“Chapter 92: Demon’s Bride 2”

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– An elf!? (Raigoh)


Feria must’ve taken advantage of the commotion to find a good offensive position.


– Howl and pierce through! Spiral wedge, Storm Helix!


All the arrows Feria shot were converging on Raigoh’s neck.


– NGUH!? (Raigoh)


Surprised by the sudden attack, Raigoh stretched his arm in an attempt to grab the arrows.


– Nice try. (Feria)


– Kh… (Raigoh)

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But the arrows dodged his grab and redirected their trajectory towards his throat.


– Letty, do something! (Feria)


– No need to say it twice. (Letty)


Imbued with dark magic, Letty jumped towards Raigoh.


– You insolent. (Raigoh)


– You barge into my mistress’ castle and start destroying everything… You’ll pay for this.


Letty punched Raigoh’s stomach with her enhanced strength, which caused him to fly off.


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– Mistress, what are you standing there for? Come on!


– …Alright!


Moved by Letty’s words, Mumuruu started charging the Trident of Darkness.


Bolts of light were forming on its tips.


– No hard feelings, Raigoh. But this is how it has to be. You’re going down. (Mumuruu)


– You lowly scum…


– Until never, Decapitator. I don’t want to see your horrible face ever again.


The lightning bolts pierced Raigoh’s heart.

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It was the perfect combination. Feria’s arrows perforated his neck and throat, Letty’s punch destroyed his defenses, and Mumuruu’s strike dealt the finishing blow.


– Huh, is that it? (Raigoh)


I thought he would be dead after all of that, but Raigoh’s face formed the most sinister smile.


– I guess it’s time to show you all how it’s done.


Raigoh sent the two demons and the elf flying with a shockwave of pure fighting spirit.


– Letty, Mumuruu, Feria!


They weren’t injured, but they were clearly looking defeated.


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Such a simple attack was even more powerful than everything we did.


– Mistress, are you sure you hit him?


– I wouldn’t be so surprised if I didn’t.


– My arrows landed on his vital spots. How can he still move?


– It must have something to do with his cursed sword. We all have our own special weapons. (Mumuruu)


– …We don’t have time to figure out how it works. (Takaya)


The Decapitator was standing in front of us, wounds completely healed.


– Aaah, it’s been a long time since I’ve played with Succubi. And now a human too. I’ll give you a taste of my sword, Daybreaker.

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