I should have the decency of offering you tea. Lemy, Yamy.


– Understood. (L/Y)


The two maids left the room.


How nice would it be if they had been ordered to take me back to the human world.

– H-H-H-Hhoooohoooo


I thought the trident had landed directly on Mumuruu’s cranium but she barely managed to catch it with her teeth.


– How much longer are you planning to blabber on, Mumuruu? Come here already.


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Azaasha pointed to the sofa next to hers.


– Uhh…


Mumuruu glanced at the sofa next to mine.


She probably wanted to sit next to me, but disobeying her mother would be kind of a bad idea.


The previous Shimmering Succubus Leader and the current Shimmering Succubus Leader. Both sitting in front of me.


– Let us wait until the tea arrives.


– S-Sure.


The first thing that comes to mind when I see Azaasha: She’s huge.


I’m obviously not talking about her breasts. Well, those are big too. But she’s huge in general.


Her presence is so different from Mumuruu’s.

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The easiest way to tell the difference is her horns and wings. Compared to Mumuruu’s, Azaasha’s look like a dragon’s.


– “She’s more of a Succubi than her daughter”, is what you’re thinking. Correct?


– W-What? No, no!


It’s exactly what I was thinking.


How did she read my mind so accurately?


I can see why Mumuruu told her about me so quickly.


– Are you wondering why I left my job to my daughter even though I’m still strong?


– Uh, yes, actually. Any human would be able to tell the difference in your strengths.


Azaasha grabbed Mumuruu’s head and slammed it against the now nonexistent table.


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– Just as you say, my daughter is leagues weaker than me. She’s definitely not the strongest of the guardians. But her talent and her chemistry with the Trident of Darkness make up for her weaknesses.


– I see.


– Mumuruu is the only demon that can properly handle that spear. Without it, she can’t even control her powers, but with the spear, she might even be the strongest one of the Four Fiendish Guardians.


Azaasha grabbed Mumuruu from the horns and pulled her up.


– And now THIS BRAT BROKE THE SPEAR, WHICH I VALUE MORE THAN MY OWN LIFE. As if that wasn’t enough, she asked A HUMAN to fix it.


– A-Apologies, Dear Mother, but-


– BUT WHAT? Come on kid, say it.


Mumuruu started moaning from the pain of her mother’s grip on her horns.


– Azaasha-sama, you might be overdoing it a bit…


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I couldn’t take it anymore, I tried asking her to please stop.


– WHO do you think you’re talking to, human? Do you want to suffer like her? Or perhaps I should kill you right now?


– Kh…


Azaasha grabbed my neck with her free hand.


She’s not using any strength, but her claws could easily pierce my skin.


If she wanted to, she could kill me.


But there was something preventing her from doing it.


– Is this a proper way to behave towards your mother, Mumuruu?


– Take your hands off him, mom. I am not kidding.


Mumuruu was holding the trident on Azaasha’s throat.

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